View Full Version : Fast twitch speed.

01-17-2002, 08:02 AM
I posted this in the Jeet Kune Do forum but I think it would be better here instead. My question was.......

I have heard people talk about Bruce Lee's idea on buidling speed. Something about slow twitch and fast twitch muscles that are user for speed and power. Can someone please fill me in on this method and how you build up these speed muscles? Or please post some web sites that explaine this. Thanks for any info.

Here is a link to the thread http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8682 Thanks to everyone who responded there but I am trying to get as much info as I can. Thanks.

Ford Prefect
01-17-2002, 11:20 AM
You'll get a lot of responses to the tune of: Plyometrics. Basically these are exercises where muscular tension is extremely high, but load is rather light. For example, a natural type of plyometric that you can do is box jumps. Set a box about thigh high, stand in place, and jump onto the box. Now hop off, jump back on so that your feet are on the ground for as minimal a time as possible. This will add to your explosiveness on your feet. (ie jumping/springing ability)

Weight lifters also use a form of plyometrics. They may load of the bar with only half their max, and then do 10 sets of 3 explosive reps. This will aid in explosive power and speed as well.

Unfortuantely, there aren't many good works in english about plyometric training. The best thing on this side of the planet is "Super-Training" by Dr Mel Siff. Unfortunately again, this thing reads like a medical journal.