View Full Version : Ralek backs out part II

les paul
01-07-2002, 07:32 AM
Let be get this right Ralek

You challenge everyone one on the forum.

You power troll till your blue in the face!

Then when a guy who looks to be "legit" answers your call, you back out!

Oh no...... According to you, he's supposed to move around your plans.

NO........... you made the challenge you accept his times and date!

Not! The other way around!

You backed out!

I'll say it again

You backed out!

And I'll say it one more time


And another thing "What's so special about Friday's?"

You plan on rolling somebody if things don’t go your way?

You need some friends there sitting in a car near by in case things get out of hand?


Is that the only time your "momma" will let you have the station wagon?

What do you have to do...get beer muscles first in order to meet a challenge

Oh.... wait I forgot you’re not old enough to drink!

I'll tell you what it is...

You got some friends that are going to wait in the wings in case things get out of hand...right?

What are they? Busy on the 12th?

One more thing!!!!

Delicate sound

You keep doing what your doing...I appalled you

Counter Troll the Troll...sweet!

Les Paul

01-07-2002, 07:42 AM
I am trying!
I can see the posters already

"Join the counter-troll Army. Your message board needs YOU!!"

Ralek is too scared to fight JF. He'll keep messing him around 'till he gets fed up. He's just a little weed in reality.

BTW: With a screenname like that - are you a guitarist?

01-07-2002, 07:47 AM

Quit challenging people on this forum and try some legit fighting. You live on the East Coast so there's a lot of opportunity for you to "test" your "skills". You claim to know BJJ, then enter a freakin' Tournament Jiu Jitsu competition. You won't get hit and you'll get to try your stuff. When you think you're ready, try a Sport Ju Jitsu tourney, there you'll get hit, but it will be controlled. When you think you're ready to really mess with the big boys, enter a San Shou match, it's full contact with throws. If you survive, you'll make a real name for yourself and you'll be able to do it legally in a controlled environment with plenty of medical staff around.

If you do good enough, you may even be able to try the US Shidokan in Chicago.

You can do all of this discretely. No one will know which tourneys you enter and which ones you back out of. You're young, you want to fight, so do it and make a name for yourself. The biggest controversy with Bruce Lee was the fact that he never fought in a single tourney or full contact competition, so how sure are we of his skills?

01-07-2002, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Sharky
Delicate and Springer are the same person

Just to clear things up Sharky - we're not. The reason that my name is on the thread is because he didn't post a comment under his heading, and I was the first to reply. Forum glitch.

Don't say that to him, doubt he'd want to be associated with a Lau-Gar guy....

JF Springer
01-07-2002, 08:21 AM
DelicateSound - On the contrary, the LYS Pai, as well other groups I associate with, get along quite well with the Lau Gar Pai. Solid, no nonsense system based on fighting, not posing.

Steven T. Richards
01-07-2002, 08:25 AM

Go to your Lau-Gar thread on the Southern Forum. Some of us have been connected with your Pai for many years.

01-07-2002, 08:39 AM

01-07-2002, 09:14 AM
Please give me the definition of backing out. I must not know what backing out means because i am asking him to fight repeatedly in the other thread about this. To me this is called a "date change". Not backing out. I would hope that JF Springer does not cancel the fight just becuase of a date change.

I can't be there on the 12th. I CAN be there on the 19th. Again i WANT to fight on the 12th but for reasons beyond my control i cannot.

So i will be available to fight any Friday and on Saturday the 19th. If you want JF springer I am available to fight this coming Friday. But you work so i won't call say that your backing out just becuase you couldn't be there on friday's.

No i am not bringing friends. You can ask shaolin Tiger and he will tell you that i didn't bring any friends.

les paul
01-08-2002, 05:51 PM
Ralek, you want some cheese and crackers to go with that wine?

Define backed out?


Stayed at home wimpering like a little Bi*tch.


Calling it off because your friends are playing with the game cube that night!

If I was J Springer I wouldn't bother with your azz anymore.
A day before the 25th your going to have a mysterious injury that will postpone the fight indefently anyway.



Delicate sound

Why yes I play the guitar!!!!!

01-08-2002, 06:02 PM
LOL @ Ralek's continual toying with the forum

01-08-2002, 06:55 PM
I'm too lazy too check that other post R, what exactly are you doing on the 12th that you can't get out of?:p

01-09-2002, 06:26 AM
Beating off a goat.

01-09-2002, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Budokan
Beating off a goat.

Harrap's New English Dictionary:


Forum Legend


Steven T and Jerry S:

I was just kidding! But thanks anyway for the reassurance :)