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01-11-2002, 08:45 AM
What are your ideas & opinions for keeping children safe?
Thoughts on Anti-kidnapping,General all around safety?

I also would like to know how to go about getting stiffer laws & harder punishment for kidnappers & child molestors(I vote for the death penalty on this one).
Anyone else with me?

My son is only 4, so My main thing is to watch over him like a hawk at all times.


01-11-2002, 08:59 AM
and I hear you. The main thing is to educate them at every step. Make them aware of the dangers and give them some plans of how to deal with them. Practice them often and test them. Watching them like a hawk is necessary. My personal feeling is 4 is a little young to train them in martial arts. Mine started at 10 (12 now) and has a kick like a mule.

01-11-2002, 09:03 AM
In San Antonio I saw on the news that either the Sheriff's office or SAPD (not sure which one it was) would send out a plain-clothes policeman and attempted to lure the child into the car. It was downright frightening how many children took the bait. Not sure if this costs any money or if just anyone can call, but I know for sure that when my daughter is old enough to understand not to talk to strangers, whatever the cost I will have her tested.

Especially when children are involved I am for capital punishment. I just wish it didn't cost so much taxpayer money. He1l just give me a rifle...I will buy the rounds...and let me do the job. Quick, cheap and relatively quick demise of a worthless human being. If somthing were to happen to my child, I would hope that the police found the person before I did.

01-11-2002, 09:12 AM
hi. i don't have kids yet, but i am trying to relate.

the most important (related) thing my parents used to say to me, all the fecking time, everywhere, was.... " hold my hand "

not just when crossing the road but always. don't let them outta ur site.

dunno what more to say. i am glad and very proud of the way my parents raised me.

01-11-2002, 09:28 AM
Wednesday night, here in Austin, TX, a 6 YEAR OLD GIRL was abducted and raped. She was returned to where she was picked up, off the street, not far from here elementary school, alive.

6 years old.

There's nothing wrong with those people
that I can't fix with my hands.

I'm not pro death penalty.
I'm pro small cement box without walls or windows. Give them food once a day, served through a water tight trap door slit in the top of one wall. But the box is solid. No way in our out, no bars, no light and no drain. Make them small boxes so we can stack them on top of each other and not waste too much space. Ultimately they would drown in their own waste. :)

This should be the punishment for any molestation of a child, rape of anyone, or murder. First offense. IMMFHO


01-11-2002, 09:39 AM
This stuff scares me because I have a two year old and when you have a kid you realize just how vulnerable and precious they are. I don't know what the answer is other than trying to teach them the basics of not talking to strangers and running when approached. Plus telling them to scream "you're not my DAD (or MOM)" and causing a scene if someone they don't know is getting too close.

Like you, I watch him like a hawk.

About punishment and the death penalty--- I don't know what the answer is there, but most of the child rapers and killers aren't first time offenders. They're in the system and still they are on the street. That scares me.

Chang Style Novice
01-11-2002, 09:46 AM

I'm not sure I approve of your plan. It sounds awfully expensive for a state where fire ants are just free for the taking. We ought to get some use out of those goshdarn fire ants, anyway.

01-11-2002, 10:28 AM
I too do not have kids but my wife and I are looking at this soon. What you are doing badger I think is all you can do, watch your children like a hawk! It may sound restrictive, and it may seem overprotective, but the truth is, children do not have the cognitive ability to totally understand the danger in being abducted, death is not an option to them because the concept has not been truly understood. Fear is fleeting and momentary and often has more to do with fantasy then reality. no matter how much you explain to your kid the idea of staying away from strangers, etc.... they may not really get it, and why take the chance, besides, who knows even if the danger is from a stranger, a lot of kids get abducted by people they know!
I think my wife and I will explain to our kids that the only people that will be picking them up will be us and maybe a close friend.

01-11-2002, 11:27 AM
I know this sounds vague and a little paranoid but I think we just have to keep a sharp eye out for suspicious behavior in our neighborhoods, parks and schoolgrounds.

01-11-2002, 11:53 AM
6 years old.

Man that's just plain sick!I detest people like that (i.e. Neal Cameron).

Perverts should be put away ..all of them!!

01-11-2002, 12:05 PM
Having family who have worked in law enforcement and corrections, the one thing that I've been told is that child molesters and rapists who go to prison are really given a "hard" time (in other words beaten and raped). In other words inmates have some sort of weird code of ethics, especially against those who have hurt or victimized children. If someone hurts a child maybe prison is the ideal punishment for them.

01-11-2002, 12:17 PM
Being a former correctional officer for the state of vermont I can attest to the fact that "kiddie snappers" are not recieved well in prison. A study done in vermont in 1982 concluded that 85% of the convivted felons interviewed had been molested as children. Correspondently 85% of the convivted felons commited their crimes under the influence of alcohol.

01-11-2002, 01:36 PM
ITS sad i used to bike downtown by myself,like a three hour bikeride,when i was 9 in 88,and i had a blast just skipp school and ride my bike.
there was a story last year, at this pool where i lived as a youth,at the university building,a father and son are going swimming,the fathers at the counter and the kids like i want a drink so he goes to a fountain while the father pays,the father turns and he sees the kid walking out with a adult male.luckily they grabbed the kid but the d-ick got away.

on christmas,you guys may have heard the story,about the young mother at the greyhound station who was confronted buy a woman in her thirties white with tattoos,she said to the mother im waiting for my daughter and they started to chat,the mother goes to pay and the same thing happened the kid wanted a drink or something,so the tat-bit-ch takes the kid while the mother pays,then the mother checks herself,and says its okay il take her after i pay,but the biatch is in the crowd with the kid,and shes all oh i see my daughter come out and meet us when your done paying,I DONT KNOW IF THEY FOUND THE LITTLE GIRL....

thats ****ed,its probably a hells angel org that scouts for victems,wich is ****ing scary,cuz thier probably connected on a mass level

yah **** this ****

all you can do is be hawkeyes and stand strong regardless

01-11-2002, 01:48 PM
Most get out of prison.
Alot of them never even go to prison.
Alot of them even move into a neighborhood with kids only to repeat the offense.

What makes me mad is the parents who don't even press charges & let the scum get away.

I know someone who's husband's father molested her little girl.
She didn't even press charges & after 3 months they were hanging out with "grandpa" again.
Her excuse was her children need a grandpa.
Oh,and she had forgiving heart.

I'm like"WTF?!?, They need a childmolesting,SOB,scumbag grandpa!!!"
I do not understand nor do I want to understand people like that.
They are almost as bad as the molesters themselves.

Sorry for getting on the soapbox, but somethings just really tick me off.


01-11-2002, 01:58 PM
i was watching this doc on honour killings
in certain muslim communitys,these ****s will kill thier sister because she doesnt want to marry her cousen and she met a boyfriend when they sent her to university then they want her to come back and be this fools wife..she runs away so her brother who they had good relations shoots her in the ****ing head.
they broke the customs down and its some wack ass tradition that came from africa 200 years before,and its like these people will goto school learn about the ****ing solar system,but they fronting like the worlds flat.

you can be the most educated,but have no conscious
wheras those 14year olds hooked on blow in sierra leone forced to massacre thier village so we can put diamonds on our gold,they have no conscious cuz they dusted swinging matchetes
then you get some doctor real rich and hes found as a mass pedophile

its like they have all this education but thiers no conscious relation all thier knowledge is textual facts imbedded,know real people experiance just a facade=no soull

01-11-2002, 02:42 PM
They found the girl.

The woman who stole the girl did it once before. The girl was unharmed. It had something to do with the woman stealing the baby because she made up some elaborite story about being pregnant and telling that story to her boyfriend or husband who was in prison. He got out and she needed a baby for her story. It was big news here a couple of weeks ago.

01-11-2002, 03:18 PM
but thats definatly an example of WTF//WTFwtf:D

01-11-2002, 03:20 PM
Sometime in the late 80s there was this guy here in Finland. One day he decided to kidnap two little girls. He took them in a forrest, raped them, cut them in little pieces and burned them in a barrel. He got caught and was sentenced to mental hospital prison for life. Unfortunately, in Finland, that means that you'll be released after 14 years in jail. It's a law that no one can be in prison longer than that.

So. Nowadays this guy is out of jail living in our midst. I hope to God he was cured in the mental institution.


01-11-2002, 03:24 PM
There is only 1 way to "cure" scum like that!


01-11-2002, 03:25 PM
The problem these days is that kids have to be protected at every step. The risk is that their childhood [happy days...] will be taken away. It's better than the alternative though.

If possible, move to a nice leafy suburb, watch where they go, who they play with, what his/her kids' parents are like etc. Don't make him/her into a daddy's boy/mummy's girl though. Independance is a needed skill, and if taken away can seriously cause problems in later life. Watch the kid, but without his knowledge.

As for paedo's, child molesters etc. It makes me f*cking sick. The whole Sarah Payne thing in the UK churned my stomach. UI agree with the News of The World, that parents should have the right to know if there is a sickf*ck in their area.

Hell, IMO, they should beaten for 40 days, their c*cks hacked off, then left to rot on some godforsaken island in the Outer Hebrides.

There are TOO MANY sickos in the world.