View Full Version : fierce tiger apologises to everyone

fiercest tiger
11-10-2000, 07:02 AM
im back baby. sorry i havent answered recent posts - i have been banned! did you miss me? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

firstly i would like to apologise to the kfo admin & moderators, because they have given us the opportunity to speak about what we love - and i abused this privelege.

secondly to all the people i offended - i am sorry if i disrespected your style or teacher. i do get hot-headed very easy but some of the posts on your behalf are also offensive.

in the future i will tone down my replies and try to answer your questions to the best of my ability - i love talking kung fu. i will state from the start though, that i will not discuss my lineage or exact location. some of you may critisize this - but it is nothing personal.

all of the stories i have spoken about are true - even if you thought they were sh!te. however we all seem to have disagreements about theories, principles, lineage - but what is most important is to have an open mind! you do not have to accept my or anyone elses view, as long as it makes you think.

hopefully i will be talking to all of you soon, no hard feelings huh?

peace /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

fierce tiger
the one you love to hate

ps. why dont they have a spell check on this thing!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
