View Full Version : Sifu Abel vs. Knifefighter?

01-10-2002, 03:48 PM
I understand you are living in So Cal and looking for competitions. Would you be interested in going against me in an upcoming Kage Kombat?

01-10-2002, 03:54 PM


01-10-2002, 03:58 PM
so i might see it ;)

Mr. Nemo
01-10-2002, 04:13 PM
I don't think Abel comes here anymore.

01-10-2002, 04:17 PM
Why do you always have to try to rile up Abel?

Why not try to be nice to each other this year?


01-10-2002, 04:23 PM
When is your next event?
Or, even better, when is your next dog brothers match?

I want to see the great knifefighter in action. :rolleyes:

Didn't you get pusssed out at the otherground when someone from your own school(supposedly) challenged your identity?

Mr. Nemo
01-10-2002, 04:25 PM
My bad. Apparently Abel does still come here.

01-10-2002, 06:23 PM
so able knifeeee yall got beef yall gonna do battle??

01-11-2002, 08:04 AM
Ah, once again a calm, rational response to an obvious insult. Good for you Abel. You have, yet again, shown us the proper way a traditionaly trained sifu should respond to a sporting challenge.


01-11-2002, 12:22 PM
Aren't you in So Cal and supposedly looking for competitions? Since you had expressed interest in the past in testing me out, I thought an upcoming Kage Kombat might be a good venue for that. Apparently it's not something you want to do.

As far as the otherground, I don't post there. I very rarely post on the MMA underground, and when I do, I post using a handle that anyone who knows me recognizes.

01-11-2002, 02:20 PM

Thanks for your support.

Butter knife,

When is your next event?

Chang Style Novice
01-11-2002, 02:24 PM

Thanks for your support."

In response to this, let me say


01-11-2002, 02:37 PM
You know, I gotta big fu(kin mouth, but I got no idea what to say anymore.

BTW, what are the rules for Kage Kombat?

KnifeFighter, keep looking out for an American Kenpo friend of mine, by the name of Jeff Newton. He is determined to rise to the top of the Pankration pile, and I think he just might to it. Jeff is a great fighter, and an absolute NUT for training. Plus, he's a crowd pleaser. I watched him pull off a full front flip heel kick during a professional kick boxing match. Caught the other guy square in the nose.


01-11-2002, 02:50 PM
That you once posted a general request for KF guys to compete in this:

Let's look at the rules as posted on the site:

Level Zero:
Opponents start from their knees. No striking is allowed. All submission techniques are legal including heel hooks, ankle locks and knee bars. Competitors can use a GI or no GI. If not wearing a GI you must look professional. No cut off shorts.These matches are 5 minutes long. No overtime.

No striking and you start on the ground. I'd love to fight in this. Seems very realistic!

Level One:
Opponents start from a standing position. No striking is allowed. Same rules apply as to level zero. Except now competitors will be scored on their take downs also.These matches are 5 minutes long, 3 minute overtime if needed.

Again, these rules don't seem to handicap KF guys at all, so I'd be willing to go for it.

Level Two:
Opponents start from a standing position. Striking is allowed to the body while standing and on the ground. No striking to the head is allowed. No back spine shots are allowed. All submission techniques are legal. These matches are 10 minutes long.With a 5 minute overtime.

Wow, it gets better and better. We can use body shots now! Break out the tequila!

Level 3:
Same as level two. Except now open hand strikes are allowed to the head while standing only. No striking the head while on the ground. Must wear a mouthpiece in this division. All submission techniques are legal. These matches are 10 minutes long with a 5 minute overtime.

****! You mean I can ***** slap these guys! It's a gay man's dream. Oh, wait. I'm not gay.

I suggest you call this guy...
Ralek's Best Friend (http://www.vangar.com/hank.htm)

Level 4:

Will only be used in Hawaii
for our King of Kage Kombat.
Opponents start from a standing position. Open Hand strikes to the head are legal standing and while on the ground. Kicking to the head while standing is legal. No elbows or head butts to the head. Must wear mouthpiece and shin and instep pads on legs in this division if you want to kick to the head. All submission techniques are legal. These matches are 10 minutes long with a 5 minute overtime. Level Four is for King of Kage Kombat only. Must know how to defend yourself efficiently when your oponent has the mounted position. You will be tested by our safety staff before ever being allowed to fight in this division.

Man, this is the best. Everyone knows that all real throw down fights have to take place in Hawaii!!! The volcanic aura adds that extra mmpph to qi. I like that fact that, if we want to kick to the head, and give these losers a fighting chance at taking us down, we have to wear pads to announce our intentions!

Abel, I say you go for it. How can you possibly lose?

01-11-2002, 03:38 PM
I am thinking about doing the next Kage Kombat. I was thinking you vs. me might be a good match up. Traditional kung fu vs. eclectic mixed martial arts. It could be good advertising for you if you are thinking about opening a school here.

I believe those are the old rules from when they were in San Pedro. The rules now are pretty much like the Pancrase matches that you have in Japan, but we don't use any padding on the shins or feet.

As far as rule restrictions, all of us are all restricted by them. I cannot throw elbows to my opponent's face or back of his neck. I also cannot knee him in the face or dig my fingers into his eyes when I have his back All of these are strong parts of my repertoire, but I think I have enough other things I can use so that it doesn't matter too much.

Kung fu guys are not any more limited than anyone else. Maybe they just don't have as many other useful techs that they CAN use? Hmm…..

Most MMA fighters train in closed fist striking, but can only use palm strikes, such as those found in many types of kung fu. So in this respect, I would say the kung fu guys might have the advantage.

01-11-2002, 03:53 PM
With all due respect, if you insist on challenging SifuAbel you atleast owe him the courtesy of telling him who you are & what you look like.

I think you should also remember that a cornered animal is a dangerous animal.
Forcing someone to fight may end up in the same way.
You may not get the easy fight you hope for.


01-11-2002, 03:55 PM
So, you expect people to compete in tournaments where they can't even keep the rules up to date? Why don't you go find an up to date copy of the rules and post them.

"Kung fu guys are not any more limited than anyone else. Maybe they just don't have as many other useful techs that they CAN use? Hmm….."

Now that's just about the stupidest comment I've ever heard.

It's not a question of technique, it's a question of expertise.

Take someone who trains in grappling and put them in an event where they can't take it to the ground. Sure, they will be able to swing a few punches, but it's not their area of expertise, so they will be handicapped. This even applies to MMA guys, since people do tend to focus on their strengths, and there are more than a few MMA who focus on their striking game.

The rules as listed favor grapplers and those who take it to the ground.

All of that is really moot though. Go get the real rules and post them somewhere we can all read them.

01-11-2002, 04:19 PM
I was under the impression that he had figured out who I was or that someone had told him. However, based on his previous posts regarding his training and expertise, I was also under the impression that he felt he could handle me easily, regardless of who I am or what I look like (neither of which are very impressive anyway).

I'm not forcing him to do anything nor am I looking for an easy fight. Sifu Abel is supposedly a very accomplished CMA practitioner. I wouldn't expect to get anything else but a good fight from him.

You feel that the rules favor grapplers and those who take it to the ground? How is that? Can't the kung fu guys keep the grapplers from taking them down? Why can't they fight once they get taken down? I thought most styles of kung fu were complete systems that covered all ranges of fighting anyway.

By the way, the fighters are stood back up anytime there is not significant action on the ground. I would say that favors the stand up guys. All they have to do is stall on the ground until they are stood back up.

As far as the rules, they are basically the Level 4 that you posted on the last page- minus the shin and instep padding. All shots to the body and palm strikes and kicks to the face and head are legal.

01-11-2002, 04:44 PM
Knife fighter:

Can't the kung fu guys keep the grapplers from taking them down?

Come on. Any realistic person knows that no technique works 100% of the time. And let's be honest, we are talking about strikers here. A shiao jiao guy would probably be fine under these rules.

Why can't they fight once they get taken down?

The rules seem to state that there is no striking on the ground. If you specialize in striking, as a KF guy or an MMA, you are limited.

I thought most styles of kung fu were complete systems that covered all ranges of fighting anyway.

When did I say that? Did you hear those words come out of my mouth? Can you find a post that I made, that you can quote me saying that?

No, you can not. You aren't arguing with every kung fu guy out there, you are arguing with me. So stick to the facts.

Oh, and until you can post the real rules so we have a basis for discussion, you have zero credibility. Also, you might want to include why the rules were changed.

Jaguar Wong
01-11-2002, 05:29 PM
he did post the real rules. He said it was level 4 (that you yourself posted on the first page) minus the shin/instep pads. Strikes on the ground are legal, just no elbows or headbutts to the head. If an accomplished fighter can't keep the fight from hitting the ground against an opponent who's determined to get it there, then he better know how to use his skills to get back up. Like you said, no technique is 100% effective, that's why you need to expose your skills to different situations/styles/fighters, etc, so you can learn to adapt.

The rules favor SAFETY, and nothing else. There isn't a group of BJJ elitists sitting in the back room going "Hey, strikers can stop our takedowns if we let them use pressure point strikes, we better outlaw them". It's a good format, short of allowing closed fist strikes to the head. If anything I figure I'd someday use this format to compete in to test my overall skills (once I got past the first few levels of course :)). I use a lot of open hand strikes (including all chops, ridgehands, heel palms, and open/willow palm style strikes), so maybe, just maybe I'd be able to find out if I'm using them effectively. For me personally that is.

I'm not trying to be on one side or another here, but I'm actually very interested in seeing this match actually happen. I'd most likely be rootin' right down the middle, but hey, that's because I'm just like that. I'd even root right down the middle for all of Ralek's challenge matches, if he ever actually has one (besides his sparring match that is).

01-11-2002, 05:51 PM
WHEN and WHERE is your next event? Can you actually give me something I can verify? A phone #, ANYTHING.

Cut this pusssyfooting around and spill it.

A no, nobody told me who you are.
Kicking somebodies asss for free is like 500th on my things to do list.
So make it worth while for me.

01-11-2002, 05:56 PM

So, are you saying most Kung Fu guys CAN’T fight on the ground?

And, yes, the same strikes are allowed on the ground as those that can be used standing.

As for why the rules were changed, the original rules were done when the athletic commission was threatening to shut them down because the event was deemed to be too brutal, as well as to help less experienced people get involved when this type of thing was relatively new. The level 1 and level 2 were only done when two grapplers wanted to do a grappling only match. The athletic commission has since softened its stance and I believe less inexperienced people still occasionally do a level 3 fight.

Kage Kombat is held at the LA Entertainment Center (3rd & Boyleston) in Los Angeles. The next event is either in February or March. I don’t think there is a definite date set yet.

As far as kicking someone’s ass for free, the last time I posted back and forth with you, I thought you were quite keen on the idea.

01-11-2002, 06:02 PM
JW: That's not what he said. He said

As for pancrase rules, these are significantly different from a tiered system of rules. Especially one where the lowest level bans striking. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me that asking a striker to fight at "Level Zero" to "Level Two" is strictly for safety, the structure of the rules are to create a safe grappling environment.


I assume these are the rules you mean? Since the organization that runs these events are clearly more organized the one which runs Kage Kombat, I'd still like to see the Kage Kombat rules. In events like this, "Close enough" is not. Knowledge is power.


Try This site:


For Further Info:
Telephone: 310-290-3306
Send E-mail to ruready2tapout@aol.com

01-11-2002, 06:11 PM
Shin thanks for the info,


Did you compete DEC. 6th? What division? Would I see you on this page? Probably not.


01-11-2002, 06:34 PM
is this you?

Whats featherwieght division? 165?

01-11-2002, 06:46 PM
Is this you?

Whats featherwieght division? 165?
Lighter than that.

So, getting excited yet? Thinking you can take me out, no problem? So, whaddaya say? Shall we set a match up?

01-11-2002, 06:56 PM
"So, are you saying most Kung Fu guys CAN’T fight on the ground? "

No. I don't believe in making generalizations about what people can and can't do.

"And, yes, the same strikes are allowed on the ground as those that can be used standing. "

My mistake, but then I still don't have the rules.

And finally, the general level of fights is what? The statement that there are still level 3 fights taking place shows that Jaguar Wong's assumption that all fights are at Level 4 rules is incorrect, so again....

Where are the rules?

I mean, come on. You want to fight Abel, and you can't even send him the phone number to call? I have to do it? That's pitiful. This is worse than the figurative pulling teeth.

01-11-2002, 07:01 PM
Dale"island dog" franks? finally a name?

Dude I'm sorry but if you are lighter than 165 I think you should just back down and avoid the embarrasment. I'm 205 Lean, I would murder you.

01-11-2002, 07:01 PM
Once again, the rules are as stated in level 4 on the previous page. Most fights are done at this level. I do all my fights at this level. Occasionally, newbies fight at level 3, although it is pretty rare.

Actually I think our rules are less restrictive than the Pancrase in Japan that your link showed. Elbows to the body are allowed. Heel hooks are allowed. Kicks with the toes are allowed. Shin protectors are not used. Opponents can be struck from behind.

So, let's set it up. I've fought guys up to 240 before.

01-11-2002, 07:04 PM
a kf sifu stating he'd kill someone on the advantage of size alone . ...

01-11-2002, 07:07 PM

It would be like fighting a child. It wouldn't be a fair fight at all.
I can't take this seriuosly anymore. What are your stats exactly?

Shrimpy division?


01-11-2002, 07:09 PM

I got more than just size. And thats the point.

01-11-2002, 07:17 PM
will your head fit in the ring though?

01-11-2002, 07:18 PM
"I got more than just size. And thats the point."

heh, so you know what to do with it as well eh? *heh*

01-11-2002, 07:21 PM
Depends on which "head" you are talking about. ;)

01-11-2002, 07:27 PM
all three of em mate :o

01-11-2002, 07:32 PM
If I was closer to your weight would you be willing to fight?

01-11-2002, 07:35 PM
Sharky ,

Pardon me but is my third head in your mouth or something?


Give it up.

01-11-2002, 07:36 PM

01-11-2002, 07:49 PM
That's what I thought. Convenient out for you, huh? Anyway, let me know if you decide otherwise in the future.

01-11-2002, 08:01 PM
I think Knifefighter can handle it, the man is in shape. Hell, he made most of the guys at NG look almost out of shape.

Anybody watching the UFC tonight?-ED

01-11-2002, 08:24 PM
Sifuabel is displaying is insecurities through his rude remarks. Perhaps you should give him time to sort out his own problems instead of you sorting them out for him.

01-11-2002, 09:15 PM

I should have known all your huff was an over active napoleon complex. YOu'll see me soon enough-dale.


So what.


Go find your inner child so I can smack him around a bit.

01-11-2002, 09:56 PM
How this thread really should have gone:

Knifefighter - Hey SifuAble, I heard you're in the area and are looking for people to hit the mat with. It would be cool if we hooked up.

SifuAble - No man. Thanks anyway, just not that interested.

Knifefighter - That's cool. Take care.

As for how it went: makes me understand why people like Knifefighter tend to have such low opinions of kungfu practitioners.

01-11-2002, 11:00 PM
Excuse me!!!!

Why is the burden on me? I've been up front from the begining. I've not been the one hiding and playing guessing games. Just to hide the fact that he's a shrimpy little guy with a big ego that no one likes except for the few of you that get ego strokes from him.
Pa..........leeeeeeeez I outweigh him more than 50 pounds. AND, I'm a good fighter. I don't have an obvious advantage?
There is no winning this, if I win I took advantage of a little guy, if lose(not likey now) I lost to a little shrimpy guy. It's like fighting a child or an old man.

Talk about a little dog with a big bark. Boy you BETTER be good.

01-11-2002, 11:52 PM
I’m definitely up for mixing it up with you. However, since the size discrepancy seems to be a problem for you, how about I set you up with one of my training partners? I have three guys in mind for you- 180; 205; or 225. Pick a weight, since you don’t like mine.

BYW, that’s not me in the picture. I’m older and uglier.

Gin Sue:
What did you think of the UFC tonight?

01-12-2002, 08:06 PM
I was extremely disappointed by UFC 35. No action on the ground or standing up.

I thought the "Iceman" a bit over rated and those Russians were somewhat hyped up.

What really sucked was that they didn't show the Gil Castillo vs Chris Brennan fight. I heard it was pretty much a no action fight though with Gil laying and praying but I am a little biased.

The best fight of the night had to be Eugene Jackson vs Keith Rockel. Non stop action through out the fight, I thought Keith had it until the end. Eugene Jackson is a stud. Jens Pulver vs BJ Penn didn't disappoint but I would have liked to see either a KO or a submission.

I am going back to NG as soon as Chris is back from the East Coast. I know Chris has got to be a little ****ed about that fight.

I am not calling to a liar but from the pictures you posted of yourself, I am a little doubtful that you're 205lbs. Maybe 180lbs to 190lbs at most JMHO.-ED

P.S.- I can back up Knifefighter's statement, that isn't him.

Jaguar Wong
01-12-2002, 09:12 PM
And finally, the general level of fights is what? The statement that there are still level 3 fights taking place shows that Jaguar Wong's assumption that all fights are at Level 4 rules is incorrect, so again....
- shin


Actually My assumption was that the level 4 rules were changed to show that there were no longer any shin/instep padding required. I still thought that the other levels were available for anyone who wanted to compete under them. That's where I was wrong.

Also, from the tone of your posts, it seems that no matter what anyone says, you're trying to take cheap shots, and rip apart any credibility that Knifefighter has, regardless of what he posts. My other assumption that you were here for an actual argument, not a mudslinging campaign (OK, so it's not a full blown mud slinger, since there's no name calling on your part yet), was also wrong. I'm just going to stay out of the way, and let you guys settle it.

The differing levels of competition are also up to the fighters, not the people organizing the event. If you think that level 3 takes too much out of your arsenal, then choose level 4, if you feel that you want to see how good your throws, takedowns, or submissions are (even for you shuai chiao/Chin na players) the level 1 or 2 would be good. The rules for level 4 are there for the safety of the fighters, but of course a grappling format is going to have rules that favor grappling. Seriously, you really didn't have to waste your time typing that one out.

01-12-2002, 09:24 PM
Hey Jaguar

Sorry. I actually have no problem with KF, I just have a problem when someone:

a) Does not provide all the information that are using to make an case with.
b) Tries to put words in my mouth.
c) Challenges another person to a fight in an event with rules without telling them where or what rules the event will be judged under.

As for the whole thing with the levels, yeah, I was being a jerk. But honestly, it's clear the thing was originally structured with Grapplers in mind, at least from the original rules. And I'm still waiting for the new rules to be posted, so I can make my own judgement. I'm terribly sorry if I seem like I'm attacking KF for not being allowed to formulate my own opinion, and having to trust his or yours instead.

And I'll leave this post alone, because I don't see myself heading to LA any time soon.


01-12-2002, 10:33 PM
Correct me if i'm wrong, but dont most MMA shows ban small joint locks? Finger/toe/wristlocks? Those are a part of the grappling repertoire and are banned, i'm not saying that it makes up 100% for some of the banned strikes but still ...

GinSue: Making NG guys look out of shape? Those guys look like they'r herkulese's (SP?), saw the picture of Chris Brenna at the weigh in he looked ripped as hell. This wouldnt happen to be Bao Quach or someone? :P <165 in good shape and goes to NG :)

01-13-2002, 01:24 AM
Abel -

First you say that knife has a big ego. Then you say that you won't fight him because he has little to no chance of beating you. hmmmm....

01-13-2002, 01:43 AM
Hehehe, no Knifefighter isn't Bao and yes Knifefighter makes Bao look out of shape. Picture Chris but add more rip and throw in some leather for skin.

I believe Knifefighter fights at the same weight class as Bao, or he did at the last tourney.-ED

01-13-2002, 11:14 AM
But Bao won his division right? (if your talking about the NG Submission tourney).

You wouldnt happen to be one of the fighters at NG? (GinSue) :)

01-13-2002, 11:40 AM
Knifefighter: "Want to meet up for a friendly match"

SifuUnable: "You're only 185 pounds, I'm way heavier and way better, I'd kick your ass for nothing, that's like 3000th on my REALLY JAM PACKED schedule. It wouldn't be fair, I'd murder you, I have a small weiner. Goodbye.

[Sound of man running into distance]

01-13-2002, 12:17 PM
ROFL...hahaha...that last line is going to be a classic.

No, I am just a guy that trains there and has seen KF complete.-ED

01-13-2002, 01:09 PM
I doubt I make the NG guys look out of shape. Those guys are studs and awesome fighters. I was really impressed with their triangles- they were pulling them out from everywhere. Bao smoked me with a flying triangle.

01-13-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Excuse me!!!!

Why is the burden on me? I've been acting a tit from the begining. I've not been the one making pleasant challenges. Just to hide the fact that he's better fighter with a larger c*ck that no one likes except for the few of you that get ego strokes from him.
Pa..........leeeeeeeez. I undersize him more than 2 inches. AND, I'm a good fighter [honest]. I don't have an obvious advantage?
There is no winning this, if I lose(very likely) I lost to a little shrimpy guy. I'll never get respect in the ghetto again. It's like raping a child or an old man. Although I do do that all the time. Please don't tell anyone.

Talk about a Sifu with a small c*ck. I have severe inferiority problems.

01-13-2002, 03:34 PM
Seriously, a lot of the guys were impressed by you. I heard comments like who is that Gracie guy that looks like he is made of steel. How often do you work out? I would be curious to know what your normal work out consists of. BTW, pulling triangles out of thin air is a favorite with a lot of the guys at NG.-ED

01-13-2002, 04:04 PM
Triangle has to be one of the coolest moves :) (when i say taht i mean to look at since i have no training in grappling). Only problem with it is that all my friends say "dude that guy is just pulling him into his crotch" when i'm watching an instructional or some fight taht ends in an triangle.

01-13-2002, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Shin
I mean, come on. You want to fight Abel, and you can't even send him the phone number to call? I have to do it? That's pitiful. This is worse than the figurative pulling teeth.

Captain Subtext says: My head is so far up SifuAbel's arse, I can't see the message board.

01-13-2002, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Dude I'm sorry but if you are lighter than 165 I think you should just back down and avoid the embarrasment. I'm 205 Lean, I would murder you.

Captain Subtext says: I'm scared of him - I'll have to use my overweight torso as an excuse not to fight

01-13-2002, 04:14 PM
Hey Gin Sue:

I am a strength and conditioning coach, so I am fortunate enough to get a lot of opportunities to work out. Between MA training, strength training, and cardio work, I usually do two to four sessions per day. In order to maximize my fitness and keep from overtraining, I follow a periodization program that I have developed for myself. If you're not familiar with periodization, it is a training theory originally developed by the Eastern block countries. The idea is to manipulate intensity, volume, duration, and mode into various cycles to maximize conditioning and minimize overtraining effects.

Those triangles were sick and were a wake-up call for me. I’ve been working my triangle defenses. We’ll see if I put enough work into it at the next tourney.

01-13-2002, 04:31 PM
Hey Sifu Abel, maybe you should just do an in school fight. You guys can make your own rules. I think the rules should only be no eye or throat strikes and no maming.

01-13-2002, 06:55 PM
As always, fixated on my package. :rolleyes:

Delicatesound, talk about an effeminate name.

If that is you neal, you have alot of nerve to return here you child molesting freak.

If you are not neal excuse me for the insult.

Then again, all we need is yet another know-nothing whiny kid talking smack out of his rectum. Mix of lau gar and judo indeed.

Sounds like neal.

As for the whole thing : "Show me the money", Free is for chumps.

01-13-2002, 08:55 PM
Now you've got me all curios in who you are :P (since you said your well known on UG and i'm a MMA wannabe so i hang out there ;) ).

Since naming names would be helping Abel! I'll just ask one question, are you also a sport psychologist? If so i think i might know who you are :P

01-14-2002, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Delicatesound, talk about an effeminate name.

You obviously have no idea of its meaning, and so probably a very slim knowledge of 20th century rock music.

Then again, judging by the comments you've made on this page why am I even bothering.

I am no psycho-analyst, but your throwaway comments towards people here [many of which are lacking weight] seem to point towards you having a severe inferiority complex. No wonder us CMA guys are seen as arrogant.

01-14-2002, 08:08 AM
Also, if I can take the time to educate you:

The gentlist thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world. That which has no substance enters where there is no space.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

So my effemininity will kick your Super-Macho 205pd [lean!] ass, OK!

01-14-2002, 12:30 PM
So Rudy,
Are you saying you would do it for money?

01-14-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
If that is you neal, you have alot of nerve to return here you child molesting freak.

My name is not Neal. Can I ask who Neal is? And I abhor child-abuse, you sick f*ck.

A know-nothing whiny kid talking out of his rectum

YES: Because

1) You ARE qualified to judge the tone and pitch of my voice
2) I really HAVE tried to lecure you on something.

And what experience do you have of either A: LauGar, B: Judo?

All I've done is taken the p!ss out of your arrogance.
Please explain why for this I am a "child molester"?

01-14-2002, 01:02 PM
He calls you a child molester because you have wounded his inner child.
Shame on you !!!:p

01-14-2002, 01:05 PM
Sorry Mojo [sniff]. I never meant to hurt him at all .......... he's so angry and arrogant........ haow could I hurt someone as nice as him......... .[whimper] ............ especially when he insulted my name, and I wasn't even bothered........ [sniff]

01-14-2002, 02:34 PM
Sounds like Abel has the insecurity problem. At least Knifefighter admits when he was bested at a tournament. He hasn't once bragged or belittled SifuAbel. This says volumes about each individual... let's recap.....

I understand you are living in So Cal and looking for competitions. Would you be interested in going against me in an upcoming Kage Kombat?

what a fahag.............
When is your next event?
Or, even better, when is your next dog brothers match?

I want to see the great knifefighter in action.

Didn't you get pusssed out at the otherground when someone from your own school(supposedly) challenged your identity?

Aren't you in So Cal and supposedly looking for competitions? Since you had expressed interest in the past in testing me out, I thought an upcoming Kage Kombat might be a good venue for that. Apparently it's not something you want to do.
I am thinking about doing the next Kage Kombat. I was thinking you vs. me might be a good match up. Traditional kung fu vs. eclectic mixed martial arts. It could be good advertising for you if you are thinking about opening a school here.

is this you?

Whats featherwieght division? 165?

So, getting excited yet? Thinking you can take me out, no problem? So, whaddaya say? Shall we set a match up?

Dude I'm sorry but if you are lighter than 165 I think you should just back down and avoid the embarrasment. I'm 205 Lean, I would murder you.

So, let's set it up. I've fought guys up to 240 before.

It would be like fighting a child. It wouldn't be a fair fight at all.
I can't take this seriuosly anymore. What are your stats exactly?

Shrimpy division?


If I was closer to your weight would you be willing to fight?
That's what I thought. Convenient out for you, huh? Anyway, let me know if you decide otherwise in the future.

I should have known all your huff was an over active napoleon complex. YOu'll see me soon enough-dale.
Talk about a little dog with a big bark. Boy you BETTER be good.

01-14-2002, 02:42 PM
Watch it Brainpan - he'll make out you're a chil-molester soon :rolleyes:

01-14-2002, 04:05 PM

You two are newbies and don't know jack about KFO history. KF and I have been trading insults for close to two years. This "Knifefighter is innocent" stuff is stupid.


I know Lau Gar kune and have done judo when I was younger, I have literally ten times the experience that you do. And, yes you come off as a whiny bird brain with 2 years experience(which isn't much for either lau gar or judo).

What I don't get is if you are so new to here then why do you post like you've known me for a while? You can actually tell alot by what is said. It isn't natural for someone to come out of the gate with your style of remarks.

01-14-2002, 04:14 PM

01-14-2002, 04:59 PM
No, Abel, you are the one throwing insults. I have been on this forum for awhile. I am no newbie and I know that knifefighter has always been civil on these boards.

01-14-2002, 05:07 PM
LOL @ Abel backing down!

01-14-2002, 05:56 PM
In all fairness,I have been known to throw an insult or two in my time. I know there have been three or four people who have been pretty p i s s e d off at me from time to time.

You never answered my question. Do you want to set something up if we put some money on the table?

01-14-2002, 06:03 PM
Abel & Knifefighter.

You both kind of suck in general and are both
very opinionated and can be over bearing.

Outside of that you both offer pretty good info and opinions.
If you cross hands good luck and don't cause each other too much harm and try to have fun.

Peace, Pete.

01-14-2002, 08:57 PM
There are two easy solutions to this ongoing 2 year feud, assuming that Abel is now in KF's neck of the woods:

1. Knife sets something up for them to fight and Abel comes to him

2. Knife finds Abel's location and goes there for a completely unauthorised a$$-whooping session, but done with at least a little respect and perhaps a touch of wu de

Now, it's obvious that Abel won't go anywhere because he backs down every time it looks real, so it would seem that option 1 is a no go. Therefore, Knife is gonna have to go and pick a fight on Abel's turf.

Abel is a big mouthed arrogant d!ckwad, happy to sling insults every time his case looks shaky. KF is a big mouthed arrogant d!ckwad, happy to fight Abel at any time suitable to both. You're as bad as each other guys, but there's one fundamental difference between you.

For fu ck's sake, will someone fight someone and get this tired subject off the d@mn board!

01-14-2002, 10:02 PM
You know what? Maybe you guys are right. The way I look at it is if two people think I am as much of a d!ckwad as the guy who I think of as a d!ckwad, the chances are probably pretty good that I have been being one too. So, in the interest of trying not to be a jerk any longer, I would like to apologize to Abel and anyone else who has been offended by any of my remarks. Please accept my apologies for being a big-mouthed, over-opinionated, arrogant sonofabeotch. I'll try not to let it happen again.

01-14-2002, 10:18 PM
Aw, man - I can just feel a great big group hug coming on!

Whaddaya say Abel?

01-15-2002, 12:31 AM
taking a doubletake and wondering if the acid will wear off sometine soon.

I just realized something too. Knifefighter and I are the only ones who know what we are beefing about and the rest of you are a bunch of psychophantic babbling geeks. This is like two bulls fighting, with a bunch of picadors stabbing from a safe distance. This has been a pet peeve of mine for a long time: unsupervised kids talking smack behind a computer. In other words, those that weren't there should back off , shut up and stop being annoying little pests.

Being nice. **** I can try but that engine needs a carb clean.

When I came on this board it was with intent of sharing information and helping people to the extent of my experience, instead all I got was the preceding history of goofing and rebutle and argueing with 15 year yr old greenbeans. Knifefighter, When I think back to when this all started all I can remeber is defending myself for not Kowtowing to the staus quo. I can't remeber the last time I was actually discussing MA. I can't remeber the last time a thread here didn't end in
"whatever the post was a triangle choke will fix it. " I'm not a teenager anymore. I must be getting old when I actually catch myself thinking "geez, kids can be totally stupid". Posts that have VS., or what would you do if, can such and such movie star fight or any number of mind numbing drivel that comes up from the minds of the inexperienced. It is sheer delight when someone comes up with question that isn't coming from a second grade mentality. I'm sure you are tired of it too. It's amazing how many think they "know" me or you.

Me being nasty or nice ALWAYS depended on what I recieved in kind. If you can discuss things without coming off like you have a redwood on your shoulder than so can I. You'd be surprised.

01-15-2002, 02:40 AM
But you must admit, Rickson Gracie VS Superman would be a great matchup.

01-15-2002, 02:50 AM
Sifuabel - are you going to fight Knifefighter or what? He's up for it, you think you'll have no problem winning ("I'll murder you") so why don't you just get on with it?

If you're not willing to travel, or fight for free, and you're so sure you'll murder him, why don't you just make a bet with the guy and go at it. Make sure you're covered legally though. He'll come to you I'm sure.

And making fun of guys like the guy in the photo alienates about 50% of the people on this board from you. Not that I would assume that you would care.

Shrimps have feelings too! :D

"Knifefighter and I are the only ones who know what we are beefing about and the rest of you are a bunch of psychophantic babbling geeks."

Why don't you swap emails and message privately then? Maybe we psychophantic babbling geeks don't want to listen to your stalling BS. Although I do find it entertaining.

"This is like two bulls fighting, with a bunch of picadors stabbing from a safe distance."

Er, it would be, if you'd fight!! More like one bull chasing the other round the bull ring.

LOL@Delicate Sound.

01-15-2002, 07:33 AM
Well, I was there "when". And let me tell all of the newbies, it hasn't changed a bit. What you are reading now is pretty much the same as it's been for years.

It's a staple.

Hell, it wouldn't be KFO without them. It's kind of like my morning coffee and Tequila.


01-15-2002, 09:52 AM
I just don't see the "Sifu" in SifuAbel. At least on these boards. Well I will go back to training and stop mucking around on these useless boards. I didn't even glean an ounce of actual useful information here... too bad.

01-15-2002, 10:28 AM
Sifu Abel does not want to fight becuase he knows that kung fu does not work. If he believed in the power of kung fu then surley he would fight the little 165 pound Knifefighter whether it be in Kage Combat or inside of his school.

Sifu Abel realizes that brazilian jiujitsu can easily take out kung fu. In fact brazilian jiujitsu is undefeated agasint kung fu. Jiujitsu is sort of like the beotch slapper of kung fu. Sifu Abel realizes this and is running away from the fight so his students don't find out that kung fu is ineffective.

01-15-2002, 11:28 AM
Monkey Kung fu is fake. SifuAbel is like Paulie Zink.

01-15-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
unsupervised kids talking smack behind a computer. In other words, those that weren't there should back off , shut up and stop being annoying little pests.

Yes - of course most inferiour Sifu, because I haven't been able to move forward in time to my 30's all of my posts are instantly rendered valid. I am OBVIOUSLY immature, inexperienced and arrogant. All this coming from the man who said:

DelicateSound what an effeminate name

How arrogant, ageist and fascist you appear to be. Although I have, through my studies furthered my intellect past your "second grade level", I must, in keeping with tradition say:

"Bite my ass"

01-15-2002, 03:34 PM
Bottom line, regardless of money or anything else:

Knifefighter is willing to bring it.

SifuAbel isn't.

I've been here long enough to remember the old conversations... not all of them, but enough of them.

01-15-2002, 03:58 PM
Ralek, merryprankster, fightfan, brain pan, etc.

Thank you, you have once again proven me right.

01-15-2002, 04:45 PM
Abel, are you completely braindead?!

There is one simple answer here, and I've been around since the beginning, so don't call me a newbie. I didn't post for a loooong time, but I've been reading these boards for years. All this **** about proving you right, people are just kids, no one understands you, etc. is all totally irrelevant. (And, by the way, I'm over 30, so my point must be worth reading in your eyes).

Anyway, it all comes down to one simple fact:

You and KF have been *****ing about all this for aeons and for that whole time he's been willing to fight and you keep backing off! You're both as bad as each other really, but the simple difference is that KF will cross hands with you at any opportunity, under any rules, in any place. He's even suggested that money could be involved if you want. And you think you'd "murder" him.

For Christ's sake - get out there and fight him or shut the f uck up!

Yes or no? It's that simple.

01-15-2002, 04:51 PM
Exactly Serpent.

Yes or No.

It seems SifuAbel and Ralek have a lot in common.

Oh well, at least Ralek fought with ShaolinTiger.

01-15-2002, 06:56 PM
hey abel,

knife has been asking you to come forward for a long time and you have always been duckin him. Knife is well in shape. the guy is made of stone. at the ng tourny he was putting guys to shame.

ps. i heard that you were an middle aged, overweight, and is that the reason you are 205 with no muscle?

hey knife,

lost your email. can you send me one? great job at the tourny by the way!

01-15-2002, 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Merryprankster
Exactly Serpent.
Oh well, at least Ralek fought with ShaolinTiger.

Really? I just joined this forum but I can already tell Ralek is an a55hole, could you give a description of the fight for the benefit of those who missed out? :)


Look I'm not gonna judge you, but if you had any pride in your martial art or your abilities you would have accepted his challenge long ago. I've never met a sifu who was willing to cop as much c r a p as you. You (if you really have studied any kung fu) should know as well as anyone that braggers with big mouths who back out of challenges give their art a bad name. :rolleyes:

01-15-2002, 08:45 PM
Ralek's not a jerk, he's the resident forum troll. He's like that toilet that doesn't flush right... he's what makes a house a home!

No, I can't describe it. Ap Oweyn might have a good description laying around somewhere. Ap met Shaolin, and I've had some e-mail contact with him myself.

01-16-2002, 12:53 AM
Ducking out? WTF? I've been here for two whole weeks. For those that have just joined us I've been in the SF bay area for the last four years. How the freakin heck have I been ducking anything. Neither of us took the time and expense to fly 500 miles just for a stupid fight.

Serpent, I didn't put your name down. But since you seem so inclined to include yourself with the sideline rabblerousers and the children so be it. In was about to mention how you were the voicew of reason , but I've just changed my mind about that.

I am soooooo sorry I am not satisfying your timetable gentlemen(and I use that term rather loosley). I will make moves when I am d amn good and ready.

I can really feel the love in this room. :rolleyes:

Assume what you want. We all make our own beds. You make yours. Those that have fought me no longer make no such assumptions. Who is this source anyway? What crystal ball did you look into to get your information. 33 is middle aged? I going to die at 60? Holy jesus!

01-16-2002, 05:11 AM
Would you be willing to travel to Abel?

01-16-2002, 06:45 AM
How nice of him to reply to my post. It's only been 18 hours since I posted it.....

01-16-2002, 07:30 AM
Anton. Yes i fought shaolin tiger. He is a national level san shou fighter and former opponent of Marvin Perry the world champion of kickboxing and San shou.

I'll be fighting JF Springer on January 25. A week and a few days from now.

Maybe Sifu Abel will learn something about stepping up to the challenge from my fights.

01-16-2002, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
Anton. Yes i fought shaolin tiger. He is a national level san shou fighter and former opponent of Marvin Perry the world champion of kickboxing and San shou.........................I'll be fighting JF Springer on January 25. A week and a few days from now.

You forgot to mention the part about getting your @ss kicked;)

01-16-2002, 08:22 AM
You two studs hurry up and fight already. The winner gets little o me. teehee.


01-16-2002, 12:23 PM
Both guys are aiming to lose then.........

01-16-2002, 01:43 PM

You're going to die at 60, Abel ?! :eek:
So much for the benefits of Chi Gung, huh? ;)

01-16-2002, 04:07 PM
Concidering my grandpa died near 90 and he was a meat eating, cigar smoking, women loving, hard living, trunk of of tree old man till the day he died. And, my other grandpa is still alive and storng as a bull at 91; me dieing at 60? Not by genetics at least. I just made that comment against being "middleaged". BAH!

scotty , read the fine print.

Delicate(your name is so gay :rolleyes: )

I don't live on the internet, I just visit. It's a little thing called having a real life. Maybe you've heard of it. You should try it some time. BTW, from your view, how does your rectum look from the inside?

01-16-2002, 04:29 PM
I don't live on the internet, I just visit. It's a little thing called having a real life.

This coming from the guy who has over 1000 posts....:rolleyes:

01-16-2002, 05:47 PM

01-16-2002, 05:58 PM
Oh my god! I've just had a seriously scary realisation! I have more respect for Ralek than I do for SifuAbel!


1. Abel tries to be funny, but seriously isn't. He's one of those that thinks his wit is really sharp, when it's actually blunter than a turd. However, no matter how much you may dislike him, you can't deny that Ralek is a funny b@stard!

2. Abel talks sh!t all the time, yet has never faced up to any challenge. We actually have more proof of Ralek facing a challenge, even if the whole thing was a bit of a joke!

I want Ralek and Abel to fight and I'm backing Ralek!


01-17-2002, 01:14 AM
Yawn, whatever......

Serpents profile:

"Me? I'm nobody - don't worry about me!"

Ain't that the truth!

"yet has never faced up to any challenge"

You mean knifefighters challenge? Made to a guy 500 miles away. I being one of many people he has issued ultimatums to. Or, that pedophile neal cameron who was 2500 miles away?

So what was a I supposed to do? Spend $500 to board a plane for the sole intention of beating up on somebody because they had an issue on the internet? How stupid is that? No one flew up to see me. I was teaching openly in the bay area for three years. No one from the bay area came to my school (and there were plenty of trash talking idiots up there too) to proove anything much less people abroad. Get real...........Why didn't you in your infinite wisdom make the trip yourself? Some people on this board really love to talk s hit online and you are one of them. Neal actually threatened that he was "on his way" I said bring it. Guess what, no show.

Of course I'm argueing with the same five or six that have managed to turn this board into a prepubecent drooling contest.

People call me overbearing when I mention my experience; thats the way it is, I can't turn back the clock. What experience do you have? heck, we don't know.
So in the end people like me have to sit back and read the stupidities of people like you? Whatever............. No wonder most of the old timers have gone to other boards.

Respect for ralek? HA! Now I've heard everything. Some guy indulges a kids ego by playing with him for five minutes and he's a prooven fighter? You are an idiot. LOL! Why don't you ask ralek why he didn't attend the big kung fu tournament last year? That was held in his home town a short bus ride away. Plenty of opportunities to proove himself there. What happened? I tell you , NOTHING.

So you can take your BS and stick it back in that rectum you call a mouth.

Johnny Hot Shot
01-17-2002, 01:34 AM
Dude has got some issues...:rolleyes:

01-17-2002, 01:47 AM
What a smart guy! Too bad you werent smart enough to know the simple rule of dont let your mouth write a check your asss cant cash.

01-17-2002, 02:07 AM
Where's the fine print? :confused:

Come to think of it, where's Knifefighter?

01-17-2002, 02:15 AM
Why is 'Delicate' "gay"?

01-17-2002, 07:39 AM

Fair enough on the distance issue. I wouldn't travel 500 miles either, unless I had nothing better to do.

I was under the impression that the REAL issue was venue, kwoon vice ring.

I withdraw my earlier statement provided that distance is indeed the case. If neither are willing to travel, can't blame anybody.

01-17-2002, 12:48 PM
Delicate - your name is so gay

That's because you don't know what it means. But what a great way to respond to my post. Cheers Abel :rolleyes:

BTW - This kind of comment is further proof of your severe insecurity/inferiority complex. Hell - I'm no psychoanalyst, and you're making this too easy for me.....

01-17-2002, 12:49 PM
Oh and for the record - I've been heterosexual for 17 years, I don't see it suddenly changing now.

01-17-2002, 04:04 PM
SifuAbel, concern yourself not with these novices.

If a challenge is what everybody wants, let them walk through your door if they dare. We both know that when it comes time to walk the walk, novices like these run the distance.

You've got a lot of knowledge that would be better served elsewhere on this forum. I'd love to see you post stuff at the "Taijiquan and Internal" forum.

Since all of the collective flaming won't add up to a single challenger showing up on your doorstep, don't bother with this stupid flame thread.

01-17-2002, 04:36 PM
D@mn Abel - you do entertain me. You're like a clockwork toy - wind him up and watch him go, go, go! :D

01-17-2002, 09:53 PM

I don't sweat these children at all. No matter what age they are, they are just children in MA. They are like the kids that surround a school fight, eager to see blood but not wanting to get into it themselves. Cheering on from the sidelines, yelling like fools. The mob. Collectively they feel power, individually they are insignificant.

All they do is yap yap yap without an ounce of substance and but in to discussions they have no business being in. Then again that is the nature of this place, giving a voice to those that would otherwise cower in the corner. (all those that respond to this are including themselves so don't repond if you are not guilty).

Other boards?
Now that the "who is the real deal" arguments have died down a bit, I'll be making my way through the other boards. It's actually nice to chat about MA, for once.

Danny Sainty
01-17-2002, 09:59 PM
"No matter what age they are, they are just children in MA. They are like the kids that surround a school fight, eager to see blood but not wanting to get into it themselves. Cheering on from the sidelines, yelling like fools. The mob. Collectively they feel power, individually they are insignificant.

All they do is yap yap yap without an ounce of substance and but in to discussions they have no business being in. "

True with most of society as well. Very well put.

01-17-2002, 10:39 PM
Good grief people give Abel a break. If someone came along and started to challenge you on a thread full of people how would you react? If you expect someone to lay down and whine then get real. Ifa guy sticks up for himself then good for him. And I can tell Abel has no problem defending himself.

I don't have any thing against anyone here who has posted on this thread I just wanted to make a coment.

01-17-2002, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
All they do is yap yap yap without an ounce of substance and but in to discussions they have no business being in. Then again that is the nature of this place, giving a voice to those that would otherwise cower in the corner. (all those that respond to this are including themselves so don't repond if you are not guilty).

Convenient. Nice effort to try to stop people badgering you, Abel.

01-17-2002, 10:57 PM
You? Badger me?

Bwahahahahahahahahaha thats a riot!

You give yourself too much credit. Badger away.........
It only refects on you.......Thanks for prooving me right, yet again.

danny and cipher,

thanks for your support, keep fighting the good fight. at least somebody gets my drift.

01-17-2002, 11:11 PM
danny and cipher,

thanks for your support, keep fighting the good fight. at least somebody gets my drift.

Yeah, and one of those is a student of Ashida Kim! Oh, you pick your allies well, Abel.

What is with today? I'm just having too much fun! :D

By the way, there's only one 'o' in prove.

01-17-2002, 11:25 PM
SifuAbel is like Paulie Zink. oh man that is funny able you even gotta admit that was funny,just the fact ralek,had a coherant un-geeked thought.

Danny Sainty
01-18-2002, 12:41 AM
"Yeah, and one of those is a student of Ashida Kim! Oh, you pick your allies well, Abel.

What is with today? I'm just having too much fun!

By the way, there's only one 'o' in prove."

Serpent, and who exactly are you to make such comments?
You know nothing of me to comment at all, nor do you really know anything of Kim's ability. Nor the head of the kokuryu system.
Point is, this thread is all about attention, like a bully trying to be tough in front of the other kids. If it was for real, a email would be sent, nothing public would be done. A nice discreet challange.

01-18-2002, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Yawn, whatever......

You mean knifefighters challenge? Made to a guy 500 miles away. I being one of many people he has issued ultimatums to. Or, that pedophile neal cameron who was 2500 miles away?

So what was a I supposed to do? Spend $500 to board a plane for the sole intention of beating up on somebody because they had an issue on the internet? How stupid is that? No one flew up to see me.

I guess that's fair enough, I wouldn't spend $500 to fight someone who challenged me over the net.
I guess the ball is in Knifefighter's court as much as it is in Abel's.
Knifefighter, Why don't you fly over to him and get a bit of Gong Sau action happening?

Crimson Phoenix
01-18-2002, 03:31 AM
Woohhhooo, I'm in a big venting mood today...
Here are some thoughts...if a six-year old kid says he'll beat you, will you react? Will you beat his azz up just to prove he was wrong and you were right? So what is the point?? If someone here challenges me and tells me I can't fight, what is the big deal? I'm not invincible, but I know what I'm worth (as far as it is possible to know when fights are in scope). Will it change your own life and make you spend sleepless nights if someone says you're a limp puss that can't fight? If it does, then it is sad for you, and you got ego problems. You ought to get a real life if you got time to lose with bird-names or insults doubting your virility over the net...and get less insecure too...
Now don't get me wrong: Knife and Abel seem both to be grown-ups, and if they have a personal issue that they want to settle with fists, why not? They have attitudes and go name-dropping? Who here (besides Prana!) has not called anyone name or made acidic comments?? Throw me the first stone if you think you're soooooooo sainty (no pun intended with Dany ;) ).
You don't like Abel's attitude? You don't like Knife's attitude?? Huuhhh...so what? I know they post their beefs on a public forum, hence they open themselves to public interference, but anyway I'm sorry, most of you remind me of these guys that yell and swear around the arena where dogs fight...what's the point of throwing oil on the fire? What's the point on talking endlessly? Apparently neither Knife nor Abel care about what it is said, so the only way to settle this will be by fists...and yet they both seem intelligent enough to see the futility of it, you, people, you, readers, and posters, me included, are the ones who stir the ****, and sadly it won't even make things evolve. What's the freeking point? You behave like National Inquirer readers, putting your nose in other's businesses (acknowledged that they put their businesses in the open, but still).
Let Abel and Knife set it up if they want to, and set it up means either forgetting it or fighting, but in the meanwhile we ought not to stir the shiat because it is stupid, but more importantly it won't change anything.

Danny Sainty
01-18-2002, 03:56 AM
"Throw me the first stone if you think you're soooooooo sainty (no pun intended with Dany ). "

I am Sainty....does that mean I should throw a stone?

01-18-2002, 05:02 AM
This thread is kind of weird :D

I have a suggestion. Lets collect the money needed for these guys to meet so we can get this thread shut down. It shouldn't matter which one of them hosts this party.

I must add that I hope SifuAbel win this one beacause he is a KF guy(and hes got the charm :confused: ) but I doubt it.

01-18-2002, 06:49 AM
Quick hint:

It's not the challenge, it's the arrogance.

I agree that I wouldn't spend money and time to travel 500 miles just to take somebody up on a challenge. Seems rather odd. Aren't you supposed to go TO the person you challenge?

I declare war! But bring your troops to my country to fight it!!!

Seems rather odd.

01-18-2002, 06:57 AM
What the heck did I do?:confused:

;) Badger

01-18-2002, 09:47 AM
FYI guys,
Knifefighter only brought this up now because SifuAbel is supposely or has moved down to the LA area.

If they fight, they fight. If they don't, they don't. So let this thread die already.

BTW, if you guys want to fight on neutral ground, I don't think Chris would mind letting you use his school and his cage.-ED

01-18-2002, 10:22 AM
hehe if that happens you gotta do it this summer :)

01-18-2002, 01:57 PM
To hell with Knifefighter and SifuAbel. Knifefighter may be up for the challenge, SifuAbel isn't....

I'm willing to kick Ginsuedog's ass! C'mere you punk! heh heh

01-18-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Danny Sainty
"No matter what age they are, they are just children in MA. They are like the kids that surround a school fight, eager to see blood but not wanting to get into it themselves. Cheering on from the sidelines, yelling like fools. The mob. Collectively they feel power, individually they are insignificant.

All they do is yap yap yap without an ounce of substance and but in to discussions they have no business being in. "

True with most of society as well. Very well put.

Yes Danny. I ask questins - he shirks them with comments about my name - in a vague attempt to "outwit" me. SifuAbel - a straight answer'd be nice, if you would be so kind.

Danny. I agree, it is the case with most of society - but don't get on your high horse - it ain't the f*ckin case here mate.

01-18-2002, 04:07 PM
Forget this kungfu forum, SifuAbel.

At least on the other forums, the anti kung fu types that hate your (and my) guts from afar don't have the knowledge to participate.

01-18-2002, 04:15 PM
Sod it. All this post is is trash talk and "you're all against kungfu". I'm a Kung Fu guy. Can I get answers round here? No.

What a waste of time and space.

01-18-2002, 08:03 PM

I agree, this forum is lost to the children. At least the ones I used to argue with were actually somebodies, now it's just petulent children who hide behind the internet. So, gentlemen(and I use that term rather loosly)where can I see your great fighting ability? I'm not issuing a challenge. I just would like to see something other than the rantings of geeks. It is unfortunate how much is said without the faintest knowledge of who they are talking to and what is actually being said. Some here can't even posts enough to know the whole story. In the end it's just he same 6 or 7 that spoil it for everyone else.

Delicatesound's name was inspired by a bad case bean ingestion. perhaps he spends too much time in oatcake paradise, or is that bullcake paradise. Now here is a prime example of ingnorance. Two years doing his arts and he thinks he knows everything. You my friend are the kind that gets kicked out of schools for being an asss.

Mr. Nemo
01-18-2002, 08:14 PM
SifuAbel and Knifefighter (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame70.html)

01-18-2002, 08:26 PM
Very true.

But this one is more relevant.

Picadors (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame66.html)

David Jamieson
01-18-2002, 08:26 PM
k guys, I'm gonna nanny this one, hahahaha. seriously. It's burning dataspace.
work it out.
