View Full Version : The FINAL word.....

01-09-2002, 03:47 PM
......on Jacki/Rolls. As explained by Mr.Andrew Lloyd Webber, in his latest musical.

[DISCLAIMER: It was Budokan's idea to post this as a thread. Blame him Kung Lek :D]

Chapter 5 scene 8:

Rolls has skipped school so he can masturbate over NHB tape #2 and the Gracie CD-Rom. In his bedroom he is alone, just the quiet sounds of fat men groping each other can be heard from the TV. He stops massaging his weiner, and speaks aloud:

Rolls: "All those guys on KFO, they've got me sussed. And I have friction burns on my c*ck.... I'm so unhappy I could cry. Wait, I already did that......."

The camera pans slowly around the room, showing Rolls' room, littered with substance-filled socks and "used" issues of GrappleMag USA. The atmosphere is sombre, as we can hear only the faint sobbing of a sad, lonely child...

Rolls: "I've got it!!! I'll try out a new identity! Only this time I'll play a girl. It'll give me an excuse to wear Mum's thongs again, and to practise my "moves" on that fake "Dangle the Wonder Mule" doll she's got in the loft!! I'll give myself a private jet, and pretend to be posh, unlike the scrubber that I am"

Music rises up, we see Rolls in the street, dressed in top hat and tails, holding a gold-topped cane. As he swings around a lampost he cries out in joy:

Rolls: "Yes I'm the King of the World! I'm the greatest h*mo the world's ever SEEEEEEEEEEEEN"

Scene cut to Rolls an hour later, once again cracking off over an NHB tape

*Feel free to continue this in the vein of Ultimate Street Fight. Scene after sorry scene.....* Delicate. :)

01-09-2002, 04:18 PM
Would have thought at least Budo would have replied........

01-09-2002, 09:38 PM
I saw this in another post and responded there. But let me say again I am laughing so hard I have a stitch in my rib--that's funny stuff! Love that qausi-h*mo Fred Astaire fantasy running through Rolls' head as he beats off to UFC #2.

I really envy your imagination along with your insight into Rolls' alternative lifestyle. One question though, how do you keep from blowing monkey chunks when you imagine Rolls lying back in his semen-soaked bed, his hand lathered with liquid soap, his little screams of pleasure echoing among the lonely corners of his room, the lonely corners of his life...?

01-10-2002, 01:25 AM
well no more drinking warm milk at the computer for me ever again...


01-10-2002, 02:09 AM
Dito that Ryu...

But I have to admit that the milk came out my nose because LOL :D

01-10-2002, 02:10 AM
I think you're imagining this a little too, erm, graphically for your own mental well being. You'll send yourself insane.

01-10-2002, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Budokan
I One question though, how do you keep from blowing monkey chunks when you imagine Rolls lying back in his semen-soaked bed, his hand lathered with liquid soap, his little screams of pleasure echoing among the lonely corners of his room, the lonely corners of his life...?

Sick isn't it. But there is something strangely comforting in it. Probably because it's as close to the truth about Rolls as you can get without talking about his swollen anal glands from too much self-mutilation. The sopping, jizz-filled sock description almost lost me my lunch!!!!!

I was hoping you guys'd continue into other scenes, Jacki as the Ginger Rogers character he invents maybe!!!

01-10-2002, 09:00 AM
Thanks! Now that I'm thoroughly discusted I think I'll pass on lunch today.

01-10-2002, 11:34 AM
I wrote this thread specifically to help people slim.

Try it, read this before every meal.

01-10-2002, 12:47 PM
Either you have one seriously twisted imagination, or perhaps the images of semen filled socks relives moments of your own adolescence!
Either way you had me laughing out loud.:D :D :D
Keep it coming (no pun intended)


01-10-2002, 12:53 PM
Jizz filled socks!! Yes, my imagination is decidedly sick!!!

God only hopes Kung Lek hasn't read this thread, apparantly he's p!ssed with a lot of us at the mo!!!