View Full Version : Any special reason WHY my thread was closed?

Royal Dragon
01-22-2002, 06:39 PM
Ok, I asked if there was something we could do about Deaigo and GDA hijacking my post but why did we shut it down now?

That's NOT what I wanted. Besides, they straightened up..............eventually.

On top of that, it was the hottest post on the board like ALL day.

How come Ralek can waste endless bandwith, but I get a real and relevant thread locked?

Is it my atrocious spelling?????????????


Black Jack
01-22-2002, 06:47 PM
I think the post should of been kept open as well, it had some good potential to showcase the differences and problems between a "gung ho" mindset and one that is more based on rational thinking.

At least that is where I thought the post was headed, GDA was a bit weird but who cares, the post was turning back into something with merit.

Curious to why the big brother act and why a ton of other posters get away with their off topic **** and some don't.

David Jamieson
01-22-2002, 06:47 PM
To many racial epithets being slung around, too many time outs trying to get rid of them, I tried to no avail to clean it out.

In the end, it is gone now.


Black Jack
01-22-2002, 06:53 PM
Instead of getting rid of the whole kit and kubudle why did you not just chuck out the troll blabber within???????

You could of still locked the post but left the junk out. By racial remarks do you mean any mention to the Taliban or those of Arbaic descent?

Just curious to what you saw and what I missed?

01-22-2002, 06:55 PM
i was wondering that myself. i was about to make a post on it when i realized it was closed. i could be wrong but i doubt it was me and diego being sh!theads. i think it had more to do with the "sensitive" race issue. allot of people have a problem with that topic and i'm guessing that combined with the tension building between you and st is what shut it down. i'm also guessing most people shy away from that issue because they are afraid of their own opinions or of realizing they have opinions at all on the topic.

i was going to say that i saw where st was coming from. infact, that's what made me ask what you would do if there were only 2 of them. i was also going to say that i hope that me and st could possibly show the level of maturity you did when you could have let sh!t hit the fan. the kid is what it's all about and putting honor above your kid's safety is no display of honor at all.

01-22-2002, 07:01 PM
epithet: a disparaging or abusive word or phrase

I don't think there were any racial epithets being thrown around. I thought it was interesting to see where other people are coming from on those issues.

Royal Dragon
01-22-2002, 07:01 PM
What's his name brought the racial thing into it, and "I" tried to explain the racial issue was brought by the Talaban/AlQuida.

I VERY relative view on the perspective I think.

My point is RACE is NOT the main issue, its defending against attacker both otside AND inside the US and ow they are identified.

IF you read my posts, I distincly said my actions were BASED on the ACTIONS of the offending group. Thier race only kicks in because they are of the same race as our national enemys.
I ALSO specifically stated thhat the ONLY other patrons that nght were ALSO of Mideastern descent. I also specifically stated that I DFID NOT call the cops on THEM as they did NOT demonstraight questionable behavior.

The point I was trying to ultimatly make is this:


And you not only locked but deleted my thread because of THAT????


01-22-2002, 07:08 PM
that was actually a decent topic and it got 86ed. the trolls have free reign to post whatever though. figures.

Royal Dragon
01-22-2002, 07:12 PM
if so, can you please re post it for me? The first page is most important as it has my original story.

Royal Dragon

wushu chik
01-22-2002, 08:21 PM
Just repost it...it was a good thread. And yeah, we all know that the trolls on here get more freedom to say what they want then regular members that are serious! It's annoying, but hey, whatever works for the mods!


01-22-2002, 08:46 PM
i just left my browser open when i disconnected earlier but it looks like i went straight to the last page when it was opened. i got page 5 but i don't think that would be allot of help to you.

Royal Dragon
01-22-2002, 09:26 PM
I'm going to have to re type it tomorrow.

Of course, It's gong to get closed and then deleted again.

I may just post a My style Kicks your styles ass thread, the mods seem to leave them alone for the most part.

Either that or I'll show them what a REAL racist thred is like. And I won't go easy either, I hate EVERY one!!!! (Just call me Archie Bunker!!!)

I'll start with them Damm *****s, then move on to the Pollocks and Mexicans (wet back sobs those guys are for sure) then Canadians,

OH OH, I can't for get about the French can I?? Those holyer than though muthers that they are!!!!!

Lets see, theres Gooks Picaninnies, Spooks Spics, Dot heads, Sand ******s, can anyone think of something I missed I mean, I'm sure if we put our heads toether we can show these Mods what raceism is, right?

Comon every one SOUND OFF!!!!

Hey what about half breeds? Like Pol Wops?? How sick is that?? (Never mind I happen to be one)

Lets start a KFO Race Riot!!!!! Yeahhhhhh,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tell me Mr Moderator, How much do you guys pay Ralek, and how do i go about getting his job?

Is it racist to be mad at a Moderator? Does that make me an "Anti-Moderists?"

What about the ****'s? Are they even a Race? If not, how can I be Racest towards them? Do I have to unite them in to a single race first, and THEN hate them?what gives with the ****'s?

How about the Skin heads? Are we suposed to hate them too, or love them because they are proud racists?

I'm really confused here.

Royal Dragon

01-22-2002, 09:39 PM

01-22-2002, 10:03 PM
Strange days are befalling KFO.....

David Jamieson
01-23-2002, 01:26 AM
You don't think there were racial epithets being tossed around in that thread?

Repost your story if it is that important.


Royal Dragon
01-23-2002, 06:50 AM
No, I Don't.

Were we disscussing racists issues YES, WE WERE!!! Especially in the arena of terorist identifacation. BUT, no one ever slandered anyone of any race in my post, you want a racist slander just read back on this post a couple of entrys.

No one ever said all Afganis are a s s h o l e s or that all Muslums s u c k, or that all people of mideastern descent smell bad or lick ****roaches or some obnoxious thing like that. It was a clean scolarly debate. On trop of that it was the hardest hitting thread on the forum, it spent the entire day never gettin more than half way down the page.

I don't know man you Mods make no sense sometimes.

Springer has made it clear he's intending to do severe bodily harm to Ralek (NOT just fight a challeng match), who's very likely not even of age, and that string went on forever.

Mine on the other hand gets axed in less than a day? because we are discussing the use of Racial profiling in terrorist identifacation, and trying to explain the terrorists have a racial issue against the United States?

I just don't get it................................................ ............

KC Elbows
01-23-2002, 07:14 AM
Perhaps kung lek has something against pol wops?

Just kidding, Kung Lek.

01-23-2002, 07:52 AM
hey what's white and nine inches long?

01-23-2002, 08:33 AM
I guess I missed the thread completely, I was at school all day. I must say you have peaked my interest as to what the thread actually contained.

I would like to say however that the racial epithets have got to go. I have been guilty of this line of logic that they are just words (sticks and stones etc.) but words do hurt people. Also being an equal opportunity racist doesn't really make it right, sure your not being a hypocrite, but hatred is something we all need to strive to eradicate from our hearts.

I am not a saint, and fall far short of the ideal very often. But I feel that I still have to try.

01-23-2002, 08:34 AM
What's white and nine inches long?

A daikon.

01-23-2002, 11:21 AM
xiong . .


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA .. ha. ha .. huhu uh .. hmmm

ah well, it's the only white joke i know.

01-23-2002, 11:38 AM

01-23-2002, 11:48 AM
It was a great thread. Somehow I feel that the mods are acting all tough, in an attempt to make it look like they're doing something, not just sitting on their arses letting KFO go down the sh!tter.

It's easier for them to do this than to delete the troll posts.

Royal Dragon
01-23-2002, 12:34 PM
How is it easyer to delet my post?

The delete button is the same size right?

Or do I have the "Normal" sized delete button, and the Trolls have this big huge Frankenstien lever switch that takes two people to throw?

Yesterday I was off, but I'm really busy today, so i won't get to reposting it for a day or so.

Basically though it was about how I ran in to these Terrorist scumbags at Pizza Hut and how they ruined my dinner with thier intimidating stares and oggling my 11 year old daughter like she was a fine steak. Not to mntion thier loud obnoxious behavior!!!

Oh, and lets not forget thier leader slamming his fist down on the table and saying as loud as can without actually yelling

"Long Live O S A M A B I N L A D E NNNNNNNNNN" the same way we yell "Go Bearrrrrrrrsssssssssss!!!!!" here in the windy city.

I'm convinced they are a cell. They seated in a very clear ranking order and everything.

I called the cops, and they swarmed the place inside of 50 seconds.

Oh, by the way, Kung Lek

I AM RACIST AGAINST TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!! hope you don't mind.............


01-23-2002, 12:46 PM
Kung Lek is a bad man.

01-23-2002, 12:53 PM
"Or do I have the "Normal" sized delete button, and the Trolls have this big huge Frankenstien lever switch that takes two people to throw?" --Royal Dragon

Now that's comedy.

David Jamieson
01-23-2002, 01:19 PM
Ok, First of all, I had nothing against your original post and felt that it did point out a way that a martial artist can choose to deal with a potentially dangerous situation.

I think that under the circumstances and the fear you felt you did the right thing.

Racial terms that were used in the thread were not acceptable by any means and were indicative of an arrested social development of the members who posted them.

I attempted to remove the offending comments but was timed out in doing so, I made the "hard decision". And that was to let the topic go due to the number of disparaging and disgusting remarks concerning peoples of middle eastern heritage. Not acceptable on any level and I will remove all postings of this nature.

I have to resort to the shotgun approach quite often here these days because of the shere lack of intelligence and the offensive posts.

So, your course of action IE: complaining bitterly and repetitively is only reflective of you and not of my decision.

So, after having read through this, that's what I have to say about it. If this is a problem then by all means take it up with the powers that be.

I hope that in some way you will make an attempt to understand the position that I am put in when inflammatory and racist remarks are made. They are simply not allowed and not acceptable. If you can't live with that, then you have a choice to make about your postings and the content they contain.

Also, I'm not certain you understand what "race" means due to your remark about the "american race" and then you include further disparaging remarks about other peoples of european descent, many of whom are your fellow americans.

Poor form Royal Dragon.

That's all I gotta say about it.


01-23-2002, 01:45 PM
KL. I know you have a hard job but underneath the sh!t was a really good convo.

I don't know what happened whilst I was in sleep, but the last comment I made was to Xebs, explaining to him the touchy nature of the whole situation.

Maybe you should crack down harder on the troll posts. I've only seen you delete meaningful - content filled posts (Joes, mine and now this), but yet Ralek's spamming stays put.

It's not the fact that you deleted tis, but that so much irrelavent crap is allowed to stay. Just my two dracma.

01-23-2002, 02:05 PM
ryu. . .

did ya not get it or not like it?

:confused: could be either.

Royal Dragon
01-23-2002, 03:44 PM
Ok, I've complained bitterly and sarcastically posted some racial stuff for comparisen.

If this is how you want it, then I'm reposting my thread on MY board.
I will post the original title here with a link to my board. That way, those interested in conversing on this topic can go there with out fear of censorship.

All I ask is that every one bumps the KFO thread back to the top every time they post reply's on my board as I will be useing KFO to draw replies from.

Does that sound fair?

Royal Dragon

01-23-2002, 03:48 PM
tho it seems hella confusing...

David Jamieson
01-23-2002, 04:51 PM
You know me, I'm totally ok with self promotion and promotion of ones own site.

You gotta toot your own horn cause nobody is gonna do it for you.

Like I said, I didn't have an issue with your original post, it was a glitch in getting rid of the following posts that caused the dropping of the thread.

all the best and peace

01-23-2002, 05:04 PM
GDA, I didn't understand.
I'm under the impression that the only thing that is white and 9 inches is my ................. well nevermind. :D

About the thread....I didn't see all of it. Just the initial part.
Write about what happened, and nobody get into racial things. Then it'll stay, right?

........... :( Oh yeah.....and be sure not to unknowingly link to a site that has pornography on it....


David Jamieson
01-23-2002, 05:09 PM
Ryu, :D

you are a naughty monkey.

steal any peaches lately?


01-23-2002, 05:14 PM
I said I was sorry!!

I hate peaches and I hate all of you! I'm never coming back to KFO again, NEVER!!!!!!!



01-23-2002, 05:39 PM
ryu . .. you're on the right track dude.

to but it bluntly the joke implys that white guys have small pe ckers.

Royal Dragon
01-23-2002, 08:29 PM
Stop the ****** jokes, Time to move on.

Hey, anyone in Chicago want to got to the Westmont Pizza Hut Saturday? It's the one on Ogden and Cass.