View Full Version : San Shou vs Wing Chun

DH Crunch
01-10-2002, 10:29 AM
I have the option of cross-training in San Shou or Wing Chun right now. I've been involved in JKD and BJJ for a few years, so I can see positives for both arts. Wing Chun would be cool to learn since it's at the base of JKD, but San Shou would be cool to learn since it blends striking and takedowns so well. Can somebody help me make up my mind?

01-10-2002, 11:29 AM
depends on your body build...
What's yours???

SanShou Guru
01-10-2002, 11:50 AM
Does not depend on body type but where would you train San Shou. There are few good schools so you mey get more out of Wing Chun.

01-10-2002, 12:03 PM
Both are excellent training and would be useful to incorporate into your current methods.

I train in both wing chun and san shou. before that I studied other traditional Chinese Martial Arts. They both help me to grow and understand better what I had been learning in the past, as well as continue to develop as a martial artist.

As far as choosing one over the other, it really depends on what you want to emphasize and/or use it for and what your physique and personality is like...they are very different...but not nessesarily mutually exlusive, I use much of what I have learned in wing chun in san shou sparring (although it may not be obvious to see)

If your looking to pick up some traditional techniques which can help improve your efficiency of movement and provide a underlying foundation for your JKD, and is also practical for real life self defence, go with the wing chun. Learning the intricate movements and chi sao exercises are a total trip. The conditioning can be intense....but some schools and practitioners get by w/o really being in 'fighting shape', although that is not exclusive to wing chun, but probably most martial arts schools. Its usually taught for self defence or street fighting in short bursts that are very aggressive, but its not exactly a cardio workout, although your arms and shoulders will be exhausted after class (maybe legs too depending how that school trains).

San Shou is also amazing and if you intend on competing in fighting tournaments or just developing all around, well-rounded toughness, and getting into great shape, san shou is the way to go. The workout required to fight san shou is serious exercise. It is also good for self defense, but takes a different approach than wing chun. It is great for learning throws and drilling basic techniques that plain work, more like a boxing gym or muay tai school.

Hope this helps some...its just my personal experience and take on things, someone else here will inevitably have a different opinion. Good luck!


ps. i noticed youre from cali...if its cung le's gym in san jose youre considering, its one of the best and would be a great opportunity to train there.

01-10-2002, 12:52 PM
QUIET YOU TWO!!! This is his first post...I'm noticing something...let me ask him questions...

01-10-2002, 01:30 PM
if you want conditioning, full contact training, opportunities to compete and better, more explosive throwing capability then go with san shou. The throwing will help your grappling game since you already have the ground covered with Bjj. If you want to delve further into the wing chun aspect of JKD and/or improve your close range sensitivity and trapping skills and whatnot then wing chun will definitely help. Just depends on what you're looking for. If you're not very experienced in the ring or have yet to test your full contact fighting capabilities then I personally would easily pick san shou. But the type of skills that wing chun will improve and the way in which it will make your JKD foundation all the better also makes it valuable, IMO. it really depends on what you're looking for and what areas you wish to improve.

DH Crunch
01-10-2002, 02:06 PM
I'm interested in both arts, and I'd like to improve in everything! I'm just torn between these two right now. If it helps, I prefer a more athletic type of training where I'll be sweating.


I'm six feet tall, and I weight close to 180 pounds. I'm not sure about body fat since I don't know much about that stuff, but you could say I look ripped. I don't know how that would help me go one way or the other, but that's why I'm here!

01-10-2002, 02:16 PM
if you want athletic training then its san shou all the way. Enjoy!

01-10-2002, 02:43 PM
I have alwayz praise SAN SHOU...wing chun is good if u can apply it...I feel the learning curve for wing chun is long...since u have experience in SAN SHOU go for it! You can swing by to wing chun to improve your jkd trapping. But san shou is a great style!!!