View Full Version : Orenthal Ices Another One

01-23-2002, 12:28 PM
Three dead and counting...

OJ probably just iced another ex-girlfriend. Cops found her cat dead (from starvation), her apartment ransacked and nobody's seen her for a month. When questioned, The Juice said "She's out and about."

Good comeback, OJe. Yeah, she's out all right. And about. A little bit of her is buried over there...some other pieces are over there...and a big chunk is in the river.

How does this bit of news relate to MA? Well that you should ask. We constantly train our minds and bodies almost everyday for that one in a million event. This is a good wake up call to those who become a little stale that yes, Virginia, there really are monsters out there. --And they're not all Al Quada, some of them are homegrown.

Keep hitting that makiwara!

Martial Joe
01-23-2002, 12:55 PM
**** OJ...

Thats kind of interesting...I wonder if he did kill her...

Martial Joe
01-23-2002, 12:56 PM
Maybe he ate her...

01-23-2002, 01:06 PM
No, Orenthal doesn't eat his victims. That's Tyson. Orenthal just hacks them to death on moonless nights and drives back to his place drenched in blood so he can take a late flight to Chicago and pretend he doesn't know anything about it. Then when he gets off because the jury is filled with "moonrocks" he states that his dead wife's sister always wanted to bang him. Orenthal has style when it comes to murder--Tyson just wants to eat children.

01-23-2002, 03:51 PM
what ever happened to due process? man i'm glad i don't have you on a jury if i ever get framed Mark ;) you seem to have a mystical power of knowing guilt before all the facts are even evident :eek:

01-23-2002, 03:59 PM
Not in every case, but in some instances I do. Here are some of my mystical powers at work:

Gary Condit had something to do with Chandra Levy's disappearance and probable murder.

The Ramsey's had something to do with the death and subsequent cover up of their child, JonBenet.

Orenthal lopped off two domes and got away with it.

Orenthal probably killed this latest chick. She's more than just "out and about." I mean, what's a single murder when you've already gotten away with a double one?

Tyson has raped and will continue to rape women if he's not put away forever.

Von Bulow tried to kill his wife, Sunny, despite what Dershowitz says.

Still, your point is well taken. But in Budokan's world there are sometimes instances of clear black and white. Due process should be meted out accordingly.


KC Elbows
01-23-2002, 04:08 PM
But OJ couldn't have done it, he was too busy looking for his wife's killer.

Its like Cinderella, but its Simpsonella, and instead of a glass slipper, he's running around making people try on some gloves.:D

01-23-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Budokan
Still, your point is well taken. But in Budokan's world there are sometimes instances of clear black and white. Due process should be meted out accordingly.

I pray that if I ever fall through the wormhole of random transportation that is hidden in my laundry-room, it takes me ANYWHERE but into Budokan's world.

I just KNOW that Dangle the Wonder Mule is in there somewhere....... :D

01-23-2002, 05:35 PM
LOL! Dangle is hiding in my closet right now...

01-23-2002, 05:45 PM
I believe Budokan is correct.