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01-13-2002, 05:25 PM
I think Hsiao Hou is one the best movie martial artists from the 70's and early 80's. However, he never made it big even though I feel he was in the same league as Jackie Chan and stuff. Have any of you heard of him?

12-22-2011, 08:40 PM
Yes. I've heard of him, he's actually my favorite kung fu actor. Here is a translation of his bio from a chinese web site. He was a talented action star, and went to chinese opera school like Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao and the others except he went to a different opera school. That's probably why he reminds you of Jackie Chan. And wow, I just realize I'm replying to an old thread LOL

I think he had the best acrobatics (and I daresay, better than Yuen Biao or Yuen Wah) though others would disagree since the other actor had more movies. Ciao

小侯的档案 Xiao Hou file 小侯简介 About Xiao Hou

原名侯耀宗的小侯,1958年出生,小时候跟过粉菊花学戏剧,当时就经过电影圈做过童星。 Formerly known as the Xiao Hou Hou Yaozong, born in 1958, had a child with pink daisy studied theater at the time worked after the film child star. 1975年未成年的他开始做武师,由于天分高功夫好,被刘家良看重,1979年就做起了男主角拍《疯猴》, 可惜形象并不受大众喜欢,没有大红。 In 1975, he started doing martial arts minor, high-skill talent as good value by Lau Kar Leung, 1979 to start a film actor "crazy monkey", but unfortunately the image is not subject to the public like it, not red. 不过刘家良认为小侯天资过人,于1980年收为入室弟子(刘家良正式入室弟子不到10个),一度对外宣传为 刘家良接班人。 However, Lau Kar Leung extraordinary talent that Xiao Hou, closed in 1980 as apprentice (Lau Kar-leung formal apprentice less than 10), once the external publicity of Lau Kar-leung successor. 80年代初刘家班主导的电影,小侯都是主力军之一,不但挂名副武术指导,还是戏份颇重的演员,像他电影里完 成的动作难度都相当高,大概可以算得上刘家班里动作最为赏心悦目”的一位。只可惜时代变迁,刘家良电影跟不 上时代,小侯等人发展并不怎么样。80年代中期,刘家班“解散”,小侯跟了洪金宝,进了当时霸气十足的洪家 班。 The early 1980s, the dominant classes of the film Liu, Xiao Hou is one of the main, not only nominal vice choreographer, actor, or scenes rather heavy, as he completed the action movie to be quite high degree of difficulty, it can probably be regarded as Liu The most enjoyable class action, "the one. Unfortunately, times change, Lau Kar-leung movie behind the times, Xiao Hou, who is not how the development of the mid-1980s, Liu class" dissolution ", Xiao Hou with a Sammo Hung, into the flood was overbearing's home.

小侯电影作品年表 Xiao Hou films chronology

演员 Actor

1977年《面懵心精》 1977 "rip the heart surface fine"

1977年《三德和尚与舂米六》 1977 "Three German monk and Tsuishine six."

1977年《洪熙官》 1977 "Shaolin"

1977年《功夫小子》 1977 "Kung Fu Kid"

1978年《鬼马狂潮》 1978 "funny frenzy"

1978年《螳螂》 1978, "mantis"

1978年《黑煞》 1978 "Heisha"

1978年《中华丈夫》 1978 "Chinese Heroes"

1978年《少林三十六房》 1978 "36th Chamber of Shaolin"

1978年《老虎田鸡》 1978, "Tiger Frog"

1979年《天才功夫》 1979 "Kung Fu Genius"

1979年《烂头何》(又名《功夫马骝》)饰小陆 1979, "Lan Tou He" (also known as "Kung Fu Monkey") decorated with small land

1979年《茅山僵尸拳》 1979 "Maoshan zombie boxing"

1979年《疯猴》饰小猴子 1979 "Crazy Monkey" monkey ornaments

1980年《少林搭棚大师》 1980 "36th Chamber"

1980年《洪文定三破白莲教》 1980 "White Lotus Clan three broken"

1981年《武馆》 1981 "martial arts"

1981年《龙虎小英雄》 1981 "Dragon Tiger Hero"

1981年《长辈》 1981 "elders"

1982年《御猫三戏锦毛鼠》 1982 "Imperial cat three Hu Jin Mao rat."

1982年《十八般武艺》 1982 "versatile"

1982年《鬼画符》 1982 "hypocrite"

1983年《最佳拍档大显神通》 1983 "Aces Go Places II"

1983年《掌门人》 1983 "Master"

1984年《五郎八卦棍》饰杨四郎 1984, "Goro gossip club" decorated Yang Shiro

1985年《霹雳十杰》饰方世玉 1985, "Charlie Shijie" decorated Fong Sai Yuk

1985年《龙的心》 1985 "Dragon Heart"

1985年《皇家师姐》 1985 "Line of Duty"

1986年《最佳福星》 1986 "Best lucky star."

1986年《执法先锋》 1986, "Righting Wrongs"

1986年《僵尸家族》 1986 "Vampire"

1986年《富贵列车》 1986, "rich Train"

1987年《东方秃鹰》 1987 "Eastern Condors"

1988年《过埠新娘》 1988 "Paper Marriage"

1989年《群龙戏凤》 1989 "GDI play Phoenix"

1989年《师姐大哂》 1989 "Sister large contempt."

1990年《千年女妖》 1990 "Millennium banshee"

1992年《哗!英雄》 1992 "Wow! Hero"

1992年《战神传说》 1992 "Moon Warriors"

1993年《少年黄飞鸿之铁马骝》 1993 "Young Iron Monkey"

1994年《青蜂侠》 1994 "Green Hornet"

1995年《缉毒先锋》 1995 "Drug Pioneer"

2004年《旺角黑夜》 2004 "One Nite in Mongkok"

武术指导 Martial arts

1979年《功夫七戒》 1979 "Kung Fu seven ring"

1981年《长辈》 1981 "elders"

1981年《武馆》 1981 "martial arts"

1982年《御猫三戏锦毛鼠》 1982 "Imperial cat three Hu Jin Mao rat."

1982年《十八般武艺》 1982 "versatile"

1983年《掌门人》 1983 "Master"

1984年《五郎八卦棍》 1984, "Goro gossip club"

1985年《霹雳十杰》 1985 "Charlie's Ten Outstanding"

1987年《东方秃鹰》 1987 "Eastern Condors"

1989年《城市判官》 1989 "City Magistrate."

1989年《烈火街头》 1989 "Fire on the streets."

1990年《千年女妖》 1990 "Millennium banshee"

1990年《驱魔警察》 1990 "Exorcist police"

1990年《一眉道姑》 1990 "One eyebrow nuns."

1991年《人鬼神》 1991 "Human spirits"

1992年《黄飞鸿系列之一代师》(又名《少年黄飞鸿》) 1992 "Once Upon a Time series of the generation division" (also known as "Young Once Upon a Time")

1994年《青蜂侠》 1994 "Green Hornet"

1994年《少林英雄之方世玉洪熙官》 1994 "Heroes of Shaolin Shaolin Fong Sai Yuk"

副导演 Assistant director

1995年《缉毒先锋》 1995 "Drug Pioneer"

助理指导 Assistant guide

1979年《空山灵雨》 1979 "Spirit of the Mountain Rain"

1980年《洪文定三破白莲教》 1980 "White Lotus Clan three broken"

1980年《少林搭棚大师》 1980 "36th Chamber"

1988年《鬼猛脚》 1988 "Ghost fierce foot"

1988年《过埠新娘》 1988 "Paper Marriage"

1988年《群龙夺宝》 1988 "Three Against Raiders of the Lost"

1989年《师姐大哂》 1989 "Sister large contempt."