View Full Version : OT: Computer use and your eyes

01-09-2002, 12:34 PM
Anyone else having problems with looking too much at a computer screen? I've been a computer programmer off and on for 5 years. I'm finding that it is getting progressively difficult to focus. I can't stand watching TV after I've been at my computer all day. I have no energy in my eyes for studying computer languages or using the computer for doing anything else at home. It hasn't gotten too extreme, but I noticed that everyone who does computers wears glasses by the time they get to 30 or so. Is there any way to avoid this fate, do any of you use screen guards or anything like that? I'm sick of putting this strain on my eyes.

01-09-2002, 12:56 PM
I knew a copywriter who’s eyes were bothering him for over a week. We always complained about a scratchy feeling in the back of his eye. He tried drops and eyewashes but the irritation persisted. When he wasn’t looking into his computer screen he was reading books. Constantly reading he was.

When he finally went to the doctor he couldn’t leave. The doc performed some kind of laser surgery to reattach something that was detached (I guess). The next day he was fine. The doctor told him he could have gone blind if he waited any longer.

Doc told him it was not the computer screen that caused this but the ‘way he looks at it and the intensity with which he reads.’ He always looked like he was straining to see when his nose was in a book. Anyway, take a break from the screen every once in a while. I turn my chair and listen to a song or two sometimes before going back to work.


01-09-2002, 01:58 PM
I work in the IT field too. And I have noticed that after a few hours in front of a monitor it becomes hard to focus and I have to rest my eyes for a little bit. Some times I play games on my PC for 2-3 hours (not very often though) and it is hard to focus after while.

01-09-2002, 02:05 PM
You're not alone. Godzilla was describing retinal detachment. If the guy would have waited much longer his retina would have detached leaving him blind. There are several warning signs of this, getting hit in the head could also cause some damage as well. I'll tell you more in a second.

Your eyes can fatigue just like anything else but different. Stare a white wall for a while and tell me what you see (black?). If you're having problems, giving your eyes a rest may help. If you think it is a problem go see an eye doctor. A good one will be able to help or give you exercises or tell you what you can do to help (or as Godzilla's story went...surgery).

good luck.

Peace or flame on...whatever you chose.

01-09-2002, 04:07 PM
I used to have great eye sight, but lately it is deteriorating. So I can investing in an LC DIsplay to help me eyes. $$$ !! ahahah

01-09-2002, 04:37 PM
Also a lot of computer use can cause qi to build up in the head. Some simple qi gong exercises of breathing to the navel for 40-50 breaths can alleviate a lot of this energy and aid to clear thinking and lack of confusion... orr umm.. oh I forget what else, I had better go do some myself! :cool:

01-09-2002, 07:15 PM
the solution:
we need bigger font and use bold text more.
problem solved*

*problem solved until you are hit in the head with a really big haymaker you would have seen a mile away if you didn't have to take the time to squint. It sorta cancells itself out, you learn tons of stuff on kfo but then you are blinded and reduced to the speed of a decrepid old man. Combine the two and you are just about where you started, that is, long as you can make all those great things you read on kfo work.**

**then of course your mind is slowed by all of the useless crap and trolling you get when you read kfo. Considering this, you are better off never having seen kfo in the first place. Also, by the time you have thought about all this you should be completely unconscious from the 20 or so haymakers that followed the first one that hit you while you had to think about all this.

01-09-2002, 08:29 PM
Raise your Computer refresh rate in display properties.

Most computers have their refresh rate at only 60hz. Turn your head so that you are able to see the monitor in the corner of your eye. See the screen kind of flashing really quick? That is because the screen is getting updated less.

75hz or more helps me. Anything else and my eyes get all watery and start to hurt. My brother doesnt notice the hz difference though, i dunno why.

01-09-2002, 09:31 PM
rest your eyes and get more sleep o.o..... i once tried to get into programming but i can barely open a compiler.

01-09-2002, 09:42 PM
Yes, put the refresh over 80 Hz, and look out of the screen almost at each 15 minutes.

01-09-2002, 10:33 PM
Nomortal is right.. (I was in optics before IT.. ABOC cert.).. the human eye was not made to look in the Intermediate focal length for too long (thank you evolution).. you can raise your monitor to eye height... and remember your posture.. If you wear glasses (bifocals).. please remember that your int. distance is .5 of your reading focal point.. so if you were to get some generic over the counter readers and your reading is 2 diopters.. get 1 diopter.. that is saying you have perfect distance vision... if you wear Rx glasses.. a lot of eyeglasses comp can make you a custom pair of computer glasses..

Over many years the eyes can deteriate looking at the monitor because you forget to blink and the general distance you are focusing on.. that is why your eyes are tired and it sucks to watch TV..

by taking percautions... before this.. will pervent the "BAD" effects of IT


01-09-2002, 11:40 PM
I sound like a dr.

I perscribe everyone here a healthy dose of morphine and Quake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

