View Full Version : Legendary Warriors tournament of champions

Chang Style Novice
01-05-2002, 08:29 PM
I'm battling ennui, so here's a little game. Vote for which one of the pair you think would win. Whoever is ahead Monday afternoon will go to the next round, single elimination style. Repeat until there is only one left. Silly, but so what else is new? Oh, yeah. If anyone wants to come up with another eight contenders and make this a 16 man tourney, go for it.

Perseus vs. General Guan
Sir Lancelot vs. Chu Cullain
Miyamoto Musashi vs. Samson
Arjuna vs. Siegfried

Chang Style Novice
01-05-2002, 08:34 PM
I'll give it to Perseus, Cu Chullain, Musashi, and Arjuna.

(Dude, wouldn't a duel between a guy with a paddle and another with a donkeyjaw be a hoot, though?)

tsunami surfer
01-05-2002, 10:39 PM
Musashi only killed 61 men. Samson wiped out hundreds. Carried off the gates of a city and killed a big freakin cat for kicks. Maybe I ll go for the woman who beat him. She must have been a hottie to trick him out of his secret.

Sam Wiley
01-05-2002, 11:30 PM
I say Cuchullain and Siegfried kill everyone else. Those were two BADASS warriors. Cuchullain had a spear specially designed to eviscerate his enemies, and Siegfried killed a dragon and became nearly invincible. On top of that, they were both descended from gods. So would a tag team like this one count?

01-06-2002, 12:15 AM
how about this one:

God vs the rest

01-06-2002, 04:10 AM
God's got my vote. But seriously. I dont know who half these people are. I'd say Perseus, Lancelot and Musashi. I dont think Sampson is a fair opponent since he had Divine help. Who's gonna beat GOD.

straight blast
01-06-2002, 06:19 AM
It'd have to be Samson before the haircut...

Chang Style Novice
01-06-2002, 09:27 AM
Surfer, Sam, Leonidas;

Thanks for your votes. If it isn't too much trouble, would you mind voting on each matchup? Here's some more info on our contenders

Perseus, slayer of Medusa and the Kraken (http://home2.pacific.net.sg/~softtouch/perseus_info.htm)
General Guan Yi, God of Martial Arts (http://www.quandoman.com/kwandao.htm)
Sir Lancelot, Champion of Camelot (http://www.eliki.com/ancient/myth/camelot/lancelot/)
Cuchullain, the Hound of Ulster (http://www.bartleby.com/182/302.html)
Miyamoto Musashi, author of "The Book of Five Rings" (http://hkuhist2.hku.hk/nakasendo/miyamoto.htm)
Samson, Hero and Judge among the Hebrews (http://www.hobrad.com/judges.htm)
I can't seem to find a short summary of the feats of Arjuna on the web - suffice for now to state he is a hero of the Baghavad Gita and especially known for his skills in archery and his tremendous power of concentration.
A brief summary of the Ring Cycle, telling also the Tale of Seigfried (http://www.mcglaun.com/ringstory.htm)

friday - interesting idea, I guess, but I somehow don't think you've really caught the spirit of this thread.