View Full Version : I stepped in it this time, OT

01-21-2002, 11:17 PM
I already know I need to deal with this fast, but I don't wanna feel like an ass, which I am. So basicaly, this is just to talk about my problem before I deal with it. I have a good friend named Amanda, who is sick (cancer maybe) but are not sure what it is. Anyways, we got to talking, and the outgoing person I am was joking around (like I always do) and asked her out. She said yes, but in the way it was handled, I thought she understood I was being a ass. So anyways, I had a depressed sick friend who was single, who now has contacted her mom who is dying to meet me. Now, I learned what she thought when we were not face to face, so therefor, I could not respond. I fully intend to remedy this problem, not through martial arts mind you, but I have stepped in it. She was all happy and not 'depressed' when she was addressing me. Uggg, I want to slit my wrists. But there is only one right path to take.

01-21-2002, 11:31 PM
wow . .. and i thought i was a d!ck.

i relinquish my title of ultimate bas tard to you my friend.

01-21-2002, 11:35 PM
I accept the crown with an open heart, it will make me be detached to hold it under a 'joking' light.

01-21-2002, 11:39 PM
joke or no joke, you are going to break a dying girls heart.

man . .. . you are my hero.

01-21-2002, 11:56 PM
Well, I enjoy being someones hero.

01-21-2002, 11:56 PM
i remember reading a proverb on a church light board that read:

"a loose tounge can get you into tight places"

seiously though . . it sucks to be you. you need to find the right angle to approach this.

01-21-2002, 11:59 PM
i hope she's not really digging the idea for both of your sakes.

if she is this will be the zenith in tests of your ability to read feelings and think on your toes.

01-22-2002, 12:03 AM
Well, I just did it. I am a very tactful person, I learned it from having to talk myself out of many situations like this. She was taking it seriously to. ****, like that girl from 'Fight Club'. Only wanted someone before dying.

01-22-2002, 01:17 AM
What's happened then? Is it taken care of? How is she?
On the one hand I kind of know what you mean since my sarcasm can sometimes get me into trouble with my Japanese friends who don't catch onto it that easily....but on the other hand...

It's never good to "pretend" to like someone romantically even if you think you're being nice...it always hurts them more in the end.
But it sounds like you are her friend and are spending time with her anyway. Do more of it. Who knows, maybe you'll find out that you do indeed like her more. Sounds like you've handled it politely and compassionately from your last post though.

Hope things go well.


01-22-2002, 01:21 AM
****it, big guy. you got me all sad for the evening. kudos to you for having the balls to do it. we'd all be better off if we learned from this man's misfortune. and his friends'. and his other friends'.

01-22-2002, 02:04 AM
Not to be anymore of a jerk than normal, but...

I'm curious. How did she go from being "sick (cancer maybe)" to definitely dying. Cancer is not quite the death sentence it used to be, especially if caught in the early stages. Also, I've been hospitalized plenty of times though, and I know that they generally don't hand out diagnoses like: "We think you are going to die, but we aren't sure whats killing you. Cancer sounds good."

What's the medical dealio?

01-22-2002, 06:49 AM
respectmankind, do as your martial arts training dictates and BE YOUR OWN MAN.

You shouldn't feel "obligated" to anybody unless they've EARNED that privilege. Don't we all pay for our own increases in skill with our own efforts?

I know this - if a girl suddenly turned on me after I asked her out (jokingly or not), I'd turn on her too. That's like being attacked by somebody - do you keep letting them beat on you or do you go into "defense" mode?

The depressed single friend thing I wasn't able to figure out from your writing, but it's a moot point if you understand the gist of what I was trying to state in the above 3 paragraphs.

01-22-2002, 07:47 AM
"How did she go from being "sick (cancer maybe)" to definitely dying."

that's my fault. he never said she was definatly dying.

Daniel Madar
01-22-2002, 09:46 AM
"A loose tongue can get you into some tight places"

Hmmm. Depending on how you read that, that could be a good thing.


01-22-2002, 10:20 AM
Two words will remedy this problem for you:

01-22-2002, 12:29 PM
Seriously man - how did it go. If it was me I'd sit down and talk with her. Sick and single = vulnerable.

And don't beat yourself up. Yeah it was bad sh!t, but life is too short for regret.