View Full Version : "Tyson assaults Lewis"

01-23-2002, 12:02 PM

01-23-2002, 12:42 PM
Cirque de Tyson. Enough already of this miserable street thug. Why make a hero of someone who used to rob little old ladies of their social security checks? Besides, the question of whether the boxing commission will license him is a moot one because he's about to be charged with another rape. Again.

Back into the pen you go, freak boy, for another stretch of hard time. And good riddance. The more often you are locked up so you can't "eat children" is beneficial to the world at large.

[In a high-pitched lisping voice]
"I'm goin' to eat yer chillun! Praise Allah!" -- Tyson to Lennox Lewis

01-23-2002, 12:51 PM
I actually think this fight will still go down. There's just too much money in it for too many people for it too get canceled. Boxing, especially heavyweight, is such a joke today. I hate to say it though, if the fight does happen I will shell out the bucks (split between some friends of course) to watch it. I grew up watching and being fascinated with Tyson. Even though he is obviously a demented thug I still can't let go...and I would love to see him KO Lewis :D

Ray Pina
01-23-2002, 12:53 PM
Tyson used to be my favorite boxer, maybe he still is.

I remember when he'd enter the ring with just a towel, his trunks and a pair of boots -- with no socks. He was a warrior.

Everyone says it was his trainer dying. I think it was Robbin Givens. Either way, he's completely off his nut now.

I wish he would just shut up and get back to knocking people out again before he gets too old. A shame. From on top to a laughing stock.

01-23-2002, 12:56 PM
"I'll **** you till you love me ***ot!"
-Mike Tyson 2002

01-23-2002, 01:02 PM
Wow, what a sweet-talking Romeo. No wonder Tyson gets all the ladies.

Well, rapes 'em, anyway. (All the same to him.)

Mr. Nemo
01-23-2002, 02:04 PM
Near as I can tell, this is what happened: Tyson was heading towards Lewis intending to have a staredown. Tyson's camp claims that Lewis' camp agreed to one before the conference, and such things are common in prefight press conferences.

Apparently one of Lewis's bodyguards/entourage didn't know about it, so when Tyson came up to Lewis, the guy shoved him. By all accounts Tyson is perfectly sane until something sets him off, and he went nuts and tried to clock the guy. Then everyone tackles everyone else, Lewis is taken out of the room, and Tyson spends the next twenty minutes cussing out the reporters.

01-23-2002, 02:20 PM
I always laugh hysterically when i listen to Tyson. He should be a stand up comedian. He would be a hit just trying to pronounce words from the Webster dictionary. I still thinks he's the best Heavyweight boxer still fighting. Even if he's a little crazy

01-23-2002, 02:37 PM
Mike Tyson punched Shawn Michaels in the mouth.
I have Mike Tyson's PUNCH OUT for the 8-bit Nintendo entertainment system but the game's name was changed to "Mr. Dreams PUNCH OUT" after Tyson was sent to jail.

Tyson aslo stabbed an interviewer in the head with a fork. And when tyson got in a traffic dispute he kicked a guy in the balls and then pucnhed the guys head breaking his hands.

And on time a kid gave Tyson the finger and Tyson got mad but the kid ran away before Tyson could get him.

01-23-2002, 03:16 PM
Old man Tyson is gonna get his ass kicked against Lewis and that will shut him up. I don't care how good he is. He's a criminal, a rapist, a racist and just plain stupid. I'd beat him up except I'm scared!

Yung Apprentice
01-23-2002, 03:36 PM
I dislike both boxers. Tyson is a moron, and a criminal. Lewis is an arrogant, overrated pr ick! So I'll be going for who I dislike less. Which is Tyson. And who I'll think wins. Which I expect is Tyson. Lewis has already proved before that he has a glass jaw. Heck Rahman knocked him the fuk out! And Rahman dosen't have an eight of power that Tyson has.

We've already seen Lewis get scared of guys with strong punches. look at the Tua fight. Name one time Lewis punched him while not back pedaling? Using that overrated jab of his. He just sticks it out. It's not even a jab. He kept on "jabbing" Tua, to me that looked like holding. Placing it on his head each time Tua stepped forward, like a big bully does to a little kid trying to get his toy back. But Tyson is no Tua. He's quicker, and a better boxer. He'll bob and weave around that arm of Lewis. I predict a knockout!

Tyson has a boxing lisence. Just not in Nevada. He'll get reinstated. Nevada officials are not stupid, they know what kind of money can be generated from this fight. If they don't he can still fight somewhere else. Question is will he be convicted of rape? Police detectives say they have evidence. He can't fight from prison.

01-23-2002, 03:42 PM
Screw Don King, This is another STAGED media event, just like the Lewis / Rachman press conference fight. Two King fighters doing what they need to to pump up the pay per view, for what will be another worthless Lewis fight, Bore me to Death.

01-23-2002, 04:07 PM

Used to be a champion, now he's just an inmate.......

01-23-2002, 04:51 PM
My father once knew a guy when he was out of High School. Mean guy, really big, brutish, and always beating people up, shoving them around, etc. The guy was in his mid 20's and was a monster. Everyone was literally afraid of him. He was always assaulting people, hurting smaller people, etc.

About 20 years later, my father went back for a reunion and someone came up to him and said
"Hey do you remember (I don't know his name)? He used to beat the hell out of everyone... Well he's dead. Some guy shot him."

Live by violence die by violence.

True story.


01-23-2002, 06:24 PM
If all I do is walk fast at somebody and his thugs start pushing me around, YOU BET I'm going to swing back.

I don't care if Mike Tyson AND Lennox Lewis walked fast at me, I'm not going to hit them before they hit me first. Lewis's bodyguard is at fault here.

Besides, why couldn't Lewis and his entourage just GET OUT OF THE WAY?

Aren't these trained martial artists man enough to back out of an encounter with the MEDIA WATCHING????

Yung Apprentice
01-23-2002, 06:51 PM
I totally agree.

Mr. Nemo
01-23-2002, 07:15 PM
"If all I do is walk fast at somebody and his thugs start pushing me around, YOU BET I'm going to swing back"

"Lewis's bodyguard is at fault here."

"Aren't these trained martial artists man enough to back out of an encounter with the MEDIA WATCHING????"

These statements seem to contradict each other. Tyson shouldn't have swung at the bodyguard despite being shoved.

01-23-2002, 09:04 PM
If somebody grabs me and starts pushing me around, I'm going to HIT THEM in order to get them off me.

Tyson was looking for a fight, but still the bodyguard was out of line for initiating the attack.

If I were Lewis's bodyguard, I've have stood my ground and let Tyson run smack into me. Then if he attacked me, I'd fight back.

That's because I would be paid to protect Lennox Lewis, not to attack Mike Tyson.

Qi dup
01-23-2002, 09:26 PM
I thought it was interesting that a skirmash between two boxers went to the ground.

01-23-2002, 10:23 PM
I just hope the fight takes place.
Then hopefully Tyson will get the spanking he needs from Lewis.
That way Tyson can skulk off back under his rock, and we need hear no more about his sexploits in the media.

It is a great shame though, because the first time i ever saw Tyson fight just blew me away!
Probably the most focused and deadly boxer ever, shame he's such a wanker!

Lennox Lewis however is most definately a gentleman, the arrogance stuff is just hype!


Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 04:50 AM
Yeah, right. Lewis is a real gentleman. He's overrated. Remember on upclose on sportscenter, with Rahman? He first says to Rahman, leave my family out of this, don't say anything about them. Rahman stops with further comment about Lewis's family, but a few seconds later, Lewis starts talking mess about Rahman's sister!?

Oh yeah. Real gentleman. If he's a gentleman, than I would take it as a compliment in being called a scoundrel.

01-24-2002, 04:54 AM
It's beyond me how anyone could want Tyson to beat Lewis,
especially martial artists.

Regardless of boxing ability, Tyson is a demented street thug, who has robbed, raped and visited his violence upon others.

Lewis is a nice polite boy WHO RESPECTS HIS MOTHER.

Tyson cussed at Lewis' mum. What does that say?

Look at your definition of martial artist - who qualifies more out of the two?


01-24-2002, 05:02 AM
Man I wanna see that fight! Think I'll buy it maybe :D
Lewis is cooler, but Tyson is funnier to watch.


Live by violence die by violence" so true..

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 05:14 AM
It's funny how some have no clue. How can you say he is polite? Just because he respects his mom? I don't think so. I can talk from experience. My best friend is a professional boxer. He currently trains at top rank. He takes me and my friends sometimes to different gyms, rings, fights, and after parties. I've met both Lewis and Tyson. Tyson is a criminal, a bad guy. But at least he knows he is and dosen't try to potray himself as anything but. He was down to earth when I talked to him. He didn't even get mad or impatient when I asked for his autograph. He took time out of his workout to give my friend some pointers in boxing.

I've also met Lewis. Twice actually. Real conceited guy. He wasnt doing anything when I walked over to say hi. He barely acknowlegded me. He never smiled, didn't look at me, and seemed very impatient. He had a very contemptuos attitude. Like I didn't even deserve to be in the same room has him. My friend says he's like that with fans. All I did was congratulate him on his win.

I've yet to see him act in a manner in which he is repectful or as a gentleman. Even on t.v. Like I've said before, I don't like either of them, but I dislike Tyson least.

Foreman, now thats a gentleman!

Oh, well.


01-24-2002, 05:40 AM
Look, even if Lewis is the most conceited guy in the world, the fact is that he has never been convicted of RAPE, accused of being a WIFE BEATER or spent time (deservedly) IN PRISON.

How can you actually want a wife-beating rapist to win?
Just because he signed an autograph for you?

****, Osama Bin Laden might be a hell of a guy to sit down and have a chat to, Bush might not give me the time of day, but I still wouldn't give OSB my support in a battle.

Maybe Lewis has some personality problems. Big deal. At least he doesn't inflict them on those around him.

I honestly cannot understand how a martial artist (somebody who values respect towards others, and not using your skills against those weaker than you) can back Tyson.

Beneath that humble exterior, the man is still a (unt. :)

"He didn't even get mad or impatient when I asked for his autograph." LOL @ such restraint!!

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 06:44 AM
I never said I liked the guy. ( I'm actually a Holyfield fan )
But what I meant by statements, was that he showed me more respect than Lewis. I don't like either of them. I really mean that. Tyson for being a criminal. Lewis, for being a punk, arrogant, and for trying to portray himself as someone he is not. And as a matter of fact, Lewis WAS accused of hitting women before. Does this mean because he wasn't convicted, that he didn't do it? Does Tyson being convicted mean he did it. Only in the eyes of the law I guess.

Becasue he signed my autograph? Nope. I've met and talked with the guy more than once. More than Lewis. I got to see him spar. Joke around with the guy.Like I said , he even took time out of his own workout to help my friend out, an up and coming boxer. He was nice and open with me. He showed me more respect than Lewis did. Which is why I choose to back him up. Once again let me state, I don't like Tyson, or Lewis. But Tyson showed me more respect than Lewis, for that I will back Tyson up on this fight. If you can't understand that. Then don't try to.

Next time don't try to take what I've said out of context.

he didn't get impatient with me. Not bad for a convicted rapist. Lewis got irratated with me. That says a lot for someone who is supposed to be a genlteman.

Does this mean I want Tyson voted for man of the year. HECK NO. But just for this fight I will say go Tyson. ( which honestly is the first time since I am a Holyfield fan )

01-24-2002, 07:43 AM
Fair enough - if you're going for Tyson because you think he's the best of a bad bunch, then you go for it.

I still think that the reasons you're going for Tyson are superficial.

Things like showing your friend techs etc. when the fact is he's a wife beating, raping, violent, uncontrolled brute who repeatedly puts the credibility of boxing on the line with his antics. Biting someones ear off? During a boxing match? Really respectful.

"And as a matter of fact, Lewis WAS accused of hitting women before. Does this mean because he wasn't convicted, that he didn't do it?"

Well, yeah. That's what innocent till proven guilty means. Guilty people are generally convicted, innocent people are not.
I know this is not always the case, but a good rule of thumb.

As I said before, beneath that humble exterior, the man is still a (unt. The fact that he's allowed in the ring gives the general public the message that nothing matters more to boxing than money.

The noble art?

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 08:24 AM
I probably should have explained myself a little better. As a person I don't respect Tyson. I don't respect Lewis as a person either. Out of every boxer out there, Lewis and Tyson are my most disliked, at the bottom of the barrel.

But why in the heck would I want to go for someone who showed me absolutely no respect over someone who did? Granted Tyson is a convicted felon.But that shows you how much I think of Lewis to pick Tyson over him.

"Things like showing my friend techs" I've met with Tyson at least five or six times. Is is so superficial that he showed me respect, that I go for him this one time over someone who didn't show me any respect?

Maybe it is you who are having superficial reasons for going for Lewis.

Didn't you say at one point how "polite" he was? Based on what? The media? Could it possibly be because he is a fellow countrymen of yours? He has yet to show me anything which would I would consider "polite". In the media, and outside. How about that Rahman fight? When he said how Rahman would be better off having his sister fight for him? When five seconds before he told Rahman to keep his family out of Rahman's mouth! Wasn't it also Lewis who put his hands on Rahman first that started that whole wrestling match? Yep, a real class act.

Innocent until proven guilty. HHHMMMM, well if you honestly believe that, then I feel sorry for you having such faith in the system.
Has Osama been proved guilty? Nope. He hasn't had a trial. But we can pretty much tell he is guilty.

So what if Lewis wasn't convicted? Have you heard about Foreman ever being accused? How about Sugar Ray? Felix Trinidad? Evander Holyfield? David Tua? Nope. Does this mean that Lewis is guilty? No. Does that mean he is innocent? Nope. I'd be weary of rooting for him though,if you want to pick a fighter that is a role model, just for the simple fact he was accused. Sure some make false accusations to try and get money. But honestly, when was the last time a class act like Daivd Tua was accused?


01-24-2002, 09:24 AM
Ha ha, you got me Yung Apprentice. :) You win!

I know when to back down. You seem to know your stuff a lot better than me, due to your firsthand knowledge. You're right, I am basing my arguments on the media. Kinda have to though!

Thing is, from a purely media viewpoint, Tyson is the bad guy, Lewis the good guy. Plus, yeah, he's one of my countrymen.

But then saying that, if Lewis was a convicted rapist/maniac then I would be supporting Tyson.

My posts are sometimes devil's advocate-ish and idealistic for the purpose of continuing an interesting debate. I hope I haven't said anything to offend you.

FYI Lewis recently appeared on British TV in an advert for the Police, basically saying that he couldn't be a Policeman because if he came across a man who had been using his fists on a woman he wouldn't be able to keep his cool. Kind of funny considering your post above.

See ya.

Go Lewis!!!

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 02:50 PM
Hey man, you gave me a run for my money. I pretty much ran out of points! You know your stuff too. No you haven't offended me. I hope I haven't offended you. I think this was cool how we kept it as a good natured difference in opinion. No trolling. The accusation of Lewis was a long while ago. He wasn't a pro for very long when that happened. He was found innocent. In fact it was nothing more than accusation, the person had no evidense. It happens to many pros. Baseball players, basketball, football. Heck there was a lady who claimed to have been raped by a whole football team! ( cincinati bengals )

Like I said, I'm an Evander fan. And I must admit, and because I'm an Evander fan, I really dislike Lewis!:D I just feel he is overrated, and he is to ****y.

And thats one of my biggest pet peeves. Being arrogant. But yoo have made YOUR points. too.

See ya!:)