View Full Version : Bad Day!!!???

01-22-2002, 10:09 AM
You know what **** me off da most...running into the love of my life who cheated on me...now for the last year I never saw or heard from her...****IT!!! You know it??? I run into her!!! Not much was said out of a 40 sec. conversation...other that she works at a mall near my house now( what happen to the full time job I hook her up with a year ago??? )...anywayz...I'm mad and sad as hell...I'm tired of FEELING...**** I want to be a VULCAN...JAMES BOND...CONAN DA BARBARIAN...I hate feeling weak and vunerable...any solutions!!!???

Water Dragon
01-22-2002, 10:11 AM
kick her in the chocha!

01-22-2002, 10:15 AM
go find someone cuter than she is and shag her good and thoroughly.

that, or find something else to get your mind off the old chick. i'm just all for shaggin', that's all.

Ray Pina
01-22-2002, 10:22 AM
Keeping training and be yourself. You'll find a true, honest person, maybe a martial artist, cute chick who understands a passion for soemthing.

I've been there. I tottaly stopped looking for women and just focused on setting myself in the direction I wanted to go after college. Did a lot of surfing, reading and chilling. A year or so later I met my girl, taught her how to surf (she's not into gun fu -- ****), we've been living together now for 4 years and she's my best friend. Thank God it didn't work out with those others, I'd still be with their lame a$$.

01-22-2002, 10:55 AM
>>>…”You know it??? I run into her!!!…

Maybe you should run into her with your car! (just kidding)

You are not the only one who has experienced this. If you were able to meet a nice looking girl once you can do it again! In time you will find another. Enjoy the time alone while you can…one day you will be married like me. Yikes!


01-22-2002, 10:58 AM
only one solution i know of. first of all, i don't believe in 'closure.' you create your own closure. you're not going to have an epiphany, and everything will be okay. you decide it's okay. you lie about it being okay. you act like it's okay, even if you feel like death inside. you say it's okay, over and over again if needs be.

and in time, you'll come to believe. and when you believe, you'll act like you're okay more naturally. and then, lo and behold, you will be. you'll have created your own reality. fixed your own situation. and then you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

a bit simplistic, i know. but sometimes working plans need to be simplistic. they get a little more complicated along the way. but you're more than smart enough to work those out as you go.

good luck, my friend.

stuart b.

01-22-2002, 12:48 PM
I know what you mean man. My solution:

1) Get p!ssed with your mates. VERY p!ssed.
2) Pull some dirty slapper.
3) Wake up the next morning and have a fry-up.
4) Watch some football.
5) Train. Hard. For 3 hours. Twice.
6) Play some MEAN guitar [just me].

None of this will work. But it'll take your mind off her long enough, so that at about 7pm the next evening, you'll realise "I'm over her."

Fidelity is an important thing. If she cheated on you then love of your life or not - she's not worth it. She doesn't respect you and will never be worth it. You are above her. Better than her. Then go and train some more, and smash the crap out of something.

At the end of the day - being hurt by someone doesn't make you vulnerable or weak - it makes you HUMAN. Bond and Conan are fictional.

Real life strong men aren't the ones who stay standing - they're the ones who hit the deck and get back up again. I know cause I've been there. Get over her and you'll wonder what you ever saw in her. Everyone has bad days, bad years even. Successful people are the ones that stay focussed, no matter what.

If that fails - compare her to Uma/Britney/Charlise....... [mmm]

01-22-2002, 12:50 PM

01-22-2002, 12:54 PM
no worries, legend. like delicate sound said (brilliantly, i might add), we've all been there.

big trick is just to keep getting up in the morning. do that, and everything else remains possible.

stuart b.

01-22-2002, 12:59 PM
Cheers Apoweyn. Though ask Kristoffer - I am renowned for this. :D

1/2 the problem is admitting the hurt. Beauty of the Net - its impartial. We have all been there - its hard, but real men get back up, and start dreaming about Sarah Michelle Gellar again! :D

01-22-2002, 01:05 PM
no worries, delicate sound.

stuart b.

p.s. more of a 'willow' (allyson hannigan) man myself. [grin]

01-22-2002, 01:10 PM

Ask her out on a date. Get her good and drunk. Make her feel like she's important.

Then, donkey punch and post pics :D

01-22-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by apoweyn
p.s. more of a 'willow' (allyson hannigan) man myself. [grin]

You are NOT the only one there. I have, like every FHM she's been in.

She is at the moment No2 in my alltime list. After Charlise Theron.

She's nicest in AP2. Or City Limits. But the cute Willow expressions are far better :D And the lesbianism. Obviously :)

01-22-2002, 01:21 PM
well, obviously. ;)

01-22-2002, 01:24 PM
Chuck a Willow into the package and the Wiccan's can have my soul. :D

01-22-2002, 01:27 PM
Bridget Jones' Diary version of Renee Zellweiger.

Nuff said.

01-22-2002, 01:31 PM
delicate sound,

yep. i'm sold too. sign me up.


yeah, i can see that one too.

stuart b.

01-22-2002, 01:32 PM
A young Cameron Diaz in Wayne's World [1 or 2?]

Nuff said.

01-22-2002, 01:33 PM
Cameron Diaz-Ick.

Never been a fan. Nothing there to my eyes, I'm afraid :)

01-22-2002, 01:41 PM
cameron diaz was in wayne's world?!

personally, i'll always be a sucker for gillian anderson.

stuart b.

01-22-2002, 01:50 PM
What am I saying [duh]

It wasn't Cameron Diaz. It was Drew Barrymore [slobber]

Although Cameron Diaz IS FHM's best-scoring chick in Top100 history......... I'd hardly say no anyway. Gillian Anderson.... mmm, yep, that brooding X-Files look. he can investigate the strange goings on in my nether regions anyway! :D

Anyway, it'll take a good few lasses to beat Charlise, Alyson and Uma [see Gattaca!]

01-22-2002, 01:52 PM
Drew Barrymore=overrated.

I wouldn't give her a second look on the street.

01-22-2002, 01:53 PM
ah, drew barrymore. yeah, wayne's world 2. obviously a charlie's angels mix up. [grin]

yep, gotta love scully.

stuart b.

Ray Pina
01-22-2002, 01:58 PM
Two words: Lucy Liu

01-22-2002, 02:02 PM
Merry...well bro word has it she got married with the guy I caught in her room not to long ago...didn't want to ask her. just was like hi and good bye.

01-22-2002, 02:03 PM
if you're talkinjg waynes world (1 or 2) it has to be Tia Carrere, who was Cassandra! v v nice!

01-22-2002, 02:12 PM
OK. It was Drew - and she was lookin' HOT. It was a hideous Charlie's Angels mix-up, and I've been punished for my inferiour knowledge. More FHM needed. MPS. James! Are you batting for the other side?! [kiddin'] :D People always say:

"Drew is over-rated" EXCUSE ME. How's the line:

"Hey guys, I shagged Drew Barrymore today..." sound to you?!!

Lucy Liu is S W E E T.

Tia Carrera's OK.

Though when I'm a famous rockstar, Alyson'll be 1st on my hitlist :D

LEGEND - I feel the pain man. But seriously, compare her to the cast of Buffy. Then pick her faults. Bet she used to **** in bed. If so, keep diggin' - you'll be over her in no time.

Yung Apprentice
01-23-2002, 03:46 AM
I remeber when my girl cheated on me. Stupid b!tch. She got pregnant by this guy bout eight years older than her. ( who left her:) ) I ran into them about a month after I found out she cheated on me. He was walking with her, and I got a haymaker off on his chin before my freind seperated us. Be careful with females, they can make your mind into putty. You do things never in you life you would think about doing. I almost killed this son of a b!tch ( the guy ) one time because he leaves on my families answering machine how well he fuks my ex. He wasn't as brave when I pulled my gun on him. And if it wasn't for my cousin, that son of a b!tch wouldn't be around. ( and neither would I have for that matter )

Never again would I be so stupid.

Yung Apprentice
01-23-2002, 03:49 AM
Sorry yall, I'm just venting. I found out a girl I had been seeing, and I liked very much, is actually married!!! Nothing like a fuked up surprise to bring back bad memories.:mad:

01-23-2002, 03:56 AM
mmm, yep, that brooding X-Files look. he can investigate the strange goings on in my nether regions anyway!

you mean scully right,:confused: im worried sun

01-23-2002, 07:12 AM
Ah, Legend. I'm sorry.

That blows huge hairy donkey ****.

Qi dup
01-23-2002, 08:30 AM
Legend, that sucks man. Cheer up man! You just gotta keep on keepin' on. Life's a Garden, dig it.

Sorry DC, Drew Barrymore doesn't do it for me either. If you like Uma you should see her in Dangerous Liaisons, she's pretty hot (and Toppless). Anyone here for Jennifer Aniston? Oh god, she is so fine.

01-23-2002, 09:39 AM
no drew barrymore. as merry p said, i'd not give her a second look on the street. there's just nothing all that impressive about her. her figure is blah, her face is blah and her voice? good god, she sounds like betty ****ing rubble.

who am i to offer in her place?

gabi reese.

01-23-2002, 09:46 AM
and a donkey punch? that's almost overdone. what you need is a good filthy sanchez.

01-23-2002, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by diego
mmm, yep, that brooding X-Files look. he can investigate the strange goings on in my nether regions anyway!

you mean scully right,:confused: im worried sun

Ah, how the missing letter "S" makes me look stupid. Yes, I mean Gill Anderson aka Scully [mmm].

Charlise Theron does it for me..... as do Jennifer Aniston, Clare Kramer and Danni Behr..........

Yes, Drew B. looks bad now, but see her in Wayne's World [1 or 2?] she id the kinky swedish receptionist that greets them.