View Full Version : How does who you are affect your practice?

KC Elbows
01-23-2002, 10:31 AM
I liked Huang's thread so much, I stole the basic idea.

How does your personality and weak and strong suits affect your kung fu practice?

For me, I am a very curious person, and I love books, so I do a lot of research to augment my lessons, always making sure the principles are in keeping with the style. Whenever I see a good exercise in a book(that doesn't require a teacher, like types of push-ups, lifting jars full of water, etc) I try to incorporate it into my workout.

I am also a hard worker, and though I might not learn as fast as others, I ask a lot of questions and make sure to incorporate all the answers into how I do my kung fu.

And while I might sometimes get discouraged, I strongly believe that anything I will learn, kung fu or no, will take a long time to become good at, so I am not afraid of being a beginner, as I have to go through that to become a veteran.

Ray Pina
01-23-2002, 11:24 AM
I am extremely competitive when involved in something I like and take pride in, be it martial arts, surfing, basketball, chess, ect.

I also like to read and research, where this gives me enjoyment in learning baout back grounds and different styles, a lot of it is suspect to interpretation and myth, so I enjoy it, and it fules the fire to train and progress, but is seperate from what I consider aiding my skill.

Determination is also a big one. I do not fail at something, just not quite masterted it yet. If I'm determined to learn soemthing ****, I'm going to or die trying. I'm going to get this Ba GUa circle walking (with the correct kick applications) if its the last thing I ever do. If I have to walk in octogan until my feet are blistered, I'm going to.

In fact, I'm going to close my office door and do some right now.


01-23-2002, 11:24 AM
i've always been a bit of a procrastinator, so sometimes practicing isn't done as much as it should be. however, i'm also a hard worker who doesn't mind going for loooong stints. basically, once i get off my ass to practice, it can last all day and i'll still love it.

01-23-2002, 11:43 AM
I am a sarcastic and lighthearted kind of guy. I feel most comfortable communicating through humor. This allows me to always enjoy practice.

Golden Arms
01-23-2002, 11:47 AM
I also love to research stuff, be it chinese culture, mythology, any martial arts fighting style, anatomy, nutrition, what my socks are made of...whatever....but I think the best tip I keep for myself day to day is that you can think and research all you want, but it means nothing without 2x the time devoted to just plain old practice....Practice my basics...practice my footwork....practice holding my sei ping ma....Heck...practice my basics more..and Practice against a mean or skilled or both! opponent as often as possible so that I constantly have a reality check.....NO ego allowed!

-Golden Arms-

01-23-2002, 11:49 AM
I'm hyper, naturally pugilistic, fast and springy, short, and reasonably intelligent.

I also had a tough Asian upbringing that insisted that I be #1 at everything regardless of whether I could or not. Hence I know about trying my hardest - and when to call it quits. In kung fu, I have no ceiling.

Probably the most important thing I got out of my childhood was how to CREATE a way to survive if there was none. I was often thrust into really difficult performing situations (first stepped onto the concert stage as a first grader 8 weeks after I started, playing "Long Long Ago" from memory) and had to come up with ways to survive - or DIE.

My parents always made sure I had the best in terms of training (not that the best was always that great), and I have the same insistence on demanding the HIGHEST QUALITY from myself as an adult.

I got smacked around a lot at home and at school (fought constantly since I was Asian in a white school), so a huge reason for training kung fu is so that NOBODY can beat my butt without a major WAR on his hands.

01-23-2002, 11:59 AM
I'm creative, pensive and analytical, determined and intentive . I like to supplement my learning with outside reading and to mess around with theories and concepts. I'm a pretty abstract minded person, so it varies.

I like to play around a lot with concepts though and my creativity is expressed thru combos.

In training I'm VERY laid back [try winding me up, just try] but I am pretty furious when required. I usually rely a lot on foreward thinking and counter attacks. I wait for the right opportunity before unleashing hell. :D

I guess for the most part I "float" in every aspect of life, until I find something I like and then I go for it. Same in training. In Judo [when I got good!] I was pretty feared, as I'd float around for a while, nipping in with the odd sweep or counter, until I saw a weak spot - when I'd go hel for leather and take 'em down :D

What personality trait is that?

01-23-2002, 12:59 PM
I think it's natural for anyone who's engaged in an activity they like to do their own research about it: reading books, attending seminars, watching films and dissecting the techniques.

I'd like to say MArtists are peculiar in this regard, but I don't think that's true. We're just peculiar in other ways...

Still, having said that, I personally wouldn't respect anyone who doesn't go out and do a little research about their own style. Those people to my mind aren't true martial artists but armchair gladiators. And we have way too many of them to begin with.

KC Elbows
01-23-2002, 03:29 PM
I know what you mean budokan. I was talking to one guy, who fences, and I asked him what he thought of Aldo Nadi's books. He says "actually, I've never read a book about fencing". I was floored. I couldn't imagine doing an art and not taking advantage of every resource available to you to improve, although I guess its up to each person to decide whether something they do is just a hobby, or a lifetime commitment.

01-23-2002, 04:11 PM
Guys. When I say I "read", I actually mean that I:


If you catch my drift. Although I agree. How can you take up a style so blindly?

01-23-2002, 04:29 PM

Personally, I am a bit of a perfectionist and stickler for details.

So I do a lot of study & research and during training I am very critical of myself and what I do.

At the same time I also enjoy sharing and helping fellow students who often value my advise.

Physically, gone a wee bit flabby round the middle region since my marriage, but otherwise I tend to be leanish and solid. Sorry, no muscle bulging adonis heare with washboard abs.

Most People but my weight at about 10~15kg less than it actually is. :eek:

I am one of the least competetive person, unless it is about beating myself.


01-23-2002, 04:31 PM
My best friends describe me as "intense."

How's that?

01-23-2002, 05:08 PM

Try this test and it should reveal what the website reckons is the REAL you. Do you believe ?
heheeh oh skip the intro, it is all marketing material.

01-23-2002, 09:09 PM

Here's the first Paragraph from the colorgenics

"You are tending to pursue your objectives with concentrated intensity and it would seem that whatever obstacles may come into your path - you will stick to your guns and will not allow yourself to be deflected from your purpose. You are striving to achieve recognition and what is more - you deserve it"

And the last paragraph

"You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way .. and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination."

If you took "not liking authority," as "prefer to simply be left alone and get on with pursuing my goals as I see fit," that'd fit the picture better.... but until I am independently wealthy... :)

The bits inbetween were not off, but not something I'd care to explain either.

I took a couple more at total random and they were completely inapplicable.

01-23-2002, 09:14 PM
yeah it is pretty accurate stuff... We should make a thread and share who we are to everyone. I wonder how Ralek will go in that test.

At this time you are really feeling quite exhausted by all the conflict and quarrelling that is going on about you and you are looking for some sort of protection from this state of affairs. Ideally you are seeking a peaceful condition and a tranquil environment in which you can be afforded the chance to relax and recover. You are not an argumentative sort of person and "rather than fight - you'd switch"

You are refusing to allow yourself to become involved, or to participate with others and it is the reluctance to communicate that is the inherent cause of your problems.

:D :p

01-23-2002, 09:19 PM
"Helpless. Powerless. Frustrated".

Those are the terms that were used to describe me in that Colorgenics thing.

What a crock of crap. If I were that "helpless and powerless and frustrated", I wouldn't be working 3 jobs nor planning the opening of my martial arts school.

01-23-2002, 09:44 PM
I'm with Huang.

Seems that when I took a few more at random, they started recycling the paragraphs. Sounds like a "mix and match." Any generalized set of statements is bound to have some hits. Hooey.

Just remember Huang... if you don't agree, you're just in denial!! :)

01-23-2002, 10:55 PM
If you took "not liking authority," as "prefer to simply be left alone and get on with pursuing my goals as I see fit," that'd fit the picture better.... but until I am independently wealthy...

MerryPrankster, i love you, and want to have your babies.
Well okay, not really, but that's pretty much spot on me right there as well.

Apart from that, I guess i'm the quiet, keep to myself type. Generally i'm the one listening rather than talking. That's not to say i don't enjoy going out with friends and chatting with people in class, but i'm rarely the person who actually starts a conversation. I'm calm, and don't ever get angry or mad. But i often get frustrated at other people when they open their big mouths and just end up making themselves look stupid or interfering with me.

With kung fu and other sports, i'm a pretty quick learner and pick it all up relatively quickly compared to everyone else and generally remember alot more on the applications and techniques. But i'm also try to be humble and gain information from every source possible on things that interest me, but i generally only give my opinion on things if i'm asked.

01-24-2002, 12:38 AM
Are you Female?

Post pics and we'll talk :)

01-24-2002, 02:09 AM
Unfortunately no.....but i can change.


*About the changing....
**Not about the no.
***Not that i'm saying your not a nice guy
****But still no.


01-24-2002, 02:17 AM

01-24-2002, 02:33 AM
Sorry to interrupt MP and Satanachia, I can come back later if you'd prefer. :)

I want ALL THE SKILLS, NOW!! So I train pretty hard, and I'm quite hard on myself. Plus I don't have all the time I'd like for training so I have to push myself when I get the opportunity.

Also, I'm one of those people who has to have everything straight and ticked off on my mental check list before I'll take on new things. Add to that the fact I've been in class limbo for the last 6 months and I've become obsessed with refining my basics.

I think what type of person you are greatly influences your training.

01-24-2002, 04:50 AM
that.. It was like Ive written a text on my self. god **** scary stuff!
I wonder if it was just coincedence? Ill send it to everyone I know and see if it fits their self's.

Tae Li
01-24-2002, 05:12 AM
I aready tried Pranas test and it was very very accurate but in terms of the question asked on this thread I reckon EvolutionFist is my long lost brother or something................spot on man!

I dont know if il be offending you by saying that we think very very alike. seriously.

Tae Li;)

01-24-2002, 08:06 AM
I don't know who I am anymore. I used to be impatient, painstakingly perfectionist, afraid to try and fail. Now, I'm really not that way anymore. In part, that's because of my training, but that could also be because I'm maturing naturally.

I've started giving up on trying to define myself, and I hope to give it up altogether eventually. I don't know why.


01-24-2002, 08:35 AM
Huang! Try this test. It's amazingly accurate. (Sorry, I don't know how to post a link.) Go to Keirsey.com and take the Temperament Sorter II. It takes about 30mins. Take your time and think about each question for a while and then answer based on how you feel rather than how you think or think you should think. I think you will find a definition of your primary and secondary personality that you can agree with.
Have fun! This is challenging!

KC Elbows
01-24-2002, 09:17 AM
I took that test. It says I'm an idealist, which is fairly accurate. Pretty cool!

A similar test is the Myers-Briggs Personality type indicator. It shows your inclination, as opposed to what you are at that moment. I took it once in a psych class I was taking, and it gave me similar results to the test on Keirsey.com. I'm not sure if there's a sight that gives the Myers-Briggs, but its an interesting test.

01-24-2002, 08:54 PM
Myers-Briggs and Kiersey Sorter are by far the two best tests available in my mind. Brilliant, brilliant stuff--as long as you use them as general categories and NOT as pigeon holes.

I'm a SCREAMING Rational myself. Always have been, always will be.... Hover between INTP and ENTP. WAY out on the N and P scale :)

01-26-2002, 06:25 AM

Could not be more spot on.

01-26-2002, 06:39 AM
"At times all of us would like to be like the ostrich..."

My conclusion:That website doesn't know what it's talking about.It just tells you what people want to hear.

01-26-2002, 07:07 AM
I dislike both the Keirsey and Myers-Briggs tests.

Every time I see a question, I go "It depends on the circumstance".

At times I'm an idealist, at times I'm a realist, at times I'm neither, and times I'm both.

I remember taking both these exams and having no one answer for many questions in a row.

01-26-2002, 07:38 AM
That's why I suggested you trust your feelings rather than your mind.

01-26-2002, 08:19 AM
"At times I'm an idealist, at times I'm a realist, at times I'm neither, and times I'm both."

Sounds like you're human. ;)

I'm writing and resting today, so I won't make this too detailed. You'll have to ponder it if you don't understand.

I have an unnatural feeling to protect
So I train as realistically as I can. I try to study the realities of violence, how police and other people deal with it in real life, and things like awareness, weapons, pins, holds, ground and pound, and punches in order to have the ability to really come out on top of a bad situation.

I enjoy Asian culture a great deal, and so I'm drawn to combat sports applicable to that culture, judo, etc.

I have a lot of anger in me at bad things...so I develop my ground and pound and boxing to express that anger with as much fury and damage as I can in a short amount of time.

I hate helplessness, injustice, people who dominate others because they can, rape, hostage situations, tying people up, etc.
So my grappling reflects that and expresses my feelings about it. To me my grappling is a way to make the "helpless feel more helped" and also is my way to make the people who enjoy making others "helpless" know how it feels to be "helpless" themselves.

My martial art, even though trained and studied realistically, emphasizes the spiritual nature of myself to a tee, and is my way of self-expression.


01-26-2002, 09:26 AM
You have Wu De Brother.

01-26-2002, 10:15 AM
What's Wu De, exactly?
Excuse my ignorance.


01-26-2002, 10:50 AM

check out this page I found:


01-26-2002, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the link. :)

Well I have my shortcomings. But I do feel that morality is extremely important to a well lived, and functional (beneficial) life.


Wu Wei
01-26-2002, 09:05 PM
Tried the color thing and got someone else to try it. In both cases it was extremely accurate.

I can't remember who said(I think it was merryprankster) that the test just tells people what they want to hear. I thought that too at first and it may be the case. But in the case of my results and the person I showed it to, it seemed to be referring to specific events in both of our lives which only we are going through. What Im saying is, If it wasnt specific to the person taking the test they would seem formulated or common to one another but that wasnt the case.

I liked it. I usually find personality tests and horoscopes to be stupid and wastes of time, but colorgenics and a test i took in high school impress me. The test Im referring to took my class and split us up according to colors. There was gold, green, blue and something else. Everybody agreed that we were in the groups that suited us.