View Full Version : Sauna's as part of workout

Kungfu boy
01-21-2002, 11:06 PM
I was at the gym today and saw a few guys in the electric sauna doing crunches etc. They would do a set of like 20 then take a break, then do another set. One guy was even jogging in place. He was in there for 10 minutes doing this. For some reason to me this just seems odd. I'd like to know if anyone has done this and what the effects if any were. Did it heightn the effectivness of the crunches? Is it dangerous etc.?


Brian a.k.a. Kungfu Boy

01-21-2002, 11:14 PM

I think it can be benefitial as the Body does not cool down between the exercises.
Also most probably good for Blood circulation, etc.

OTOH, I am sure that the Sauna wasn't that hot at that time.

There is one Yoga System that is practiced in 40 Degree Centigrade(Sauna Style).

The only way I think it could hurt you if you are easily affected by Heat or allow your Body to dehydrate.

But than I don't think that the Guy that was jogging in there for 10 minutes started to do so recently.

At my Kwoon the Aircon only gets turned on when the Temperature exceeds 35 degrees Centigrade with a 85+ Humidity. :rolleyes:

Winter we do without any heating, unless it gets extreme.

We also practice in the summer outdoors.

So yes, a lot of places and styles to train under similar conditions

Repulsive Monkey
01-22-2002, 03:11 AM
From a Chinese Medicine point of view it would be considered extremely un-beneficial. Damp Heat invasion is main problem, and working out within a sauna will just escalate any heat conditions inherent in the body anyway. However i would say that more so the heat invasion and ampness of the suana is not worth the so0-called benefits that a suana gives anyway.

01-22-2002, 09:58 AM
Hmh.. maybe they were boxers or wrestlers trying to loose weight (water) to fit to their weight class?

Anyway. I really can't see any reason to do exercises in the sauna. It's better to go to sauna after the workout =)


Kungfu boy
01-22-2002, 03:56 PM
I was just wandering because it seemed a bit extreme to me. As for being boxers I don't know. But I know the guy jogging wasn't. Too big, I think he was just trying to lose weight.

I'm mainly focusing on my diet right now. It was the only thing I hadn't tried yet. Going for a low carb diet to see if it helps. I'm to the point now that I'm pretty good shape. Just need to work on tightening certian areas like my abs.

Thanks for the replies guys. It was appreciated greatly.

Brian a.k.a. Kungfu Boy

01-22-2002, 06:39 PM
People seem to think that sweat = fat loss. Often you will see people wearing layers of sweatshirts while they work out, even in the summer. I guess they want to sweat more. It's really dumb, and can cause dehyrdation, not to mention it probably feels uncomfortable as hell. You can lose a bit of weight from water, but as soon as you drink again it will come back so it's not really a good idea. It's not fat loss. Those guys in the sauna were probably following some bad advice.


01-23-2002, 11:42 AM
Working out in a heated environment can actually be very Beneficial. The heat allows the muscles to stay in a more relaxed state the in cold. In addition, it takes the pressure off the internal organ to function and will help the circulation. Personally I prefer a slightly heated room roughly, 75-85 degrees. I depends in what I am doing.

If I practice MA then around 75-78. For my Yoga practice I prefer slightly wamer 80-85.

There are dangers however with exessive heat. In many Birkam Yoga schools they are now keeping the heat WAY TO HOT. Generally, 105-123 with humidity. If you train in heat, it should be done in a warm, DRY room.

However, as to your query about the guys in the sauna, the Sauna if for RELAXING. read the warning sign in the room is says NOT the exercise. However very light stretching can be good.

Hope this helps.

San Francisco, CA

01-24-2002, 10:14 PM
I read from the Toaist classics that it is a method of purifying the body, but not used so much anymore because it requires a lot of prenatal chi.

Then again, the scandinavians, Inca, Native Noth Americans, and countless other people did it and even prepared for war using a sweat bath for purification.

I've learned meditative abilities sweating. That was the first time I really felt the chi up and down the spine so it moved your body independent of your heart beat.

01-24-2002, 10:25 PM
Hi stacey.

Yes, lots of cultures do the sauna thing.

But they are not as hot as some of the modern ones.

I have been to some saunas where they turned the thermostat all the way to the top.

Me love Sauna, but hate steambath.
Had our own in my Parents place.


Repulsive Monkey
01-25-2002, 05:07 AM
The unfortunate thing with the initial message was the exercising in the sauna bit which most people seemed to of picked up on already. However for people whose Wei Qi is weak the damp heat conditions of continual suana visits will most likely produce Damp-Heat syndromes from a Chinese Medicine point of view.
I'm aware of other cultures using it as a health/therapuetic means too. People related conditions and even heart and blood pressure conditions can actually escalate their condition sometimes from that damp heated exposure if done too often.

02-01-2002, 09:27 AM
Up here in Finland (the home of the sauna), the sauna will have a temperature of 80-100 degrees centigrade. Our tribal brothers the Estonians often go up to 120! In those kind of temperatures you do not do vigorous excercise: you might do a bit of stretching, or beat your neighbour with birch twigs (great for circulation!). Take it from the nations that invented the sauna: use it for relaxation and warming down after your workout!!!

02-01-2002, 09:43 AM
oh yeah. the birch-switches =)