View Full Version : Styles that destroy styles

Golden Arms
01-21-2002, 04:13 PM
Were there any kung fu styles that were designed to combat another style in particular, or even a particular weapon? I seem to remember something about this, but I dont have any specifics. Does your style have a rival style, other than Brazilian Ju Jutsu:D

-Golden Arms-

Mr. Nemo
01-21-2002, 04:21 PM
I don't know about "destroying" each other, but bagua and hsing-i had a long-standing rivarly.

In kung fu movies, shaolin vs. wudan and shaolin vs. lama are long-standing rivalries, but these don't really exist in real life.

There were the tokyo police judo vs. jujitsu matches. I understand sambo and judo have some history as well.

Modern rivalries are muay thai vs. sanda and BJJ vs. Wrestling.

Golden Arms
01-21-2002, 04:25 PM
Heheheh..oops, I actually didnt mean for the title of the thread to be that, but regardless that was great info, anyone else?

-Golden Arms-

Felipe Bido
01-21-2002, 04:46 PM
Hsing Yi and Bagua have learned to live with each other :D now, most practicioners of Hsing Yi have knowledge of Bagua, and vice-versa. They "complement" each other in a way.

I've always heard of Shaolin Vs. Lama, but I thought it was true.

01-21-2002, 06:14 PM
There was a huge split in shotokan after Funakoshi's death with one part (shotokan) keeping the hard external elements and shotokai going softer and more internal. But, it wasn't like a war between the participants or anything, just a bunch of people yammering at one another.

01-21-2002, 06:18 PM
I seem to recall my Sifu saying something about CLF being designed to battle other Southern Styles like Hung Gar.
You'll notice that CLF is very different than other Southern Styles.

01-21-2002, 06:19 PM
Budokan - a bit like this place then?

01-21-2002, 06:21 PM
CLF has always had long standing rivalry with Wing Chun, as the styles were so different in their approach. Lots of battles, rooftops in HK, that sort of stuff. But they weren't designed against each other. CLF wasn't designed to outwit any particular style. It was designed to defeat them all! ;)

01-21-2002, 06:24 PM

Not so sure about whole styles.

I know that some techniques are designed to counter other techniques/skills.

I have heard that Leopard Claw will destroy/crack Golden Bell 9 out of 10 times.

01-21-2002, 06:44 PM
There is a lot of styles that are designed around being the 'best' or else they would fail pretty poorly against any skilled fighter.
Some styles do have a reputation as being pretty lethal though, Bak Mei was said to have been a system designed to kill Shaolin rebels, as a result its full of nerve and pressure point strikes which can often get around lower level iron shirt.
Tai Shing of Tai Shing Pek Kwar was an offical style of the emporers gaurd at one point. It was designed to be brutal and fast but most importantly different. At those times people had seen a lot of styles and the element of suprise became a big issue. Bagua has also been used by the royal gaurd and so had to be able to go head to head with other master martial artists. Praying mantis was designed to beat the orginal northen shaolin curriculam. Tai Chi is another art invented to combat higher grade external arts like shaolin.
Wether or not they will actualy do that job depends largely on the practioner. Most better styles have some tricks up there sleeve.

"I have heard that Leopard Claw will destroy/crack Golden Bell 9 out of 10 times."
- Iron shirt i would say no probs but goldbell is much trickyer, one way that can work wonders is to grab and area with a tiger claw pull out and that hit with a pheonix before there muscle retracts, this way you have dislodged what your striking from the body of the opponent. Sounds complicated and it is;) How to actualy DO it though, ahh thats another story:) hehe i hope something doesnt strike me down for saying all that:(

01-21-2002, 07:15 PM
I am surprised Ralek hasn't imparted some words of wisdom here :)

wushu chik
01-21-2002, 07:29 PM
JOEDOE..why the hell did you even have to bring HIM up...that's why he stays here, and quite fankly...some of you are getting just as annoying as him with all your stupid sh!t about him!


01-21-2002, 07:38 PM
Listen wushuchik, if you get all worked up over him then that is food for the troll. Ralek doesn't phase me - I know he is a troll, so when I read what he says I don't let it upset me because I know that is what he wants. You on the other hand give him exactly what he wants by getting all worked up even at the mention of his name.

Don't get on my case.

01-21-2002, 07:43 PM
fightfight2 more times.

01-21-2002, 09:24 PM
According to the story, the 5 elders of shaolin invented a new style to defeat all the existing shaolin styles. They invented a style that is efficient and can be learned in a short period of time. Unfortunately, the shaolin temple was attacked and the 5 elders fled from the shaolin temple. One of the elders was Ng Mui. She later met Yim Wing Chun and taught her the martial art. Yim Wing Chun modified the style to suit her. This is how Wing Chun (the martial art) came to be.

I don't know if the story is true; but this is the reason why they say wing chun is designed to defeat shaolin kung fu.

01-21-2002, 09:53 PM
The style you refer to is known as Five Ancestor boxing. Ive seen a tiny amount and it looks like most shaolin based arts to me.
The style Yim Wing Chun learned is a cut down form of plum flower boxing [which was Ng Mai's style along with dragon boxing] the stances were addapted and the motions were shortened and made to rely less on stregth. This was partly becouse Ng Mai was a Nun and teaching YWC true shaolin would have been basicaly a sin so she changed just enough to create a new system but kept enough the same to keep it effective. This can be seen in most arts comming from Shaolin the sets have changed a lot over time. Hung Ga, Fut Ga, Lau Ga they all have traits of this.
This is still only rumour and fairy tale, its just the one i heard.
Five Ancestor boxing is has a pretty shaky history as well and its more likely the style was just put together with what worked at the time and was easy to teach for rebellion than it was invented by the actual five ancestors to defeat there own systems.
In reality after the burning of the first temple its very unlikely the five even saw each other for long enough to create a style. The system was more likely a conglomeration of some of there students to combine what they had learnt.

P.S guohuen
That just got stored in a mental reserve thank you:)

01-21-2002, 10:10 PM
When you talk about Five Ancestor boxing, are you talking about Wu Chu Chuan/Ngor Chor Kun? If so then that is incorrect - Wu Chu/Ngor Chor was not invented by the 5 masters that escaped.

01-21-2002, 10:37 PM
Honestly im not sure of the Chinese name for the style, i met the an instructor of the system above a photo place in Chinatown but he has since long moved on. He told me a bit about the history of the style and that was basicaly what he told me. I found the history a bit 'odd' as was hinted at in my post.
For all i know the guy could have simply made the style up but he was quite proficent and so where his students, there was definatlely something real there.
Im afraid i dont know much more about it than ive stated though.

Would you like to tell me your cut on 'Wu Chu/Ngor Chor' I would be interested in hearing another version of the history, if indeed it is even the same style.

01-21-2002, 11:27 PM
Hi Wushu,
I think you probably have to agree that Aband...I mean JoeDoe didn't really deserve that. People like Ralek want you to get worked up about him and become irate when he does his thing. If you get that angry, he wins (and probably laughs at you) Don't give him that satisfaction.
A lot of people here are trying to make a difference now with better posts, more MA conversation, etc.

The only thing about him that bothers me is the fact that he gets good people like you worked up. :) Don't worry that much about him for now. More and more people are ignoring him.

Take care,

01-22-2002, 01:08 AM
Ryu: Thanks for the backup ;)

jon: I will try and get hold of the history as our school teaches it. :)

01-22-2002, 01:51 AM
"jon: I will try and get hold of the history as our school teaches it."
- I would definately be interested in seeing that if you get the time.