View Full Version : Friendly Advice

01-19-2002, 02:22 PM
We have a saying in Chinese that goes like this:

"Even Cao Cao had soul mates and General Kwan inevitalbely had eternal foes"

It basically means that the number one all star vilan will have great fans of his own and number one all time hero will have tons of enemy ready to destroy him.

Lately, we have seen this happening in KFO. All the trolls are having supports and forming legions of fans. Sometimes, those who step up to the plate to trolling got stoned for being nosey and distracting. We must understand that trolls are the ones that has no understand and/or they have fear of others being more knowledgeable in a particular subject than them. These are individuals who have feable minds.

My word of advice to those who intentionally and/or unintentionally befriended trolls, while you might have gain one friend you might have lost many others. Ideally, we will all be friends but there are times that people, especially people who are willing to share knowledge, would distance themselves from trolls & company. The only option left to these forums would be mindless chit chats and not indepth exchange of knowledge.

It is a sad thing to see a sucessful forum to go down the drain because of a "few" individuals. Just thought I do my share of trolling to the trolls. ;)


01-19-2002, 03:42 PM
An obligation swings both ways. You may be accountable as well. For all you talk about respect, perhaps what you're really looking for is self-respect.

It isn't easy asking uncomfortable questions. But if you don't resolve certain matters then you'll have to live in their shadow. In other words, that's not very appealing.

01-19-2002, 03:45 PM
yeah agreed, it has been quite disappointing lately to see all the troll posts, especially the return of a particular individual who i thought had resolved his issues.

01-19-2002, 04:14 PM
Think outside the box and you'll make the best of them. Enters gung-ho, the sign of group effort. From now on it's action first, question later... This may get you out and about, but you'll find it's hard work trying to appease all parties.

01-19-2002, 04:45 PM

Oh, please... be positive!
You're such a fun and noble man!

01-19-2002, 07:11 PM
I think what you do is not so much trolling as simply being a little bit coy:p You certainly have much to add and that is what seperates you from an average troll. The same could also be said for Ginger fist who trolled but also provided. Ralek on the other hand is just a plain simple troll as is Ego-Maximus. Both are just trying to cause a stir and using silly mind games to annoy target people. You ask tricky questions which have a habbit of upsetting people. Its not always particualy pleasent, but not always unwarented either. You like to play but forget you have sharp claws i think.
Just keep occasionaly dishing out the goods and we will forgive you sui-fuw.
Heck i did:D

fiercest tiger
01-19-2002, 09:43 PM
sui fuw isnt a troll! ralek is a troll, i like sui fuw as he makes me think most times.

we have all trolled at one time, especially me...remember fierce tiger? hahaha:D i miss him!!

bring him back i say...nah better not you all know where i am now hahahahaha! ****


01-19-2002, 11:26 PM
I take my leave upon good advice. My vanity and impetuousness goads me so easily to respond to attack, an in this I can no longer subject neither my Master nor my school to the nameless, faceless, cowardly defamations to be found on public forums such as these, if they be by one man or twenty. Thank you to the few individuals whom have made my practice richer. Good luck to those who remain in the shadows - for better or worse, I now become one of you.

My master's sentiments echoed this evening: Even murderers have friends.

Regarding a "troll" who is not really a "troll", anyone can pose questions and appear knowledgeable if they have a sense of deduction. The masters are those who give us the answers.

Final bitter sweep, here are a few quotes from "your" troll:


but your still a gwai-lo pretending to feel the north and south of china.

keep guessing gwai-lo,i bet your teacher knows how to toy with you,you donkey

ok its up to you now,corn fed mule...sorry donkey

yeah,so i was talking to md first and you stick your fat nose in,so answer buby question first or fu[k off wisk egg,

for a chinese person how easy we all toy with you gwai-los,

that wasn't rude.this is though,the only animal you know is the frog and you have a history of running away[from ww2]and yet you guys moan about "air" space

and my imput is not to help you but to ridicule you

your assocaistion is nothing compared to gung fu.

my point is he only has a notion of lung ying and not the system

better than the post about your si-fu having no ging

con,con,con thats how you yanks work

01-19-2002, 11:59 PM
There are two types of people on this forum, those that have the guts to admit exactly who they are and where they come from and those that dont. Those of us who are open are put up to much more scruitiny and have to watch exactly what we say. Those who dont have none of these concerns and only need do as they so please.
You are one who is open and i have found many of your posts to be informative and interesting it would be a shame to lose you on this board. Most readers with any intelligence will see that you have a very respected background and your sifu is well respected, just becouse a faceless person doesnt agree it doesnt mean the rest of us will be swayed. I will take the word of an honest student over a faceless, nameless internet 'master' anyday of the week.
Why let the actions of one person dictate how you spend your time and knowledge? I dont think anyone buys any of the stuff that sui-fuw pokes at you as anything more than simply being a pain in the ass.
Your respected and so is your linage and sifu, dont let the rest of us miss out on your insite just becouse one faceless member makes fun of it.
Dont let Sui-fuw have such an effect your well above that level.

To sui-fuw, i honestly have to say you really do owe meltdown an appology... No one should have to sit though all that and she has done an ammazing job of remain civil.
Often you can be insitefull but this is really comming accross as simply bigotry. If you persist on attacking her background it will only make you look like your jelous or naieve. The attacks on Lung Ying are also very odd and ill founded all things considering.

01-20-2002, 01:01 AM
Mantis 108
In your saying are you cao cao or General Kwan or both?

Meltdawn -your weakness is your blind devotion to YOUR system.
If system and sifu is strong what the hell does it matter what anyone says?

If all were like some of you on this forum and don't like the banter you can now P.M your bum chums and everything be cool.

If there is a problem with trolling why not take it to the moderator?

If you don't like some posts then why take the bait?

sui Fuw is interesting and crude sometimes but I will not say he has no knowledge, to say this would make you sound superior and arrogant.
Like F.T says he makes you think. Which is a lot better than taking someonelses perspective.

In the end you only improve on your kung fu by practice not what you see on computer screens.

01-20-2002, 01:07 PM

Thank you.

Meltdawn & FT


Cloud One,

Being 4 dimensional, I will take the 4th option. That's non of the above. :D (gee, you figure trolling is hard) ;)

To the others,

I have said my peace, Amen.


fiercest tiger
01-20-2002, 01:48 PM
Remember the attacks on my system and my sifu? dont let it get you down, prove yourself;)

are you going too mantis??:(

01-20-2002, 06:43 PM
"My word of advice to those who intentionally and/or unintentionally befriended trolls, while you might have gain one friend you might have lost
many others." - Buddy, you know out of all the people who post on here I only have admiration for a good hand full... and you happen to be one of those few people I admire. What I say next is said with the utmost(sp?) respect.

I come on here to ask questions. Regardless of who you are... if you say something and it sparks my interest, I'm going to ask a question. When have I ever been disrectful to someone that I'm asking a question too? You can't hate me for asking questions or for seeing something in someones writing that others don't.

Things have been said about YKM and our sijo by a number of people on here. I'm still friendly with everyone. I say, say what you want, I know the truth. My Kung Fu is strong and confident, so nothing phases me (please don't take this as an attack on anyone).

It seems everytime Sui jumps on and asks a question, people quickly dismiss it as a troll post. All I can say is read betweeen the lines and maybe you'll come to appreciate what he has to say. I know he's taught me a lot about myself. Thanks bro!

Sorry if anyone thinks I've been disrespectful towards them. If you want to consider yourself my friend....Great! If not, then that's cool... but I hold no ill intent torwards anyone on here.

Sifu - I'll be giving you a call. The new material is off the hook. I wanna make sure I'm on the right track. Also, I wanna know what you think about some of my "new" found discoveries. I'll give ya call tonight. I don't work tomorrow.


fiercest tiger
01-20-2002, 08:09 PM
no probs my G!


01-20-2002, 08:17 PM
First and foremost, I have never considered you a troll or in the company of trolls. You have always been courteous and sincere. I believe you search for answers with a pure heart. To share knowledge with you is a pleasure. Secondly, we might have a rough start with some YKM folks here, but I've never personally hold any grudge against anyone. After all things that happen in the pass generations happened in the past. Let by gones be by gones. I believe FT made his amend and has since then been almost model reformed member. Hey, FT *two thumbs up* :D

Perhaps when trolling is done tastefully, it could be an art. I am sure there are people who appreciate trolling and I can understand that. To be honest, who am I to judge? But we must also understand how some would feel about unwanted trolling. I would also like to make it clear that my post didn't mean to make people choose sides. It is rather a time out for some people before jumping on the same boat with the trolls. Times has changed. It used to be no gray area where a martial artist stands. Justice today is relative but is sincerity or honesty relative also? That, my friend(s), is for you all to decided. All I am saying is that it is time for reflection. Weight your action before it became the point of no return. That my friend(s) is a golden rule of "Wulin" (martial forest). One rule that all martial artists would always observe regardless.


PS. Buby, my friend, I really appreciate your being candid with me. Thank you.

01-21-2002, 01:09 AM
Thank you!:)


01-21-2002, 06:25 AM
For what it's worth, I also agree that Sui does have very good insight, though sometimes we may not want to hear what he/she (think about it for a moment) has to say. Who's fault is that....ours maybe??

Anyway, my 2 cents. I know, some could care less.

Buby! :D
Did ya get my new email address? How's it going bro!

FT- :)
Did you get my email? I need some info from you, check your email.


The cup is ALWAYS half full..........:D

fiercest tiger
01-21-2002, 04:16 PM
i got tears in my eyes man, the battle of battles we had! i have to admit its all a game at the end, you are correct on that!

i dont have apples in my garden only poison ivy!

why do we come on to here at the foeroom/forum? half the sh!t we say isnt of intrest just opinions and then we usually argue that no my style does it better or no you lineage is older, you dont know but i do! come on we all gotta lighten up here.

by far your best post gwalo!:D

just sent you the info thanks buddy!!!:D :) :D

01-21-2002, 05:21 PM

No one's committing to anything, but it's obvious how things will play out.

Our sentimental Sui-fuw...
Is this called China blue or kung fu mystery?

Yum Cha
01-21-2002, 10:07 PM
Quit whining.

Maybe if you spent more time training instead of gardening apples your Kung Fu wouldn't be so weak Hakka boy. ;)

01-21-2002, 10:27 PM
<Respect> The way of a traditional teacher </Respect>

01-22-2002, 10:11 AM
What are you trying to prove by putting someone in your crosshairs??

Sure kung-fu is a hard road,woman or man,so what??

Insulting someones school and Sifu only shows your true colors.

01-22-2002, 11:38 AM
--The way of a traditional teacher.

Don't get distracted by too many tangents... otherwise, you'll miss the beautiful morning on the top of Wing Chun mountain. hum...

01-22-2002, 12:25 PM
Tnwingtsun to Sui-fuw,
--Insulting someones school and sifu only shows your true colors.

This isn't the time to get haughty or vindictive. Tnwingtsun, rise above the melee, Sui-fuw derserves a break even from you.

Now, Sui-fuw, do you still believe in Santa Claus ?

01-22-2002, 06:19 PM
Yum Cha-
Do you think that growing an apple tree means you have weak kung fu?

How many apple trees have you grown?
If you did grow one then do you think apples will still grow after you have died?

To be classed as a gardener of apple trees would be an honour.
I am still the apple tree!!!

So Sui Fuw what colour are you?

M108 your on the right track ''who am I''

01-22-2002, 06:24 PM
This thread has REALLY come full circle now...
We have all gone from calling trolls to singing the praises of
I think many are reading far more into all of this than we should be, text is text, skill is skill, if you want to learn from a master go seek one out, the internet will not help in that area.
I have a couple of friends in high places but that doesnt make me somehow smarter or wiser it just means ive got people i can trust to talk to.
Sui-fuw is very funny and often has a little tipbit for us but i hardly think we all need to go kissing up to him online, thats just a bit feeble imho.
I dont mean to be insulting to anyone, not sui-fuw, not anyone else who has replied, im saying we ALL i think need to look a bit more closely at what we are trying to get out of this board.
I really feel bad for meltdown now, she has been driven from this board due to constant baraging about her background and now we all sit round singing the praises of the main culprit.
I would laugh SO hard if i found out sui-fuw was nothing but a fat uni student with a good knowledge of chinese culture and nothing much else.
Just a thought but has anyone noticed a lot of the 'higher' level people are actualy pretty upfront about exactly who they are and where they come from?
Not a knock to suif-fuw god luv him, im just saying take it all with a pinch of salt... then chew it anyway.

01-22-2002, 06:26 PM

<RESPECT>Pleasure is mine :) But words (or lack thereof) are my limitation. </RESPECT>

01-22-2002, 06:29 PM
"This isn't the time to get haughty or vindictive. Tnwingtsun, rise above the melee, Sui-fuw derserves a break even from you."

I think you've got lost Rolling_Hand,this is not about me getting

Its about a member that has been subjected to insults not only
to her but her sifu as well.

Some of us are adults here,no need to show bad manners and get personal.

You can now go back to your Wing Chun mountain that you stand alone on,this is about a well liked(by many) member that has been here for some time,not a flamer or a troll.

Wether she studys kung-fu or Under Water Basket Weaving,I admire her devotion.

I'm above the melee looking down and wondering what is the purpose??

Before you crank-up the fortune cookie machine again,do you have no feelings for anyone but yourself?

And Sui-fuw,why the personal attacks??
Did your mother,family or Sifu not teach you any manners??

What a shame...............

01-22-2002, 08:03 PM
sui-fuw :D

01-22-2002, 08:24 PM
--Some of us are adults here, no need to show bad manners and get personal.

An unorthodox approach leads to successful solution. Recent experience has made you a good judge of the situation. Once the walls come down, you'll be proud of your own ingenuity. - RH

--Wether she studys kung-fu or Under Water Basket Weaving, I admire her devotion.

You've done your part, now, let Sui-fuw does his. A minor adjustment may be all it takes. -RH

--I'm above the melee looking down and wondering what is the purpose??

Are there more than one Sui-fuw here?
Take a head count if that helps... - RH

--Before you crank-up the fortune cookie machine again.


--do you have no feelings for anyone but yourself?

Is there humor here?
I don't deserve this...
It's still better to generous than stingy!!!! - RH

01-24-2002, 06:22 PM

After days of feeling adrift, you finally get a sense of where circumstances are leading.

Patience is important now. Tnwingtsun is still after you.

01-25-2002, 05:44 PM
Though things seem relaxed, the window of opportunity is smalled than you think. Check it out, asking the tough questions is what will take you to the next level.

hahaha... friday night is the kung fu night.
Without my babe, it's just a lonely night...

01-25-2002, 07:44 PM
In seeking advice, let us be guided by its pronocements.

The book of Changes contains the Tao of the holy sages.
Therefore the superior man,
when confronted with a decision,
consults the Changes...

fiercest tiger
01-25-2002, 09:37 PM
How tall is wingchun mountain?
sui fuw,
To conquer the mountain it starts with the 1st step!! :D


i know of your taiji teacher, he teaches of a morning in eddie ave park!

01-25-2002, 09:56 PM
"i know of your taiji teacher, he teaches of a morning in eddie ave park!"
* His name is William Ho and ive been learning Bagua daily both morning and afternoon from him. He is a great teacher and its a brilliant art. I wont leave my Hung but im certainly planning on keeping up the Bagua it seems to fit me very nicely.
These days he teaches at the Chinese gardens from 9.30-12 then again from 2-4, I think he also has a night time health based class somewhere out west.
I had no idea as to the level of kicking skill in Bagua, the footwork of the system is just outstanding.
Sorry im just in a good mood about it lately becouse ive been learning so much, hence i take any oppotunity to tell anyone about it in great detail.
No wonder all my friends think im wierd except for the other kung fu students.
My whole room is soon to be given the I-Ching makeover:D
Most importantly ive finaly become what i always wanted to be, a full time kung fu student:) :cool: :D

fiercest tiger
01-25-2002, 10:06 PM
good for u, have found something you like!

i prefer hung gar any day over baqua, just my thoughts. sorry if i come across rude, not trying to be.:)

01-25-2002, 10:25 PM
There both excerlent skills and at a really high level im sure there both equal.
In my lifetime im unlikely to be able to truely master either to the fullest so having a good balance is paramont for me.
My interest in skill is in terms of combat and my interest in chinese culture is a seperate issue. I would learn any martial art from any culture if it had good benifit. The result is what im after the method of getting there is of less importance. This does not of course mean i dont want a true method but i do see differing skills in different arts at different levels of expertise.
I am not Bagua and im not Hung Ga but there both now a part of me;)

fiercest tiger
01-25-2002, 10:41 PM
ok, thanks for that!:cool:

so you are a daoist follower now?

01-26-2002, 01:07 AM
OK, appologies for the earbash.

"so you are a daoist follower now?"
*Strange assumption, i obviously study a daoist art but i hardly think that qualifies me as following that religion. Wait a few years and maybe that will have changed, i do like the thinking.

01-26-2002, 08:22 AM

What does it mean to be a doaist follower?
Is it a religion?

I know you have been ordained as a doaist monk. What did that entail?

01-26-2002, 09:33 AM
Happy Australia Day Mates!!!

01-26-2002, 05:55 PM
Fiercest Tiger,
--How tall is wingchun mountain ?

LOL, last time I checked, it's still 3 feets taller than mountain X.

TIger Hand
01-26-2002, 08:48 PM
3 feet above!?

big deal, 3 x 0 still = 0.

01-26-2002, 09:04 PM
In Wing Chun... even one inch counts!

TIger Hand
01-27-2002, 01:23 PM

Read my post "carefully", it's not my language of math that needs attention, but your comprehension of "english" that needs attention.

02-17-2002, 03:41 AM
"tn?let him come.i know of his lineage[yeu quang wong]and it would suprise me if he were a direct student of his?for it would make him 7th generation?4th from clc.wong si-fu knows much of what i speak and he'll correct him where wrong,if he bothered to ask?"

I will ask him about your statments,could you be more clear?
If your english is bad then I can understand you not being clear.
If you wish to write what you speak of in Chinese then I will
take it to him and if need be I will be corrected.
You know of my lineage,so what,its not top secret,is yours?

"tn,there are many k.f roads beyond your si-fu,do you know that?"
Yes,do you?

"[any gender]"

Please be more clear in your context or speak to me in Chinese.

"my "crosshairs" give me a break.i told you the targets are your own that you paint?
define insult?when i say a si-fu has no ging,is that really an insult?"

Define insult.
Now here is where you get wishie washie,I need not to repeat
your name calling of other members of this forum,one only has to go back and read your posts,one day you're calling someone's
kung-fu fake,the next day you're playing buddy-buddy with others and putting on the mask of a respectful person.
So which is your true face,the donkey caller or the humble
man that graces us with his wisdom?


"Patience is important now. Tnwingtsun is still after you."

Gee wiz,yuppers,I'm hot on the trail of sui fuw,so hot I just came across his reply on this old thread.

02-17-2002, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by CLOUD ONE

What does it mean to be a doaist follower?
Is it a religion?

I know you have been ordained as a doaist monk. What did that entail?

Hi Fiercest Tiger, Meltdawn and all,

I am interested in your answer too. (Not a test question, curious about Dao)...

02-18-2002, 03:16 AM
You're a joke right out of a comic book,lol.

I don't need to ask him,I crossed hands with him last night at the New Years dinner.

Also Dr.Wong is NOT your Sifu,I've seen many clowns come and go,perhaps you're one of the wanna be clowns that came
got hurt and holds a grudge?

So many people use the title "Sifu" lightly.

John Doe's Sifu is not my Sifu,I will address him out of respect but I have ONLY one Sifu.

I have had other Si-hings and instructors but only one Sifu.

My profile links to Wong Sifu's e-mail,you are welcome to write him in Chinese or English about me if you please.

His English is fine his health is fine and he's sharp as a tack.

You on the other hand are dull.

You can bite me,whip me,spank me,beat me...............


You,my little troll,you bore me!!

The balls in your court sui-fuw,e-mail my Sifu.

I will give you this,you are a steady source of amusment.

"man your so much more fun than that little girl meltdawn"

I'm flattered that you find me "so much more fun than that little girl meltdawn"

But don't expect me to want to take long showers with you in the wee hours of the morning.


But that would also bore me because you would never take off your clown face.

Tell ya what,since I am so much more fun to you than Meltdawn

I'm going to call you my little Buttercup,and when you address me you can make up your own nickmame for me,if we ever meet you can address me as MR.:D

02-18-2002, 07:21 AM
Could this be love:rolleyes: