View Full Version : Your favorite part of training?

01-12-2002, 10:42 AM
So what's everyones favorite, or what do you specialize in?

Heavy bag.
Push hands.
Plum flower posts.
Practising moves,armlocks,take down.
Practising blocks,punches,kicks.
Shadow boxing.

My best part is Mook yan jong,wooden dummy,iron dummy.
I also really like sparring with class mates, thats fun.

01-12-2002, 10:58 AM
"So what's everyones favorite, or what do you specialize in? "

I prefer sparring,because thats the kind of training where you can use all your knowledge.

And I prefer Escrima ( Stickfight ) partner exercises.

01-12-2002, 11:42 AM
So many MA's do so little of it.

Or watching the Gracie Self Defense CD-Rom :D!!!

Water Dragon
01-12-2002, 12:17 PM
Technique work and sparring. Notice we're talking about our favorite part, not the most important part ;)

01-12-2002, 01:40 PM
sparring and practicing kicks.

01-12-2002, 03:08 PM
and just flowing around is pretty fun too.

01-13-2002, 11:27 AM
My favorite part is martial-arts based strength training and conditioning.
And reading about martial arts. Sparring is fun if I'm properly up for it.


Johnny Hot Shot
01-13-2002, 12:32 PM
The sweat and the feeling of accomplishment after a good 3-4 hour training session.

Specifically my favorite things are Sparring and partner drills.
although I do love forms and solo technique practise as well.

01-13-2002, 01:31 PM
In class - conditioning, All of Shuai Shiao throwing!! when u feel that u improve in skill, all chat between class mates, kicking the puching bag, the feeling when you made the class without puking, bleeding or really really hurt! Aaaand, the nr one favourite part iiiis:
The shower after traing. Is there anything sweeter?


01-13-2002, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
The shower after traing. Is there anything sweeter?

Getting home, your parents are out, you make a quick phone call and get to shower with your missus.

So yes, there is.

01-13-2002, 03:29 PM
all sparring practices (not the ones where you know what your opponent is about to do).

My all time favourite thing ABOUT training is:

Fallin asleep because i'm physically worn out not mentally (as in after work).

Drinking a can of coke after workout, it never tastes as sweet as when i get home real tired and drink a big coke *ahhhhhhh*

Sakuraba gets his smokes after workouts i get my coke ;)

Tae Li
01-13-2002, 04:36 PM
Favourite part of training????

hmmmmm, sparring, techinque and patterns def.!!!!


I love sparring the guys and winning....it doesnt happen all that often. But its great to see them wince in pain....:p

Umm, and the feeling when youve completed a LONE session of training and the first drop of cold water that ebters your mouth.....that my friends is not describable, but if you think it is, please feel free to fill me in.

Yeah. thats about it.

Tae Li

Tae Li
01-13-2002, 04:37 PM
uuh..I meant a LONG seesion not lone. hehe sorry.

Tae Li

01-13-2002, 05:11 PM
Favourite part of training?

That's definitely, when I'm walking back to the locker room, my muscles are all tired, I'm warm all around and I can feel the endorphine rushing trough my veins. Awesome feeling.

01-13-2002, 05:23 PM
I'll second that. It's always great to know you've learnt something new also.

01-13-2002, 05:47 PM
uhhhhhhh i forgot to mention one thing, since someone said "showering" i just had to mention our Sauna room, it ruuuullleeeess, almost everyone goes there (it's a unisex sauna). It's incredibly relaxing to be in the sauna after a hard workout and just chill out (it comes in handy too when you gotta make weight for a tourney). But it's not just relaxing, you dont get a lot of time to talk to the people that train with you, lots of people just shower and leave and you dont talk in the shower (and if you do it's only to people of your own gender so i'd not talk much to the girls in class). But in the sauna everyone stays for an extra 20-30 minutes getting relaxed and talking, it's really nice to ge to know the people your training with better.

So i'm adding that to my list, relaxing your muscles in the sauna while getting to know your training partners and teacher (nice to talk to them in a more relaxed mode then in training too) better.

Only thing i can imagine better then the sauna would be a hot tub or "Jakoosy" (no idea how to spell that). Man would that be relaxing after a hard workout.

straight blast
01-13-2002, 06:18 PM
(1) Laying the smack down on my instructor. That wonderful endorphin rush when you finally land a perfect counter or take advantage of a miniscule opening in his defence/offense and lay a sweet one in. Doesn't happen often. Hardly ever in fact.

But it's sooooo worth it.

(2) Sparring. At any level, though preferably with seniors who are much better than me. It's the best way to learn.

(3) When a technique comes out purely on instinct, and strikes/applies without thought.

There's much more, but those are the pick of the bunch :D

01-14-2002, 03:17 AM
When I sparred a yellow belt some time ago and I completely dominated him! 8-)

01-14-2002, 04:33 AM
mine would have to be going slowly through forms with other classmates, 2-man drills, and drumming. :) i also like chatting with my simo for a few hrs after training, and sleeping for about 5hrs when i get home. :D

01-14-2002, 04:53 AM
my favourite parts of training are:

(1) finally realising/understanding something about my style. When you finally see/understand something you feel like such a jack a s s because of what you've been doing before. For a while you feel better, then there's the next obstacle to cross.

(2) watching my Sifu demonstrating/explaining something. It makes me feel very lucky to have stumbled across such a wealth of knoweledge after wandering lost for so long.

(3) having a chance to talk/train with my Sifu. Most of the things i really have to think about and don't understand for a long time afterwards though :(

my worst parts:

(1) trying to learn something new and getting corrected all the time. I feel like such a dunce!

(2) starting to practise new Hard Qigong exercises. Until you get used to them they are a pain in da a s s! (or wherever ur training:D )


01-14-2002, 05:54 AM
my favourite part of training has to be chi sau, preferably with my sifu or anyone who is better than me.

01-14-2002, 06:11 AM
My vote go's to going though my current form with my sihing [were both at same form] whilst listening to chinese traditional music.
Close second would have to be the sticking hands that always turn into outright sparring i do in private with just sifu. He never lets me win... Even when i try the cheap shots like kicking him in the shins and stuff heheh.
Anyone else train with kung fu music? My sifu even has the theme song for 'Once upon a time in China'. When that pipes i cant help but train harder its like a nasty trick he plays. I keep sitting there thinking 'would Wong Fai Hung stop', ahh sorry im off in the clouds tonight... to many kung fu movies:)and now im thinking about kung fu music again:(
Its sticks in your head soooooooo badly.

01-14-2002, 07:31 AM
I dig wailing on a heavy bag. Sparring is a close second. Forms are always fun and challenging and give me good ideas. We don't have posts, but we are thinking of getting a low balance beam. That'll be interesting.


Sam Wiley
01-14-2002, 07:42 AM
Pushing hands is one of my favorite things, if not my favorite. I can literally push hands all day. Forms might be a close second. And San shou third.

01-14-2002, 07:45 AM
Meditating on a technique or application, going in practice with the goal of testing my new theory, and having the execution of the technique actually become more effective.

KC Elbows
01-14-2002, 11:41 AM
I like a good long day of kung fu, like that odd saturday when I don't have any obligations, I'll get together with a friend and we'll start with push hands for a couple hours, which becomes light sparring for a couple hours, which becomes heavy sparring until it becomes too dangerous, then maybe some water and chatting, and then more light sparring, and maybe even a little sparring with shinai until the welts just sting too much.

Even more, I like when, some time after fight training, I'll suddenly realize "If I use this move at that moment, I'll be able to slip right through/dodge saide attack/whatever". Especially when it involves some of the form I'm working on at the time.

Most of all, I love those days when the workout and training has really paid off, and I seem to be a kung fu fighter to the core. Its hard to describe, but I'm sure some of you guys have had one of those days when you're just on.

01-15-2002, 05:26 AM
Some replies I like.
Hitting the heavy bag
A hot shower after a good hard workout.
When a technique comes out purely on instinct.

Another good one.
Kung Fu outdoors,Yeah thats always fun,Training outside.
As long as it's not to hot.

01-15-2002, 06:19 AM
think that pretty much sums it all up doesn't it?:D