View Full Version : Really impressed with Jacki

01-08-2002, 02:58 PM
Not since Spinning Backfist has a troll accomplished so much in so short a time. Ralek has certainly shown that he has the staying power but his was a slow cultivated rise to power while Jacki is in the midst of a meteoric rise to internet forum fame. Jacki, stick with the same handle when you go to other forums. Spread much as Ralek tried to do on E-budo. And then your conversion will be complete.

I still can't see that ****ed picture. Anybody know anyplace other than that bloody site she posted?

or you can email it to me at hasjts@rlc.net

01-08-2002, 03:28 PM
ralek is jackie you tart, read the signs.

i'm taking a break from this forum. mainly cos it's boring and youl are so gullible it's not funny. AND you keep repllying to the trolls.

shame cos there are a few guys on here that i like talking to.


01-08-2002, 03:31 PM
it really is unbecometh of you there sissy-boy-well it makes you look at least'WHATSUP EXASPERATED??feeling PANTSED!!!!!


thats my WORD

01-08-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
i'm taking a break from this forum. mainly cos it's boring and youl are so gullible it's not funny. AND you keep repllying to the trolls.

Sharky man, its just a phase - Rolls getting "active" and this "Jacki" creature, whatever it/he/she is (Ralek probably).

It'll die down soon.

Why not just add them to your ignore list and cut out 95% of the crap?

01-08-2002, 04:46 PM
because ralek/jacki aren't the ones posting the drivel. it's YOU LOT posting the drivel.

diego don't call me a herb, don't even try it. i lost a lot of respect for you now.

01-08-2002, 04:50 PM
Hey, you nail your neighbor yet?


01-08-2002, 04:54 PM
no but i did nail the fit ones friend. and the fit one started crying when i went to that pool party and told me how much she liked me, telling me how tempting it was tobetray her boyfriend. we were sitting on a bed at the time, and she was on my lap - and i was ****ed and DIDN'T take the hint. sheesh. moment has passed now, i think. at same party the other girl (not the asian) " offered " herself to me and came and slept in my bed and kept trying to do " stuff " but i didn't want it, cheers.

either way, i got layed.

01-08-2002, 04:57 PM
Ahh, I see.

If you would have taken my advice and done all her friends, you would be "all up in dat'" by now.

Remember, the secret to getting into a woman's pants lays within her friends' panties.

That is all.


01-08-2002, 04:59 PM

sharky, what will we do with you?

sadly, i'm as blind as a drunk sharky is when i'm sober. :(

at least i have a girlfriend to hit me upside the head when i don't pick up on the hints.

01-08-2002, 05:22 PM
I'm impressed by the fact that Jacki had enough time to surf the net in order to find that obscure of an amateur porn webcam site to grab that pic off of. I thought I was the only one who knew about that site. :D

01-08-2002, 05:27 PM
what you aisnt ma biatch nomo
what i gave you a little talent now you want to come up
step fool
make you step stool

01-08-2002, 05:29 PM
would you please read the ralek thread and define the progenitor of that qoute of great-elegance.
thanx hrbee

01-08-2002, 06:03 PM
At least Spinning Backfist could put together a good story (the emphasis is on the word STORY) and got (a few) intelligent responses to some of his posts. His anti-BJJ and anti NHB rants were funny sometimes. I actually miss him ... well, maybe not that much.

Jacki/Ralek are devoid of creativilty. Other posters respond because the posts are of such a low mentality that the posters demand to get shot down. The responses are of a low intelligence level because otherwise the dumb trolls will not get the point.

Sharky, man, a few trolls do not a forum spoil. Don't let this multiple stunted personality get to you.

01-08-2002, 07:09 PM
"i'm taking a break from this forum. mainly cos it's boring and youl are so gullible it's not funny." - Me

I wasn't talking about the trolls. I like the trolls.

KC Elbows
01-08-2002, 07:23 PM
OK, just deleted a nasty post. No need to go to that level.


If you're bored of the forum, just go for a while. No good reason to go blasting a bunch of the forum members on your way out. Hell, I've taken part in threads that I knew were trolls when I first saw them, but sometimes, the trolls accidentally create an interesting conversation amongst the forum members that might not have happened anyway. Plus, its the individual forum members business, and not yours. Also, give Diego a break: you're the one who came out swinging.

I know how you feel, but its just a friggin forum.

Feel free to blast me now, but its a lot nicer post than the one I initially typed.

01-08-2002, 07:26 PM
you sticking with it
my greatgrandpa won his wieght bronze in the 28 amsterdam olympics and gold in the world champs

he learnt in the navy old school style

sucks tho he taught my older bro
and sometimes i would steal my bros smokes
in elementary the teacher would be like why is your eye black


till some bigger kids mess with you then you get your bro and his team

WHERE IS SEVENSTAR,any body seen him??

01-09-2002, 03:39 AM
that's ok, if diego keeps fu ckin with sharky im going to email him pictures of the cesspool of infectious filth that have become my genitiles. i'm a ninja with my rotting orbs style.

sharky ...

it's kind of a catch 22 though ... some of the trolls are pretty funny, but if no one got pi$$ed off they wouldn't bother coming around.

and then we would have nothing to do but talk about kung fu, bs about jiz and stuff, talk some sh!t occasionally, and respond only to people who are here to actually say something occasionally.

i also wonder how may people ralek has created for his charades throughout his trolling career.

01-09-2002, 05:34 AM
If you don't like all the drivel go sit on Cyberkwoon or Dragonslist for a bit. Pure kungfu all the way, and boring as hell.

I like the fact that most of the people on this forum know their **** but don't wrap it up in BS. Yeah, there's always threads about jizz and pizza (hhhmmmmm... there's one for Findus) BUT a serious question will always get answered seriously. You don't have to read the threads which you say are "drivel". I myself think some of them are crap, and a waste of my time to read, so I don't.

Or go to the Underground. Man those people annoy the **** out of me. A lot of them are brainless morons. Even more so than us lot here. :)

i like the community spirit here. Well, bearing in mind the medium, you know what I mean.

Are you having a bad day?