View Full Version : Kung Fu Heroes!

01-22-2002, 11:55 AM
Who is your kung fu heroe? Seriously, if you had to vote for one person who could be Kung Fu person of the century, who would it be? Why? When you are tired of training, or just beat, and cant find the energy, who is it that inspires you and why?

Felipe Bido
01-22-2002, 12:20 PM
My sifu...

He's a fine human being with high morals and integrity, as well as a terrific fighter. He's been my source of inspiration all these years

01-22-2002, 01:06 PM
i know its prolly just from the gymnastics, but that posture has a destinct hungga vibe to it,?? cooll!!.

Felipe Bido
01-22-2002, 01:22 PM
Looks too "external", huh?

Yeah, he told us he was joking at the exhibition that day, looking "hard"

Of course, the muscles came from his gymnastics; and he also practiced Chi Kung since he was a child.

Ray Pina
01-22-2002, 01:35 PM
My sifu, Master Bong Chan. The most amazing martial artists I have ever been around.

01-22-2002, 01:46 PM





:mad: :D :p :cool: or 2 that effect:)

01-22-2002, 01:49 PM

01-22-2002, 01:52 PM
Kung Fu hero; Wan Lai Sheng of Tzu Ren Mun. Way ahead of his time and free thinker.

As to tired & needing motivation, in my younger days I used to train in the early mornings; a caffeinated beverage & quick look at the Rocky 3 training montage always got me going.;)

01-22-2002, 05:20 PM
The late Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong, my old sifu. May he rest in peace.

01-22-2002, 05:55 PM
Im going to follow lead and give full props to my Hung Ga sifu Joseph Awad who ive followed for a long time now and im still yet to personaly meet his match.
Some of the more famous ones who i feel deserve mention

Wong Fai Hung - of Hung Ga for his medical work and bringing the art so far forward in terms of skill level.

Chung Lai Chun - of Bak Mei for traveling all over southern china proving to all who had the pleasure that Hakka can really kick some ass when there in the mood.

Yang Lui Chan - Of Yang style Tai Chi for not only inventing the most popular form of Tai Chi in history but also for being a bad tempered angry challenge maker, which i just think is too cool for a Tai Chi guy. Some where nice calm and relaxed but not good ol Yang Lui Chan, he was out there picking fights with the best of them.

Yip Man - Of Wing Chun for spreading the art all over the world, could be considered good or bad depending on who you talk to.

Ive missed a few but these guys are last couple of centurys and all have been absolutely untouchable in there respected arts.

wushu chik
01-22-2002, 07:56 PM
My Kung Fu hero would have to be my big bro! (You know who you are). I would have to say that he's the ONLY person I know that takes knowledge all in, and does everything in his life from the heart...............even if he does talk a lot of crap. :)

He may not be the best martial artist in the world, and he may not know EVERYTHING there is to know about martial arts, but what he doesn't know, he makes up in STYLE!!!

My big bro is a very funny person, and even in his times of anger, he still knows how to crack a joke! He's one of the most patient people too!!!

And besides all that....for all the girls on here, he's good looking, has a great body, and stunning eyes!!!! But that's just icing on the cake!!!

But, that's just a FEW reason's he's my Kung Fu hero!!

01-22-2002, 09:42 PM
1. Mimi Chan
2. Kathy Long
3. Jet Li
4. Michelle Yeow
5. Carol Wong
6. Wong Long
7. Aiping Cheng
8. Russel Wong
9. Helen Liang (-------He's a hottie
10. Phillip Ng aka Straitblast (----he's a hottie too.

straight blast
01-22-2002, 09:51 PM
My JingWu Sifu. The man just lived Kung Fu. It was all he ever did, and he made it fascinating to anybody who turned up to train. The guy was like someone out of an old Kung Fu flick (even though he was not Chinese)- and he could kick ass more than anyone I've ever met.

To me he epitomises the true Martial Artist. Wish he was still around...It was his inspiration that has led to me where I am now in relation to full time training.

01-22-2002, 09:52 PM
While Yang Lui Chan was a good nomination might I suggest the following Person:

Jiang Fa.

As he seems to be the person that internalised the art.


01-22-2002, 10:00 PM
Bruce Lee.

Wu Wei
01-22-2002, 11:37 PM
Bruce Lee honestly has inspired me a great deal.
He was the first martial artist I ever really knew of and one time when I was visiting relatives I was watching TV for a little bit and happened to catch Enter the Dragon.
I knew I liked martial arts after that.

But later on, as I watched Jackie Chan movies he inspired me more because I liked to see how he'd always stick himself in the worst possible situations and still scrape by. His fight seens are rarely big 1 on 1 show downs. Its always him trying to not die, and as far out as those sequences are, its more real than most other depictions of MA.

I also would have to say Morihei Ueshiba. Aikido was the first style that I specifically ever wanted to train in (but that never actually happened). I really liked all the tails about his quest to become a great martial artist, and I really like many of the things that he stood for.

01-22-2002, 11:57 PM
These are the people i think are worth mentioning, not all from China but hey.

Sun Lu Tang- Tai Chi

Dwarf Xu- Zi Ran Men

Fong Sai Yuk- Choy Li Fut (?)

Ding ZiCheng- 6h Praying Mantis

Yin Fu- Pakuachang

Uechi Kanbun- Pangainoon

Sokon Matsumura- (?)

..........Thats all I can think of now

Tae Li
01-23-2002, 12:23 AM
Hey can I join in? I mean I do TKD, but still I have a hero...right?;)

Well, when I began martial arts was initially inspired by the one man known to be the geatest martial artist of all time and that was Bruce Lee......and I still think he is an absolute legend......BUT....................there IS someone else, he doesnt do kung fu exactly, he studies an art named wushu..........im just trying to think of his name....................it was on the tip of my tounge.........................ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ................................thinking.......... .......................ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm.........................still thinking.....................ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... ..oh, wait! I think I got it.......................no, dont have it.........................ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, whats his name again.......................I remember he has a beautiful face, but I just cant put my finger on his name..........................ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, thats right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its,


yEP, thats his name, dont wear it out! Li Lian Jie's my hero.

hehehe, sorry about before but I couldnt help being a smart arse:D

Tae Li;)

Tae Li
01-23-2002, 12:24 AM
hey, how come my page scewed up long ways like that????? its really annoying.........

01-23-2002, 01:01 AM
Chen Fa-Ke

Crimson Phoenix
01-23-2002, 01:08 AM
Sword master Li Jing Lin and white crane expert Jin Shao Feng

01-23-2002, 01:14 AM
STG Kan Tak Hoi
SG Chan Sau Chung

01-23-2002, 07:09 AM
Awesome replies so far!!!!! Tae Li, I almost went ahead and just posted Jet Li FOR YOU since your thread has yet to die!!!!! :)

If you guys have any links for info on some of these guys that would be great. I like to look at these people who have affected us in some way or another, they usually have some great stories and we can pick up a lesson or two from them.......

Ray Pina
01-23-2002, 07:31 AM
Wushu Chick, that is nice, keeping the family a priority. Do you have any other cute sisters who study gung-fu? Just kidding. That was a nice post.;)

Tae Li
01-23-2002, 01:40 PM
Red5angel..........ooooooohhhhhhhhhh, why didnt you??????? You would have half made my day, hehe;)

Tae Li;)

This is a good thread btw.:)

01-23-2002, 02:01 PM
LOL Tae Li!!!! :)
I would have but I thought I would leave you the pleasure!!

Seriously this is a great thread so far, we all have different MA heroes, and for various reasons. I think for me personally, my list would start with Bruce Lee, I dont see him as a martial arts god, but he helped to bring it to popularity here in the US.
As of right now, I cant go way back down my lineage, I do not know a whole lot about those who founded it. I do know that after being at a seminar a couple of weeks ago with Carl Dechiara II and I have to say I admire his attitude, his comprehension of Wing Chun, and his ability to make you understand it. I am excited to meet his instructor Kenneth Chung!

01-23-2002, 02:05 PM
have a bio on these2:
Sword master Li Jing Lin and white crane expert Jin Shao Feng

norther practitioner
01-23-2002, 02:13 PM
My first sifu in Syracuse, NY. The man itroduced me to gung fu, and saved me from mediocrity. He was also an amazing martial artist

Crimson Phoenix
01-23-2002, 03:02 PM
Diego, you want me to give a bio of these two??

Well, Li Jing Lin was a sword legend who died from the ravages of opium and women. He was especially versed in wudang sword, which he had learned from Cheng Shi Chuen and Song Wei Yu...he was often called "magic sword Li", and was a friend of Yang Chen Fu, who he taught sword to before influencing him for his creation of taiji sword. When young, he was defeated by only one man, Yang Ban Hou who was already old and made him drop his sword at the first cross. He was then adopted a disciple of Yang.
Later he became general et governor of Hubei, feeding and proving his fame as a sword legend.

As for Jin Shao Feng, he was one of the men from which Wang Xiang Zhai said "there are only three men in China that I cannot defeat" (the two others being Xie Tie Fu aka Dai Dit Fu and Wu Yik Fan). He was introduced to Wang by Fang QiaZhuang, a Xingyi expert.
If I understand correctly, he has been the master of Cheng Gin Gsao who was Yang Jwing Ming's master.
From what I know, he (or maybe it was Cheng) was also famous for having bested a reknowned dog boxer (Fujian Gou Quan ground boxing) who was yet undefeated and from who it was said that the only way to beat him was to stay away and throw things at him.

Happy now?? ;)

01-23-2002, 03:04 PM
And the gm of my style


01-23-2002, 03:53 PM
not 2b a diq, BUT:

Li Jing Lin was a sword legend who died from the ravages of opium and women.




01-23-2002, 05:15 PM
He probably died from Opium. AIDS didn't exist then since it was created by the government recently like Ebola etc.

wushu chik
01-23-2002, 08:02 PM
Thanks EvolutionFist! My big bro is awesome! And I love him dearly! And that's why I feel the way I do!


Je Lei Sifu
01-23-2002, 10:32 PM
Considering some form of reality based thinking, I would name the Following

1. my sifu Cheung Shu Pui Sifu

2. Students of Tang Fong (Ho Lap Tin, Yuen Ling, Jao Wing Duk, Wong Jo and Lau Kai Tong)

3. Students of Jui Gao (Jui Wai and Jui Ji Ling)


Je lei Sifu

01-24-2002, 04:49 AM
Firepalm, i noticed you mention wan lai sheng.

Do you study tzuranmen yourself?

Crimson Phoenix
01-24-2002, 04:49 AM
Well...uuhh, most definitely, opium doesn't help, and at that time, syphillis was a major cause of venerian pathology death...
As for AIDS, well, I doubt it's a creation of a government...our technology is still not as good as nature's to create such elaborate things. It's just a new variant of the SIV, its simian counterpart (uhh, yes, we are simians, quite special ones, but monkeys still heheheheh)

01-24-2002, 06:36 AM
My sifu!! He's awsome. Truly amazing man.

hmm, and I would have to say Jackie Chan too :D
He's just so cool.

01-24-2002, 08:21 AM
For his open honesty, generousity, and love of humanity and art, I would have to say the Master Dr. Yang Jwing Ming.

01-24-2002, 10:29 AM
with thoughts of tom hanks in philadelphia, kind of shatterrs the aura of mystique surrounding hardcore underground masters, once agian sorry about that, i read about the other master you mentioned, just didnt know the name, did you read the bio on crazy ming, everyone else who posted write up a bio or post a link, it's a good topic so add some depth....

01-24-2002, 11:25 AM

01-24-2002, 11:27 AM
"hey, how come my page scewed up long ways like that????? its really annoying........."

Tae Li,
That happens when you have a long string of text with no spaces in between.

My kung fu hero is Iron Chef: Japanese. His Kung Fu is strong, and he is rarely defeated (That Bobby Flay rematch victory was a pity vote :mad: ). Wong Fei Hung, too.

01-24-2002, 11:33 AM

01-24-2002, 12:11 PM


Tae Li
01-24-2002, 03:00 PM
ohhhhhhhhh, thats why!!!! thanx Tiger! ;)

Tae Li;)

01-24-2002, 03:29 PM
No, I haven't studied Tzuran men. Wan appeared in a lot of Hong Kong periodicals in the seventies, as well as China periodicals in the 80s & 90s. I also saw him a few times on TV & video. His concepts are not typical of many conventional traditional Chinese martial arts masters, very much a free thinker. I see Wan as a kind of Bruce Lee of his era, as he did not always cling to traditional doctrine, without disassociated himself from the traditional CMA (much of what Lee said was in fact traditional Chinese concepts that he repackaged). Personally I feel many traditional masters just regurgitate their styles, where as Wan had a genuine depth of knowledge in the many varied aspects of CMA and seemed better able to communicate his knowledge. Wan Lai Sheng was a true intellect in the field of CMA. Wan's concepts & theories had a dramatic impact on how I viewed & trained my own martial arts.