View Full Version : Xing Yi Quan of Wing Chun Quan

01-13-2002, 01:44 PM
I do like Wing CHun but I dont wont to miss out on any on the abilities and indepth knowledge other internal martial arts like Xing Yi quan has to offer. You think Wing chun is as good as Xing Yi in the indepth knowledges qi, yi and shen

Ray Pina
01-14-2002, 11:44 AM
I was taught Winh Chun for three years from my Hung Gar teacher, he trained with Robert Chu. At the time I was also learning S. Mantis.

I think WC is great for a crash coarse on major principles, important principles. However, I prefer Hsing-I. I find WC to be too busy, too much shifting back and forth across the line of fire. Also, too reliant on hand technique, or punching (getting on top, lap sau, bong sau) instead of getting to the heart of the matter.

Just my opinion.