View Full Version : does this sound interesting?

01-09-2002, 04:03 PM
i was thinking about submitting an article to kungfu qigong magazine relating my experience looking for, finding, and training with gongfu teachers in China, having only a little experience in michigan and almost no language skills. does this sound like worthwhile reading to anyone? no guarantees on if i'll actually have time to write it at all, just looking for feedback to see how something like that would be received.

Wang Si Zhong

01-09-2002, 04:18 PM
I would like to read it but I don't get the magazine- why don't you post it here!:)

01-09-2002, 10:00 PM
I say write the article, it sounds like a good read. It also sounds like somthing Kungfu Qigogn would publish since they do at least one article per ish about somebodies "personal journey".

P.s. Don't post it here some people are just to cheap to buy a magazine!

01-09-2002, 10:13 PM
Sounds good. Do it.

01-09-2002, 10:22 PM
It really does sound interesting. Give it a shot.

01-09-2002, 10:45 PM
thanks for the positive feedback.

i'll see what i can do about getting it written sometime soon.
look for Wang Si Zhong's Personal Journey in an upcoming KungFu Qigong near you. it may be the first you hear of Qing Cheng Mountain Crane Fist.

-Wang Si Zhong

01-10-2002, 02:29 AM
I'm doing the same thing in May!!
Going be rail from London to Moscow to Beijing. I can't speak any Chinese at all, and I'm going to be looking for training.

How did you get on?

01-10-2002, 06:49 AM
That sounds like a great article. I would be interested to read about your experiences.

01-10-2002, 07:06 AM
Sounds good, write it. Read some of Paul Theroux's work. He's possibly the best travel writer out there. You can examine his style of writing and maybe incorporate a little of it into your own.

Where did you go in Michigan?

01-10-2002, 10:40 AM

it was really hard to find anything because its just not as obvious or easy to find as you might expect. i studied a little bit of showy wushu with the phys.ed. teacher at my school, but after several walks through town i only ever saw one poster with kungfu on it and i couldnt read it. even the university students that i had some contact with didnt seem to care at all about MA. the movies are popular, but studying seems to be hidden or not too important to anybody. i was in a small town by china's standards, but only an hour away from the capital of sichuan where i didnt see anything either. eventually i walked into a department store and found a weapons rack and eventually ended up studying there. its a longer story but i dont want to give too much away, in case this article thing becomes viable. the point is, you probably won't just see people practicing in an obvious place unless its old people doing qigong in the parks. you'll have to do a little investigating. don't be afraid to ask people if there's anything nearby, it might be closer than you think, but it won't be obvious.

i was in beijing a couple of times, and didn't see too much going on out in the open there either. and believe me, i had my eyes open ;)

i'll see if i can't find that theroux guy's work somewhere. thanks for the tip. i PMed you regarding my Michigan study.

Wang Si Zhong