View Full Version : Since everyone is always talking about MMA and Kung Fu...

01-22-2002, 07:46 AM
I couldnt help but notice when i was looking at www.sherdog.com today that they had a Kung Fu practitioner listed for the Gladiator Challenge event being held February 10th.

The name sounds kinda cheesy so i dont know if this is just some BS or if this guy is good. Thought perhaps someone knew who this was and was intersted in knowing he was venturing into MMA.

Ahmad Hempstead
(Black Corbra Kung Fu)

This is basicly what it said, can look at the entire card at: http://www.sherdog.com/daily/2002/01/2102.shtm

01-22-2002, 10:23 AM
I've never heard of Black Cobra, could be bull****
or not

But i've never heard of it.
I know there is snake...