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KC Elbows
01-16-2002, 01:25 PM
I meant no offense in the chi=? thread, and if I came off as if I did, I apologize. I hope you do continue to read it and post on it. I will make a concentrated effort not to try to mold the thread to a particular model.

I am not sure whether your ego comment was out of anger with me, or genuinely meant. I'm trying to examine my posts to understand where it was coming from. My goal was to make a post where people who had some understanding of chi kung and people who had some scientific base could debate and speculate on what could be the physiological cause and purpose to the body/mind's ability to expand its awareness/ability through chi kung. I did not mean to put myself in as the expert, as I am not one, it was just frustrating that a lot of the discussion was "It can't/shouldn't be done". But if that's people's views, I can respect that, even if at first it may not have sounded like I could.

If you don't post again there, I can understand. I hope you don't judge me too harshly, I manage to be a good person a lot of the time, and I'm sure the same is true of you as well.

01-16-2002, 03:25 PM
The purpose of my comments is not to point you at Nexus but to point you at chi kung and t'ai chi.

It appears you have an interest in seeing t'ai chi and chi kung from other perspectives, of proving it to have some scientific merit and that is ok, that is your choice, be yourself and do whatever it is you want to do.

What I am doing is simply showing you alternatives, and I am not telling you to close the door to other avenues or to disregard other possibilities regarding chi/qi/taiji/chikung/neija etc. I am not telling you to abandon knowledge, I am suggesting that you set it aside and focus on your t'ai chi and chi kung itself because that is where all of your answers lie, just like the answers found by the masters before you. Does it not seem strange that the taiji classics are so simple and direct, so ordinary and plain, yet longtime practitioners of taiji continually refer to them?

When I share regarding the arts I practice, I am pointing people towards the arts and not my own practices of them. By doing so people come to see through time and patience that they are no different from one another, and ones practicing of tai chi is the same as anothers, and it is the tai chi itself that they are becoming and in that a reflection of one another. To draw judgements of our reflections is to draw judgements of ourselves and perhaps this will clarify your "hopes that I do not judge you" in any such way.

Relax the mind and let yourself go during your practices, I promise you will not float away.

- Nexus

KC Elbows
01-16-2002, 03:49 PM
I get your view. Cool, I was hoping you'd respond and that there was not any real problem between us.

I am interested in the scientific view of chi kung because, to my way of thinking, where science manages to be correct, it is the study of little pieces of existence(conscious and unconscious) in an attempt to see the whole. Chi kung, like everything else, extends past the little pieces it appears to be and is part of the whole. This is a beneficial view to science, though a rare one in scientists.

Anyway, I wish you well, and if you decide to return to the thread, its gotten less confrontational. Peace