View Full Version : Looking for Assistance.... Please

06-01-2001, 01:53 AM
Dear friends,

I have been a member here since the beginning of the year but only as a lurker because my knowledge is far less to most other subscribers. Actually, this is my first post.

Recently I was corresponding with a colleague in the USA who is a teacher of SPM and it made me remember the wealth of knowledge that exists on this forum. I am hoping that someone more knowledgeable than I can help me with an idea I have been nurturing for several years?

Having been in Fujian several times over the years to research this phenomenon, I am reasonably familiar (in theory) with the principal schools of Fujian He-quan, Yongchun quan, Dragon, White Eyebrow boxing & a few others. What I am trying prove, through re-constructing/configuring the defensive portions of two-person drills (a hypothesis I have) is that hsing represents application lessons already learned.... not the other way around. My hypothesis introduces the idea that two-person drills classically served as the common standard through which habitual acts of physical violence could be methodically recreated and defensive themes meticulously re-enacted in a safe learning environment until a functional spontaneity ultimately unfolded and mastery gained. I believe, and am trying to prove, that quanfa hsing represent the defensive legacy of well-known/"famous" quanfa pioneers who brought together the most comprehensive of their individual defensive responses, used in two-person drills (I refer to these individual elements as solo composites), to develop mnemonic devices culminating the lessons already learned. Naturally, such individual forms must have also reflected the signature-base physical characteristics of each pioneer and his/her perception of what each composite represented: i.e. movements of the universe/nature/animals etc: Wind whistles around the tree; dragon spinning its tail; marauding tiger; crane on a rock etc.

The two-person drills of SPM, quite possibly the progenitor-style from which much of this stems (although others maintain that Arhat quan/Monk Fist boxing predates SPM) represent one tradition that I have only limited exposure in but am hoping that someone here can help me.

In all honesty, I am not looking to take up SPM, but rather, only better understand the historical roots & technical theories of this Fujian-based eclectic tradition (as nurtured by the Okinawans during the mid-to-late 19th century) that I have been pursuing.

I am looking to study old video footage of SPM two-person drills and self-defence applications. Is there anyone here who can steer me in the right direction or refute this theory?

I have thick but resilient skin :-) and I thank you for your consideration.

Patrick McCarthy

[This message was edited by Bujin on 06-01-01 at 05:10 PM.]

06-01-2001, 02:49 AM
First off , welcome to the forum(0fficially).

Is there SPM schools in Brisbane itself or just outside? I lived there for a couple of years and my brother is there also.
Are there Pakmei schools in Brisbane also?Just curious , I may visit when I get up there next time.Anyway hope you find what your after here, try not to step in the bullsh!t though, lol.


06-01-2001, 03:58 AM
McCarthy Kyoshi (Patrick),

Great to have you aboard. I look forward to the views you shall share on this board.

Having nowhere near the amount of knowledge or insight you have regarding the connection between Fujian and Okinawan defensive traditions, I welcome your views on this very connection and the methodology via which was passed on.

Your view regarding two-person drills makes a great deal of sense to me in coming to try to understand just how the whole advent of "Kata" came to be.

Hope to hear more from you.

Regards, :)

Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-01-2001, 05:02 AM
Dear Patrick McCarthy

Welcome aboad, here a site you can find some clips on SPM.

SPM Video Clips (http://www.carbonecho.com/Kungfu/Basics.dtml)

Hope this help


Contraria Sunt Complementa

06-01-2001, 06:14 AM
Welcome to the forum.

I'd like to say that I can help you, but I can't.

You used too many big words for me to understand :)

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

06-02-2001, 05:53 AM

Welcome but beware of trolls on this forum. There are many close minded people who think that they know alot about kung fu but they don't.

In response to what you're saying, the short answer is that Hsing I is totally different from the Southern syles you have mentioned. If you can find a good HsingI school,you'll be wasting your time continuing with what you've done in southern kung fu.

look forward to your reply.

Maximus Materialize!

06-02-2001, 06:44 AM
That's pretty funny Ego - a troll warning people about trolls :D

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

06-02-2001, 07:13 AM

I'm not a troll, never was never will be.

Maximus Materialize!

Crimson Phoenix
06-02-2001, 03:05 PM
uuhhh? You're THE Patrick McCarthy?? I still can't believe it!
Indeed, the taller the bamboo grows, the lower it bows :-)
Nice to have you around!
This is indeed a deep subject, I didn't understand everything due to my limited english though (tough bein' french, add the adequate
accent heheheheh). My intervention will be very dumb, maybe even off-topic, but anyway only the wise know when to shut up and I am unfortunately not wise :-)
Regarding two-persons drills, I read in that Phoenix-eye fist book that it was their main way of approaching combat, since they didn't spar. they just go full contact and with the intention to hit like in a real fight, only, I quote "protected by a precise knowledge of the form".
I know of a xingyi teacher (actually, this is my bagua teacher also, student of Jiang RongJiao, I don't remember who taught him XingYi) that says "form the body, link the five fists...it takes years, but it's only the beginning, the real XingYi is An Shen Pao". I don't know if he holds that famous form in such high esteem or if it is his way of saying "the real essence of XingYi is two-person matching".
I'm quite sure you know Henry Plée (if you do, no need to introduce)...his son Pascal studies White Crane under Yang Jwing-Ming, and the first thing taught about white crane (beside qinna) is a two-person matching (shang xia zhi). It is supposed to be the foundation for techniques, strategies, and has to be practiced all the time while the first solo white crane sequence is taught incredibly late in the curriculum. Then I heard Pascal say he saw Mr Yang doing the good ol' basic shang xia zhi taught to beginners in an incredible way that contained many of the okuden principles revealed by Henry Plée lately.
I'm a scientist and I know that to get a good find, you need a good start hypothesis...I'd bet that your idea of looking into two person drills from southern chinese styles could lead to incredible findings and insights...
These were the words from someone whose tongue is far more active than his brain :-)
Welcome again, it's a honour!


Self-Thinking Follower
06-02-2001, 03:25 PM
I'm not a know it all, but Hsing = Kata, that's what I believe Bujin is using it as.

Crimson Phoenix
06-03-2001, 02:29 PM
Thanks a lot, you're right, hsing=form...I'm far too used to pinyin (it's xing in it) and I missed the point :-)
But anyway, since I didn't totally focused on xing yi in my post, I won't look too stupid (and being ridiculous never killed anyone, thanks God for me heheheheheh)

daniel boerma
06-05-2001, 04:20 PM
Hello Patrick,
I study authentic Bak Mei & Dragon & I am interested in your views on form training. I will be in Brisbane from June 7-11, if you want to catch up email me at clcbakmei@hotmail.com & I'll send through my mobile #.


06-07-2001, 09:00 AM

Sorry about the delay in responding as I had been terribly busy with other issues over this last week.

Thanks for your assorted replies. Not exactly what I was hoping for but they certainly gave me something to think about.

NgorMei, I am teaching a seminar this weekend out of town but would look forward to corresponding with you privately, should you be interested?


06-07-2001, 10:56 AM
If you are not a troll, then you are an ignorant fool :)

What we do in life echoes in Eternity