View Full Version : How is Kungfu better than karate?

01-04-2002, 11:20 AM
Really. When you have to fight for real what does kungfu have that karate or TKD does not?

JK Smith

01-04-2002, 11:24 AM
You have just asked us to compare hundereds of different methods interpreted uniquely by millions of people with hundreds of different methods interpreted uniquely by millions of people.

Where would you like to start?

01-04-2002, 11:25 AM
Jacki, that is sort of a hard question to answer, any intelligent martial artist would say that they are not. I do however have a personal opinion I can share with you. I took Karate for a few years, in a good school, with good instruction, but it wasnt for me, I like the subtleness of kung fu, specifically Wing Chun. They have different ideas they are buillt upon.
My only problem with Karate and TKD is that it seems, atleast around here most of the schools that exist are just belt factories, teaching more of a sport version, sort of watered down.
The key is to find first an art that suits you personally, and then a school that teaches what you want to learn.

01-04-2002, 11:26 AM
Start with the styles you do.


01-04-2002, 11:27 AM
I am not sure if my point was clear in my last post, basically, find what suits you and what works for you and go for it. Most styles are effective, but like tools, to be effective, the person using them needs to know how.

Former castleva
01-04-2002, 11:38 AM
All the arts do have their own weaknesses and strength.

01-04-2002, 11:41 AM
As shaolin boxer has stated you cannot compare .. to many variations, I will however explain what a lot of styles are missing!
the healing side of the art. I know many styles japanese, filippino, korean etc, that have no soft or internal side of their art. It is rare to find a true teacher nowadays who has knowledge of a system as a whole. Some becuse their system never had it some becuse their teacher never spent the time to learn it. As my shfu said that old masters were doctors many many years before they learned the martial aspect of their style, simply becuse it took twice as long. So I would say that as kung fu as a whole (not all ) but most have the healing aspects and the knowledge to coexsist with the fighting. something not hardly any non chinese systems have....

01-04-2002, 11:45 AM
As soon as you try to say one style has something another does not, someone will pop up with an example of how this is not true.

01-04-2002, 11:45 AM
After taking TKD for 9 years, I quit and started kung fu about 6 months ago. TKD isn't necassarily better than kung fu, but I discovered that kung fu fits my demands better. Although taekwondo techniques can be deadly (I have knocked someone out with a jumping cresent kick), they aren't made with practicality in mind. Whether traditional or olympic, tkd is all about high kicks to the head. Although this may work in the sparring ring, there is no rule on the street that says your attacker can't grab your leg, break your foot, then swing you into incoming traffic.
However, kung fu was made with real self defense in mind, some styles were actualy developed strictly for military purposes. Although some will say that the years have worn kung fu's effectiveness, I disagree.
If you want something that will give you a better chance of coming out alive of a real fight but are not interested in kung fu, join kickboxing. It will give you a feel of what it's like to be hit, and how it is to hit someone with full force. Granted, there are still some unrealistic rules, but it will fit right in with your karate/tkd background.

01-04-2002, 11:50 AM
As soon as you try to say one style has something another does not, someone will pop up with an example of how this is not true.

Also, karate and tkd are generally considered percussive styles, while kung fu has many other element specific stylizations.

So you are actually comparing a limited idea (karate or tkd, the arts of striking) to a general term used to encompase all martial arts.

The better question may be, when you have to fight for real what does kung fu have that budo does not?

The answers is nothing.

01-04-2002, 12:02 PM
Depends on the style of the Kung Fu and of the Karate.

By nature Karate is a hard, external style. Some Kung Fu styles are hard and external too, some are soft and internal, or a mix or these attributes.

You need to refine your question a little.

01-04-2002, 12:23 PM
"Karate" is not a exclusively hard external style, although it may be practiced that way.

Dark Knight
01-04-2002, 12:25 PM
TKD did intentionally take out a lot of information. Its forms are from Shotokan, and they have left the meanings out of them. But TKD is sport orientated and was designed that way.

Karate is heavily influenced by Kung Fu styles, there are KF forms in some Karate styles. The indepth breakdown of the Karate forms gets into chi and pressure point fighting with meridians. (See George Dillman)

There are soft styles of Karate and Hard styles. (Goju)

Here in the US many schools have gone to sport and gotten away from the knowledge in the art. But with everyone looking to be a "Soke" you lose info as time goes by.

01-04-2002, 12:32 PM
Anything you can get from kungfu you can also get in Karate. Health self defense etc.(now the internal guys will say how superior their principles are ugh) There are alot of variations between methods and strategies and that's where most people diagree and it turns into "we are higher level cause......or we are more realistic cause......." type arguements. All martial arts work towards the same purpose health, self defense, y'know longevity. I consider alot of the methods pretty equal across the board but some may be better in specific areas.

tsunami surfer
01-04-2002, 12:34 PM
Excelent posts. Jackie if you are trying to decide what you want to study you must decide that for yourself. When seeking a school your first priority should be a school that is concerned for your SAFETY first. Cant train if you are injured. Next are you learning for cometition or reality. And third are they just there to grab all your money or are they going to teach you something. Good luck in your quest.

01-04-2002, 12:38 PM
Dont like Karate in generall. I think its too stiff. Dont like their simple reverse punching either. To hard to miss with it. Thats my opinion.

01-04-2002, 12:54 PM
I used to get into this discussion alot and I was one of those kung fu is better than yada yada yada. You really can't make a legitimate argument either way. You like one or you don't. TKD, Karate, and Kung fu all are effective, it's just a matter of which you like best for your own reasons. If you find a good teacher of whatever style that you like, then you're learning the real stuff and you'll probably practice more if you enjoy it so it will be effective for you.

I don't like ED's argument about no soft or healing in the Okinawan or Korean stuff. I've been reading that old Westbrook and Oratti "Secrets of the Samurai's Power". It's a real good academic look at all Japanese martial arts and they attribute good martial skill to haragei development which would be like our chi kung. Also, the translated versions of the Bubishi have tons of stuff on herbal remedies and accupressure points and the like.

Anyway, do whatever you like for whatever reasons and enjoy. Just don't be one of those flavor of the month martial artists. Stick with one to learn it (over 5 years, your whole life)would be better and experiment a little with the others to satisfy your curiosity and to add a little variety to keep you fresh.

01-04-2002, 01:12 PM
MightB- All I can say about your post is- Me Too!

Kristopher- You said the key word "simple" that's what works most often in combat any good martial artist will tell you that reguardless of their style. Personally I don't get why people diss the reverse punch, it's the same as a cross in boxing. I think it's a good power punch, I have used it in a real fight and knocked the guy out with one shot(of course hitting the right spot helps).

I think it's funny how people say "karates to simple it's for kids" Just remeber the saying the old fear the strength of youth. I know it's a little out of context but somtime one of those "simpltons" might kick the crap out of you. It's happened to be before. Uderestimating people based on style is a mistake.

01-04-2002, 01:17 PM
Thanks so much for your replies!
I do Tae Kwon Do,I have just always wondered about Kungfu as well.

Thanks again:) :)

JK Smith

01-04-2002, 01:31 PM
I think that GOOD karatekas are interesting, alot of power. But i prefer Kung Fu, it is just as powerfull in another kind of way.

CD Lee
01-04-2002, 01:32 PM
Something I might offer...

Speaking of learning Kung Fu vs. Karate or TKD:

I am taking Xingyi, and the pace is very much slower, and allows one to understand all the concepts behind the motions. While this may sound a little silly, the movements we learn are all based on the ability to generate power with the core of our bodies. Having had some prior experience in TKD and JJ, I don't think Xinyi could be taught in an external manner due to the way the system works.

In other words, the punches simply would not work in my opinion without mastering the aspects of stance and movement of the body as a whole. Sounds like jibberish I know, but do this if you want to understand what I am trying to say; go look at a book on Hsing I, and tell me that those punches look like they would be easily effective. You could never learn an art like that from a book due to small details that you cannot really capture in pictures.

I like what I am learning, although I would learn something else if I just had to learn a system of moves quickly for some reason.

01-04-2002, 02:01 PM
a female shows up and asks a question, and all of a sudden you guys turn civil. so THAT'S what it takes! and all the while i've been thinking i needed to harass and insult you to get anything useful out of you.

Dark Knight
01-04-2002, 02:17 PM
TKD is an allright style. In the martial arts world it is one of the simpler styles, meaning not very indepth and not a lot of information. Thats the bad thing I see with TKD. I am a Black Belt in TKD (And other sytles) and have experience in it.

But TKD is not a bad style, I have met many good fighters in it, and its not how much you know but how well you know it.

The biggest lesson I learned from TKD is to get good at the techniques that will work for you. If you look at the NHB fighters they are not learning complete systems, they are learning what works for them.

I enjoy more complex systems because it is interesting to me. There are systems that are more street orientated than TKD, and a greater number of people can make the Kung Fu styles work for them because there is so much more there to draw from.

In most systems you train to your strenths, drawing what is effective for you. Most TKD schools try to mold you to what they do. For many this can work, but if you do not possess the strength, flexability and other assets TKD may not work for you.

If you are in TKD stay there until you get to your first Dan, then broaden yourself, you will have a base to start with and can grow in a more complex art from there.

01-04-2002, 02:19 PM
Ways that Kung-fu is better than Karate
1. Much prettier outfits. Bright silk rocks !
2. Very pretty and flowery forms
3. Has very little of that awfull yelling
4. You don't sweat nearly as much as karateka
5. Even really old people can do kung-fu
6. After 3 months you feel you are unbeatable in a fight
7. Doesn't do much of that sparring cr@p
8. Has own t.v. series
9. No time wasted on punching bags


01-04-2002, 02:43 PM
i kind of think of tkd and karate as children's arts. the parent tells you exactly what to do and you do what your told. there seems to be very little room for personalizing the movements.

in kf the goal is to make every strike, defence, and concept unique to you by molding it to your personality, body, and spirit (if you believe in it). you dont do things the way your teacher tells you, rather you follow his guide lines until you make it yours.

01-04-2002, 02:54 PM
that's actually another reason why allot of internal schools have you perform the movements slowly for a good while.

gives you the time to feel every part of yoru body through the entire movement. the results are actually pretty friggen amazing . .. not what i expected to say the least.

Dark Knight
01-04-2002, 02:57 PM
"i kind of think of tkd and karate as children's arts. the parent tells you exactly what to do and you do what your told. there seems to be very little room for personalizing the movements. "

You see that in TKD more than Karate styles. In most Karate styles you are encouraged to personalize it, and if you think about it that would be a continuation of what the origionator was doing.

01-04-2002, 03:05 PM
i figured as much about karate . ..

i have never seen a good karate guy, but from seeing all the crappy ones i can imagine what the style would look like in the hands of a good practicioner. seems like it would actually be pretty efective.

01-04-2002, 03:09 PM
I get the feeling that my kwoon train alot harder than most japanese styles out there. I believe that traditional kung fu training exercises are alot thougher than the japanese's... But that's just something I've seen lately.

Anyway, if u train the hardest you can, and really devote yourself then any art will do just fine.

01-04-2002, 05:02 PM
I think alot of people dont like Karate because they get told horror stories about it being bad for your health. Since theres no chi/heigung and its done in more of a way that could damage joints and bones. Also since Karate was taught more openly and in some cases information was held back purposely its more likely that you wont learn how to fight. I at one point wanted to learn Goju ryu (i still do) but because of all the crap schools out there i decided to go with Kung Fu. Added on to that, there are no legends about Grandmasters killing 20 men with his pinky finger while blindfolded and feet bounded. No stories about old men in their 80's defeating someone 20 years old which makes Kung Fu more appealing since you can use it in your old age and it gives you health. Added on to the that is the fact that it seems like simplified Kung Fu with only basic techniques. Wing Chun, Bak Mei, Xingyiquan etc are all praised for their simplicity which is known to win fights better than complex techniques but Karate is sh*tted on for doing the same thing. I'll admit when Karate had the -jutsu instead of the -do it was abit more complete and had all of the things Kung Fu has except alittle different. (Dim mak, Grappling, Internal excercises, Weapons.....) But that doesn't take away from it effectiveness. Just find the right teacher. Some even still practice it's Internal excercises, (Just dont know if their doing it properly)

01-04-2002, 06:13 PM
The reason kungfu is tons better than karate is because we have way cooler costumes. Seriously, we do. Karate and TDK have boring monochromatic gi's with tacky club patches all over them. Give me a break, take a beginner aesthetics class, ok? Oooh-aaaah, member of the International World Federation of Oingo Boingo Martial Posturing! - postcards from Snoresville. On the other hand, kungfu has everything from short shorts and t-shirts to super-elaborate silk peejays with flowing sashes, and let us not forget the whole Shaolin monk thang, that is hot hot hot this year, just check out KungFu Magazine's cover this month.

It's so simple, really. What a stupid question. Next.


old jong
01-04-2002, 07:22 PM
I agree with you completely!...I dont care if I win or lose...If it is done in style and not in some pijamas!
Ah! What women can teach to us, neanderthals.;)
Come in my cave with me ma belle Jasmine! :D

01-04-2002, 07:39 PM
C'mon 14 ounce black canvas is the bomb!

What the CMA guys have that JMA & KMA don't is Iron peni$ training, but unlike we who practice real martial arts like TKD, karate and Judo, they need it! :D

old jong
01-04-2002, 08:52 PM
:rolleyes: Now I understand why I get a little tense everytimes I do my siu lim tau!;)...That was the secret iron peni$ training! :)

Royal Dragon
01-05-2002, 12:25 AM
Ways that Kung-fu is better than Karate
1. Much prettier outfits. Bright silk rocks !
Agree, and don't forget we have "T" shirts and the girls get to wear shorts and halter tops in the summer!!!

2. Very pretty and flowery forms
Agree, but many of the traditional ones are pretty boring looking and damm hard to do over and over againg.

3. Has very little of that awfull yelling
YES!!! THANK GOD!!! All that yelling is just sully and embarasing, and makes the bad guys laugh at us!!!

4. You don't sweat nearly as much as karateka
HA!!! what a bunch of bull, you Karatikas would DIE with a traditional Kung Fu work out!!! I bet you could'nt even hold a correct horse stance for 3 minutes let alone the rest of the training.

5. Even really old people can do kung-fu
True, and they move prettty dammmm good too.

6. After 3 months you feel you are unbeatable in a fight
Not really, that's a Karate thing mostly.

7. Doesn't do much of that sparring cr@p
HA, what Kung Fu schools have you seen? Every form has martial applications for each move, and we drill those untill we die, then we free fight them untill they are so ingrained into our subconcious we could do them even practically knocked out or sleeping.

8. Has own t.v. series
VERY cool, but I think we could do better!!!

9. No time wasted on punching bags
Bull ****tt, bag work is essential to kung fu, it's even in the Shaolin's 72 consamate arts manual, and don't forget we have MUCH superior Iron Hand training, to the point that many "karate" schools are now useing "OUR" Iron Hand methods because "Thier's" ruin the hands and knuckles!!!

We also have far more sophisticated training and depth of knowledge and teach many ranges and stratigyes in each system including methodes for punching, Kicking, grapeling and throwing. Karate is mostly punching, Tae Kwon do is mostly Kicking, and you need Akido and Judo training all at once to get some coverage in all the basic venues. Then, it's a hodge podged method, we have it it all in one cohisive and complementery system where all 4 ranges are designed to work together and complement and enhance one another. We can start striking, move in close and jionty lock, throw, and strike you on the ground. If we get in toruble, we have built in escapes that are often setups for the kill. Karate seems to just be a straightline hit as hard as you can trade blows and hope you kill'em stratigy.

Plus, our training is easier on the joints and we have many more cool looking weapons to play with. Heck, ther is'nt anything Karate has that we don't, but there's alot "they" dont have that "we" do!!!

01-05-2002, 01:46 AM
We are overlooking one some of our most important assets.

1 We can easily strike Jet Li poses and impress the girls.

2 There are many more movies and storys about our exploits.

3 Sometimes if your lucky you get made a 'closed door diciple' and you can look down on [plus beat up] all your old training partners.

4 We actualy can throw chi balls we just dont do it in public or when anyones around as it violates our anicent codes.

5 We get the pleasure of learning things with cool names like 'Iron shirt' only to discover it just involves beating yourself up for hours on end. YAY! But look on the bright side at least you get dit dar to fix the bruises you create. Oh what a wonderfull world.

6 You can then partake in infighting with other linages of the same art for no reason other than bring shame to your ancestors.

7 We have weapons you cant even imagine... and techniques with them we cant even perform!

8 You get the pleasure of explaining why you do what you do over and over and over and over and over again.

9 We dance around in cool lion costumes to celebrate new years.

10 We can wear white silk suits and use the excuse were dressing like a kung fu man not a backstreet boy...

Im actualy a chinese martial artist [Hung Ga ] and proud of it...
Im just not above taking the micky out of it either:D

01-05-2002, 05:34 AM
I train WC and I love it but during the 70s a crowd of different MA from HK went to Japan for some serious fighting and they got there asses whipped. Some of the WC men actually got there arms broken from trying to block karate style round-house kicks with there arms!

But of course it is one thing to stand on a tatami and another to face of in a dark alley.....

Good, better, Me
01-05-2002, 09:19 AM

I'm gonna let it all out...

I hate karate, because it's so **** stiff. They don't do their techniques with any sort of relaxation, instead they waste their energy too much. Karate can be a very good art for selfdefence, if you can change it a bit for real life combat. but every karateka I've seen, are soooo proud of their system, and they tend to be real a-holes. Karate seems to make the practisioner very agressive also in real life! That's not a very good thing. Ofcourse, everybody loves their own art (me too), so someone will moarn about this comment.

And kungfu.... When people don't know anything about kungfu, they think it's like in the matrix etc. I saw a documentary on the history and development of kung fu, which had very many interviews of kung fu masters in China. They said that it's a shame that kung fu has changed more into a wushu type of fighting. "All those high jumps have nothing to do with the real kung fu of the old days". My personal opinion is this. Kung fu guys tend to overestimate their abilities, but are usually afraid of showing them. They say:"I'm still a beginner" allthought they have trained for 10 years. The forms are veeery beautiful, but in real life situation, that kind of training is not very helpfull. Ofcourse, almost anything can be used. I beginning to see why Bruce Lee always criticised the classical styles.

Taekwondo is the art for me. We practise almost nothing but kicks, and I like it. It's not street effective, but so what? It's a sport, but hell, it's very fun! If you people say that other then kung fu lacks the internal part, then you're wrong. My dojangs practisioners are all friends, and the people who I practise most with, are very good persons. What makes you say that kung fu trains the mind more then TKD? How do you train your mind, by doing forms? Anyway, taekwondo is still my fav. I also like the uniforms :p It's the rules that make the advantages and disadvantages of each art.

01-05-2002, 09:49 AM
"Some of the WC men actually got there arms broken from trying to block karate style round-house kicks with there arms! "

Serves them right. No self-respecting wingchunner would try to block anything that way. They clearly have NO understanding of basic beginner WC principles. You sure they were wing chun and not one of those JK*cough* other CMA styles?


Ahhhh, old jong my favorite woolly mammoth. Thank you for the lovely invite darling, but Mrs. jong tells me me you are currently not allowed to bring your little friends into the cave. Best to check with her first. And she says don't forget to wipe your paws before entering, no tracking muddy snow inside ;)

old jong
01-05-2002, 11:10 AM
Well,it's too bad .Some prehistoric style chi sau would have been nice!;)
Nice to see you around again Jas. :)

01-05-2002, 04:07 PM
I always thought of it as this.

Karate was developed by villagers in response to not being allowed to have weapons. Thus, they made weapons out of what they had....hands, feet, and farm implements.

Kung Fu developed over many thousand years in china as a method by which to train poeple for war. Yes, there were many(most?) who learned it for defense of a village or temple. But essential martial arts in china were honed by centuries of teaching people to wage war.

That and Kung fu gives you lots and lots of sharp pointy things (somtimes in pairs) and teaches you how to poke people with them. yay!

wushu chik
01-05-2002, 09:16 PM
I think you guys have pretty much covered it, but there are some you left out. From a female point of view:

1. Silk~ how many hard stylists can get away with wearing a purple pur silk uniform and NOT get points docked for it?? WE CAN WEAR IT BECAUSE IT'S A TRADITIONAL UNIFORM!! No matter what color.

2. We can throw fancy, high flying aereal kicks to impress the guys! And, the other styles CAN'T use the kicks in their forms (during competition) or they get points docked!! WOOO HOOO!!

3. THE FLEXIBILITY!! Now, how many other martial arts get you flexible enough to put your foot over your head and HOLD IT THERE?? (That will impress the guys too)

4. You aren't shameful for sweating, because the workouts kick your a$$, and everyone else is sweating as well!!

5. NO SCREAMING~ come on now.....that's just not cool when you are a female!!

6. The weapons~ There's nothing cooler (in my opinion) than the double hook swords, and females look good while using them too!! The Fan as well!! They just are more feminine weapons. What girl wants to throw around sais or tonfa's??

7. And last but not least~ ALL THE ASIAN GUYS YOU CAN CHECK OUT IN CLASS!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!! I guess that goes for every style, but they look REALLY REALLY good in Kung Fu Pants!!


01-05-2002, 09:26 PM
Sorry Jacki but this is a Kung Fu forum so us Karate lovers wont get any respect. I still think we could take all those Bruce Lee wannabees. :D ;)

David Jamieson
01-05-2002, 09:29 PM
well... it's not.

Kung fu is not "better" than Karate.

If you look at beginners in either, they are both just as rigid in their motion.

If you look at very advanced Karateka and advanced Kung Fu Practitioners, they are both fluid.

If you look at masters of either, you will see that the Karate Master will move in a more linear fashion while the Kung fu practitioner will move in more circular fashion, but they will both have power and fluidity and terrific ability.

The focus of training is different that's all.

I know Karateka that are very good and can whip many a kung Fu player, I also know Kung Fu players that can whip many a Karateka.

Point is, the person will develop within the framework.
The framework of Karate practice is as correct as the framework of Kung fu practice.

If it wasn't, it is unlikely that either art would have survived to current day and still be practiced by so many people in the hopes of achieving the peaks of each.

They both have tremendous value to humanity.

And so do plenty of other martial arts.


01-05-2002, 09:50 PM
Here are some of the many uses you will find for your kung fu training.

1 Now that you have studied tiger claw and have your fingers conditioned you will never need to ask someone else to open a jar again...

2 None of your friends are willing to mess with you becouse your constantly covered in cuts and bruises, so they realise you take punishment for fun.

3 Most women will automaticaly think your either nuts or never going to make a good living. On top of that they ask you to beat up there ex boyfriends:confused:

4 Most men will always think they can fight better anyway. Dispite having never trained let alone had an actual fight.

5 Due to your ability to stand in difficault positions for hours on end you never fall standing on trains.

6 Thanks to your new found moral high ground most of your friends will secretly think your a moron.

7 When you bump your toe on something hard you can now attack it with full force. For retribution...

8 You can really annoy peoples pets by constantly trying to overpower there large aggressive dog.

9 Your forearms get bigger than your bicepts. Making you look like you have bowling pins instead of forearms. Im sure this is very attractive to.

10 After six mouths you will know everything... Then after 5 years you will realise just how little that really was...

As for the whole Karate vs Kung Fu debate...
Ive seen kung fu that looks more like karate and karate that looks like kung fu:confused:
Maybe its just an easy way of saying...
Karate=Japanese style
Kung fu=Chinese style
Based on that its pretty darn hard to come to an accurate conclusion.

01-05-2002, 09:55 PM
In the end does it matter? I mean in a fight they both resort to kickboxing anyway!:D

01-06-2002, 01:06 AM
what makes karate better than kungfu?

01-06-2002, 07:12 PM
"what makes karate better than kungfu?"

1 You learn to count in Japanese.

2 You get to wear a cool coloured belt, then pretend it makes a difference when out on the street.

3 You now have the right to partake in tournaments where loads of guys[sometimes girls to] get together and grunt loadly for hours on end and then perform various feats for the audience.

4 You have a yell that can cause serious injury to peoples earlobes, should the skill ever be required.

5 You get to line up like its the millitary, be ordered around and constantly told to do everything harder and faster. [sounds like one of my ex girls]

6 You are now the sworn enemy of all building supplies, every peice of timber and brick will avoid you like the you have the clap.

7 You wear cool outfits that are covered in patches and badges of one organisation or the other. IE your a mobile advert.

8 You can proberly get your blackbelt, in just a few more payments!

9 You get to dress up in silly coloured pads then jump up and down in a ring thowing punches at a chest target... plus claim this is real fighting

10 All real karate guys\girls have a whole cabinet filled with tropheys of there various achivements. You could have a trophey to!

Plust the final most important reason to take Karate...
Japanese girls are dead sexy!

01-06-2002, 08:52 PM
Darn it Jon, that's two funny posts in a row for you!:)

"Japanese girls are dead sexy!"
Thanks for reminding me of my old Japanese girlfriend. ;)

8 You can proberly get your blackbelt, in just a few more payments!

01-06-2002, 09:24 PM
Uh, Jon that actually sounded more bad than good

Heres my 10 reasons why Karate is better than Kung Fu

10. Karateka's have actually been able to beat Muay Thai kickboxers.

9. No weird, flowery movements.

8. All the coolest fighters in Videogames are Karateka's. (Do i really need to defend that, it's made in Japan, come on)

7. Cotton keeps you warmer than silk.

6. It keeps away the smoked out hippy pacifist.

5. Karate actually has a reputation for fighting.

4. Kiai's develop your singing voice.

3. All the hip movement helps you on the dance floor and in other places..............

2. We dont have a style named after an insect.

1. When someone says they do Martial Arts they think it's automatically Karate and not Kung Fu.

01-06-2002, 09:29 PM
The Karate and TKD places around here seem more like Day care centers than anything else.

01-06-2002, 09:31 PM
I think you may have slightly missed the message in my last post:p I AM a kung fu guy, ive done karate, im staying where i am for good reason. Every art has a funny side, not everything has to be taken seriously. Especialy not a question like the one posed.

Thanks mate, glad someone liked em:D

01-06-2002, 09:40 PM
I think its funny how we are making fun of other arts, but we don't have our act together.

01-06-2002, 09:48 PM
It also funny when I use to go to clubs in Philly and a fight broke out, my TKD and karate friends held their own ALOT better than my CMA friend

01-06-2002, 10:37 PM
Who cares BJJ beats both Karate and Kung Fu hands down:D-ED

01-06-2002, 11:32 PM
Dont worry, the joke didn't fly over my head. It was funny. I'm just making a futile attempt to stick up for Karate :D

01-07-2002, 07:04 AM
It's perfectly acceptible and encouraged for a karate guy to have a mullet! ;)

01-07-2002, 02:05 PM
There is a Karate school somewhere in Sweden that train Kyoshinkai (spelling may be wrong) and Tai Chi!! Their style is much more fluid and lose than Karate alone. It seems like a hell of a combo. They have a good rep. about producing fighters aswell. Thats cool me thinks.