View Full Version : Training Diet

David Jamieson
01-16-2002, 08:44 PM
How many of you have been prescribed a special diet, or have been asked to change your diet by your teachers, coaches and sifus?

What are some of the reasons you changed your lifestyle for training purposes? In the area of diet.


01-16-2002, 09:12 PM
I was told to eat more meat and refrain from ice-cream and cold waters. I gave up meat at will, but ice-cream, man thats pushing it !

edit: I had good reason, I had some reason that makes me unable to sleep all night, so I went to him for advice...

01-16-2002, 09:15 PM

I would leave an instructor who tried. It's not his place to require such things. If I ask, that's one thing. Unsolicited advice is another.

01-16-2002, 09:32 PM
Never happened to me, that is from my sifu.

My doctor gave me a diet to follow, i was good at it but since the holidays ive been a bad boy.

And what about the Gracie Diet?

01-16-2002, 09:41 PM
The Gracie diet? rofl. It's far too complicated. If you get on it, you'll be so busy trying to follow it that you won't have time to eat or train!

01-16-2002, 10:01 PM
:D :D

01-16-2002, 10:05 PM
I think the Gracie diet is basicly just fruits and fruit juice during the day and 2 meals that include meat i beleave (could be that it was only chicken). Too bad ITG is down, Ryron Gracie had a Q&A thread where he answered very simply what the gracie diet was.

With me i eat whenever i ahve time, strictly because of financual situations i now eat 2 jogurts for breakfast, 2 sandwiches with either shrimp or tuna for lunch and some funky dinner at the evening. Reason for the jogurt and sandwiches is because buying food at school all the time costs SOOOO much money (4-5 fast food restaurants close by).

I dont eat veggies, fruit very seldomly, lots of meat, eat candy a lot, and about half a gallon of coke each day.


weird thing is i never gain weight even when i dont train, didnt train entire december, ate like a pig, worked in front of a computer drank coke and ate candy all day and came home to a huge stake dinner every night and didnt gain a pound.

Johnny Hot Shot
01-16-2002, 11:21 PM
Just my own that I have devised from my own research and what feels good.
When I plated trees in BC we had some of the best cooks in camp and really amazing menus. Since my planting days I have tried to maintain the same quality of diet. That means eating really well good fresh fruits and veggies meat, fish, poultry. I try to stay away from pop (soda for the yanks) and sweets and only eat red meat once and a while.
I do have a weakness for Chinese BBQ however and I eat Duck about once a week. I think that it's ok to eat as you please once a week especially if you work hard and maintain a good diet during the week.

QueSUS is the lack of fresh veggies and fruit due to the fact that you live in Iceland?

01-16-2002, 11:35 PM
oh yeah qeysus, try developing a drinking habit.

you still wont gain much but you'll cover up your six pack after a year or so.

no more beer for me until i got mine back. so far i have only cheated once since new years and that was for my firends birthday. it hurts man. my signature has a now meaning now. i should follow it with a frown.

as far as diets go, i eat when im hungry and i eat what's available. anywhere from 2 to 5 meals a day depending on how often i get hungery. my sifu isn't a larda$$, but he's in no position to be giving diet advice either. this no beer thing is the closest thing i have ever come to a diet.

Tae Li
01-17-2002, 04:05 AM
About to years after I started to train (even though I was already obsessed with bod.image for a young gal) i had to really watch everything that went down MY throat.:(

I started in tournaments, and as you probably already know, you fight people according to your belt and weight divison, So I had to make sure I was never over my weight division, other wise it was automatic disqualification. But im over tournaments now, and the only reason I would stick to a good diet is for my own benefit.

I train with hot guys.....sure i kick their arses at times but still, you have to look good..........

Tae Li;) ;)

01-17-2002, 05:39 AM
I dont drink often but when i do i try to get as much down as i can.

Repulsive Monkey
01-17-2002, 06:20 AM
When you say that you had problems at sleeping at night and you also mentioned the need to eat more meat from your teacher, I take it there was either a general blood deficiency, or even more speficially a heart blood deficiency?

01-17-2002, 06:30 AM
I eat as much as possible of meat, fruit, veg, pasta, potatoes, rice. This is because I am quite small, I eat a lot, and I cannot put on any weight. I think I have a high metabolism.

01-17-2002, 07:02 AM
Before I started kung fu I ate really unhealthy. drank alot of pop etc.. then i pretty much never eats like,, candy or 'bad' food. i eat much more, always drink juice or water. (and alot of it), eat much more fruits, and try to sleep more.
I never ever eat at Mcdonalds, burger king or the alike.. but i do eat pizza (somethimes) and alot of kebab and Falafel!!! It's just too good to NOT eat! mmm,, Im getting hungry right now.. D'oh

But yes. I have changed my life-style coz of Kung Fu.

01-17-2002, 08:19 AM
I've never been prescribed a proper eating habit, I just developed it myself.

My instructor doesn't prescribe anything to anyone, but will give advice if asked.


01-17-2002, 04:02 PM
When you say that you had problems at sleeping at night and you also mentioned the need to eat more meat from your teacher, I take it there was either a general blood deficiency, or even more speficially a heart blood deficiency?

Repulsive Monkey, hmm I am not sure of either one. But let me describe the feelings I get. My leg would feel an deep tickling sensation, like someone tickling you on the skin with a feather, except deep inside. I remember as a little kid, I would get so upset I would literally hammer my leg with a hammer. This would go on all night.

I think you will understand when I say "negative karma storage" When I sit in the full lotus position, all this stress is released and it is interesting to watch it manifest. It seems to be 'released' in the tissue next to the front sheen bone all the way down the leg.

Grandmaster used to say I have cold chi, and that I should stop eating ice-cream. The meat is because I was greatly under nourished due to certain reasons, etc. But life is great now and the days of ripening of bad karma is all but over 'fingers-crossed', except for the karma of death :D Now it is all in preperation for ... now I am told to eat a little bit of meat for other reasons, but at least this time it is for happy reasons :)

You said you practise Mahamudra... there are a few of us here now...