View Full Version : BJJ in real world

01-16-2002, 01:50 PM
This a question for everyone. In all of the fights you have been in or have seen how many times have you seen it go to the ground and they just rolled around trying to beat each other? I have never seen a street fight go stricktly to th groud. It has always been standing up and fighting and]or hitting a downed person whil they are standing. I once new a big time street fighter and almost always they would fight standing up. A lot depends on what the fighters have trainned with a lowly BJJ person may go to the ground and a Martial Artist may beat and pound and stomp that person trying to rush in, just for example.

I'm sure there are benifits to both ways and it is good to cross train for any possible situation. Either way what are your opinions.

01-16-2002, 01:52 PM
Knowing something about stand-up and something about the ground allows you to be comfortable at any range, and control the range in question.

Can't call yourself complete without both.

01-16-2002, 01:56 PM
In the real world you have to take into account knives, bats, mulitple opponents and guns...

The most common i saw was baseball bats and multiple opponents,..typically most street/bar fights would be slug fests or brawls that got broken up quick by the law/other people...so even if it went to the ground it wouldnt stay there long due to X number of factors

Rarely if ever will u get into a fight on the street with no bystanders or a crowd of some sort...unless you get yourself into a bad spot or are just lookin fer trouble


01-16-2002, 03:55 PM
www.streetbrawl.com...shows u a bunch of fights that hit the ground...
Most of my hs fights have hit the ground cause one guy couldn't take a hit so he tackled the other guy to prevent from getting hit! And most notabally...the HOCKEY KILLER...300lb man beat the little man to death...on the ground! But let's add to this the success ratio if u take the fight to the ground...COPs do it all the time! WATCH COPs...especially the one on one stuff! OR...watch bouncers at the clubs...they don't seek to swing...they tackle peeps or go rear naked from the back or even a full nelson.

01-16-2002, 04:43 PM
Most real fights go to the clinch. People get close.

There's wild swinging, charging, clinching, falling, ground and pound, choking, and kicking downed opponents.

But it always depends on who you fight. You never know when you will run into the guy who has trained kickboxing half his life, or is a BJJ purple belt with a bad attitude.
