View Full Version : Question about music and footwork

01-21-2002, 01:30 PM
I was just wondering if anyone here has a certain song they have inside there head when they practice with footwork and attacks. I picked a couple songs that match my taste, and was just wondering who else has some songs they imagine in there head.

01-21-2002, 01:39 PM
dunno how you are on good, throbbing techno, but any juno reactor, especially "god is god," "samurai" and "pistolero" get my feet a-hoppin'.

maybe hoppin' feet aren't the best thing for wing tsun, but oh well. :D

01-21-2002, 01:43 PM
i don't think about music when i'm training. i try to keep broken rhythm,
and thinking about music would be detrimental to that, as well as detrimental to the meditative side of it.
juno reactor is really good though. bible of dreams is one of my fave techno cd's.

01-21-2002, 02:01 PM
I always train to music [my one true love, except Uma Thurman]

The beat gets me going. Try The Propellerheads "SpyBreak [shortone]"

Or anything trippy by Fluke. Or RATM's 1st album.

Then a nice bit of Floyd to warm down to.

Crimson Phoenix
01-22-2002, 03:12 AM
I don't like to train with music...not that sometimes the beat of the music doesn't pump me up, it's just that the rythm of the fight must come from within you, and if you get tuned to an external rythm it might make some interferences...
Fighting is dancing to your own music, not to something you listen to.

01-22-2002, 06:41 AM
My sifu and I are both violinists.

A large reason why we take to kung fu so well is because we have acquired body reflexes from training the violin.

When it comes to the internal rhythm of our set, we both don't utilize actual songs but feel the beat from within and express it outwards.

01-22-2002, 10:11 AM
hmm.. I dance to music every day, but I tend to not like the distraction when I'm training. "music soothes the savage breast" and "develope a sence of enemy" don't seem mutually compatible. Soundman--Uma Thurman huh... Good taste!
P.S. I'll email you about mexistrats. I have the inside skinny.

Ray Pina
01-22-2002, 11:44 AM
I go to the occasional rave -- the more crowded the better. Get right into the heart of things and flow with everyone around you. Fill their empty spaces, work with protyruding limbs ... without ever touching a soul or them being the wiser. Sounds nuts, but this has actually helped my gung-fu more than anyone would believe. I can feel the progress from when I used to go three years ago -- technique more refined, better foot work.

01-22-2002, 12:22 PM
Guohuen - You'll need my address then! It's:


[Written like that to prevent page scanners]

IMHO MexStrats are BAD. I've owned 2 before, and was V.Unhappy. My Les Paul I love though........ Inside info though - like what? If you're a guitar-builder I might have a custom order ! :D

And Uma Thurman is one NICE lady. Stil, the Buffy girls still win on style, content and variation........ :D

I love training to music. My garage can be a cold and lonely place, a bit of "Killing in the Name" always warms me up.