View Full Version : Ralek Backs Out

01-06-2002, 02:32 PM
You're *shock* kidding with me right!!!!

I don't believe it!!!! :rolleyes:

01-06-2002, 02:33 PM
He does it all the time. The worst time was when he "backed out" of his mother, exposing his uglyness to the world.

Qi dup
01-06-2002, 02:33 PM
That sucks. I'm fairly new here so I don't have any reason to hate Ralek and I was hoping to see if he could hold his own. Oh well

01-06-2002, 02:37 PM
Now when did this happen? you guys know about this before i do? To the best of my knowledge the fight is still on.

01-06-2002, 02:38 PM
Why can't he "back out" of his house into the front of a high-speed train, and save us all some trouble.

01-06-2002, 02:45 PM
Delicate sound. How would you know what is going on? You have a long way to go to improve your trolling. We are still fighting.

01-06-2002, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Delicate sound. How would you know what is going on? You have a long way to go to improve your trolling. We are still fighting.

FYI Ralek, I don't know what's going on,neither do I really care.

The one thing I care about in relation to you is: Arrogance. You constantly refuse to answer my posts, I deem this as arrogant. Therefore my mission is to destroy you. Failing that, I will simply slander your name as much as possible.

It is not trolling - It is COUNTER-TROLLING!

If at any time you wish to enter into discussion with me, my task will be rendered null and void. Good hunting!

JF Springer
01-06-2002, 02:54 PM
Ralek backed out of the 1/12/2002, 12:00 noon meeting after several E-mails to my KFO Forum listed personal E-mail address.

I've kept all the E-mails Ralek.

Ralek, you can hitch hike, ride a bike, or bum a ride from someone to come see me if you have any desire to pursue this thing for real.

I'll not respond any further to this nonsense save for posting my final E-mail to Ralek when he backed out. My reply to him read as follows: "You're a
fu(king punk"

This is my final word on the matter.

01-06-2002, 03:01 PM
JF Spring. Please post my emails for everyone to see. It sounds like you are backing out. I cannot fight on January the 12th. This is why i wanted to fight on fridays. I have offered to fight on January 19th. Are you not able to fight on the 19th? It is called a date change. I will most likely be available on the 19th.

Well if you don't want to fight on the 19th then i will go to that kung fu open house with Know_no's people that were going to pick me up. We can still fight if you want to. i didn't mean to scare you off by offering to fight on the 19th. But I cannot be there on the 12th.

01-06-2002, 03:03 PM
See, JF does what we should all do and ignore him. Actually JF, I feel a bit p!ssed off for you, you've had to take time out of your schedule to organise sh!t with this punk.

Wish I could ignore him. Shame my destiny in life is to instigate his downfall.......

01-06-2002, 03:07 PM
I apologize for the fact that i can't fight on the 12th. It isn't my choice. But the 19th i should be free. Please fight me. I want to fight. I would actually be sad if you choose not to fight me becuase of this date change.

And on Fridays i am always free. At least most of the time.

01-06-2002, 03:09 PM
STILL not responding to my posts - you ugly, sh!t-headed nobody.........

01-06-2002, 03:13 PM
Delicate sound. I can't think of any thing to say.

01-06-2002, 03:14 PM
don't you think that if he had any nuts or spine, or was as special as he claimed to be, he'd get off his fat ass and fight for god's sake, instead of this "But the 19th i should be free" and "And on Fridays i am always free. At least most of the time" bull****.

ralek -- when your balls finally do drop, give the rest of us a call. until then, back to the hole with you.

01-06-2002, 03:20 PM
Setting up a time to fight was much easier with shaolin tiger becuase Shaolin Tiger could fight on Friday's.

If i can't fight on the 12th then i can't fight on the 12th. It isn't a matter of not wanting to. I'd love to fight on the 12th but it is beyond my control.

If you want i will start begging for you to fight me JF Springer. I want to fight you very much. Not many people want to fight. So please fight me. Don't back out. Please fight me. If you want i will not throw a single punch the entire fight. How's that?

01-06-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Delicate sound. I can't think of any thing to say.


*Has my superior intelligence dumbfounded you?
*Do you not wish to engage in the kind of intellectual discussion that I seek?
*Scared I might outwit you?
*Scared that I am right?
*Scared that when your comments are put forward into an arena of practical discussion, that they'll be torn apart like meat to the hounds?

I would like you to state several things, if you would be so kind as to honour us :p with a reply.

1) What knowledge do you have of any forms of "Kung Fu"
2) On what basis/experience do you base your views on "Kung Fu"
3) How is BJJ superior? Not just to KF, but to other arts.
4) How are you the "Grand Ultimate Fist"? Have you beaten Tyson, Lewis, Naseem?

Can you think of a reply to any of this?

kungfu cowboy
01-06-2002, 03:26 PM
If you want i will not throw a single punch the entire fight. How's that? :D

01-06-2002, 03:26 PM
Funny how he would consider a date change as backing out when i am offering him another time to fight. The powers that control me have taken away January the 12th.

If it was backing out then i would cancel the fight and not set up another time.

01-06-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
The powers that control me have taken away January the 12th.

Why's that Ralek? Colonic irrigation day at the local clinic?


01-06-2002, 03:30 PM
Delicate sound. I love you.

01-06-2002, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Delicate sound. I love you.

We all love you. You remind us of how great we are in comparison.

Come on little boy, don't shirk the questions. If they're too tough, I can put them in baby words for you.

01-06-2002, 03:36 PM
But i'm trying to avoid all your questions becuase i am afraid that you might try to damage my self-esteem

01-06-2002, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Ralek

I'm not after your self-esteem don;t worry. I just like to understand people. You - I don't. I don't believe anyone could be so stupid.

I know you're trying to wind me up and p!ss me off by avoiding the Q's, but it's impossible - I'm a naturally calm person.

I'd just like to get answers to the above questions. Not too hard is it??

01-06-2002, 07:53 PM
Tell me ralek, do you think you could beat anyone who is into kung fu? Do you think you could have beaten up bruce lee? How about a shaolin monk? Do you think you, or anyone who studies BJJ or muay thai could attack a monk and win?

01-06-2002, 09:26 PM
Ralek. Why can't you be there on the 12th. I honestly feel I'm owed an explanation. Delicate Sound why don't you shut up already;)

01-06-2002, 09:35 PM
delicate, you're officially being " done "

01-06-2002, 11:44 PM
yeah. i can see the carrot he's being led by now.

01-07-2002, 01:23 AM
"But i'm trying to avoid all your questions becuase i am afraid that you might try to damage my self-esteem"
... first time ralek's made me laugh aloud in a good while.

he also said ..

(everything is cut and pasted from ralek's responces to his own "it's official" thread)

"I will be fighting JF Springer on January 12. He said in the email that he will be there. "

"he has my permission to video tape it if "

"If he does happen to win then i will start doing kung fu"

"I do not racism against chinese people."

"I didn't sue Shaolin Tiger did I? And that was a bloody fight. "

"That's it!! I'm canceling the fight!!!! Please don't kill me!!!!"

"Just come alone."

"My name? Josh .........that's all you need to know
My phone number? You don't need to know my phone number."

"You have to wiegh under 90 pounds if you want to fight me."

"My email is kaaar11@yahoo.com "

"i'm racist against black people "

"Bruce Lee is my inspiration in my crusade agasint kung fu. Let there be light he said and there was light."

"I will be fighting JF Springer on January 12. He said in the email that he will be there. "

01-07-2002, 02:02 AM
delicate and J F springer are the same person? this thread was started by springer not delicate. and he even replied to himself at the start of teh topic wtf?

01-07-2002, 02:35 AM

Why don't you just fight instead of talk! The date shouldn't matter, get it on whenever you booth are able to meet....

01-07-2002, 04:07 AM
Originally posted by Sharky
delicate, you're officially being " done "

I know what he's doing - trying to wind me up by avoiding every question, making coy comments etc.

This is how some trolls operate - I'm aware of this... don't worry.

The thing is, it doesn't bother me, I find his idiocy pretty funny. The more he avoids the questions the more I and others on this board realise how little he actually knows. I

don't mind, when I posted the above posts it was late at night, the pub crawl had been cancelled and I had time on my hands.
I just like reading what he puts. It's always furthers my disbelief of the human race........

Oh, and I am not the same person as JF. He knows far more than me!! :D

01-07-2002, 06:13 AM
WUSSY, pansy, chump, punk, weasel, worm, chick chick chicken,
yellow belly, running yellow, sissyboy!

01-07-2002, 06:26 AM
awwwww...comn guys don't be so hard on Ralek...anyway I think he is doing the smart thing, backing out of the fight...