View Full Version : Don't feel bad CMA cousins, TKD has odd people too!

01-06-2002, 09:09 PM
This is what a female TKD Grandmaster looks like!



Note the height of the heavy bags. Let's see you CMA and JMA kick those!

Remember, you and the life force are one!

01-06-2002, 09:16 PM
So do all TKD people wear headbands all the time? :D

01-06-2002, 09:17 PM
rogue, i'm white. i don't have those kind of hops.

on a reasonably more serious note, why would i need to kick that high?

oh yeah, the chicks. dàmnit.

01-06-2002, 10:39 PM
rogue, over at e-budo, there was a discussion about that woman some time ago. Basically she is a fraud, not a grandmaster, and the only thing she'd be good for is grappling.

01-06-2002, 10:40 PM
is it just me or was she really hot? maybe it was just that one picture.

"World’s Foremost Ki Energy Master " uh...:rolleyes:

and whats up with all the colored gi's, i've never seen orange or purple ones before.

01-06-2002, 10:53 PM
No, she was projecting her Ki power to make you think she is hot :D

01-06-2002, 11:05 PM
yeah it must be one of those many esoteric powers that all those tae kwon do people have. man i'm gonna go and take tae kwon do so i can be like a jedi too.

Chang Style Novice
01-06-2002, 11:28 PM
Hackey sack is a training aid?

I'll never pick a fight at a Phish concert again!

01-06-2002, 11:37 PM
I remember her!
I had a book by her a very long time ago. :)

On a completely different note, that thread about streetfighting 101 was possibly the best thread I've read in a long time.

Great post.


01-07-2002, 09:03 AM
Wow! I feel like a deer in the headlights!

01-11-2002, 12:55 PM
No offense to it's partitioners but that is one good looking grandmaster.Too bad she's a fraud.

Is it me or is she doing a hung ga sign?The one where the palm is facing the opponent and all the fingers are bent except the index finger?Other than that she is way cute!

01-11-2002, 01:03 PM
Wow, she's the world foremost ki master. That's amazing!