View Full Version : All Australians

fiercest tiger
01-23-2002, 02:29 PM
Guys its getting near chinese new year and i was think as we all talk on here how about all of us going to chow down (yum cha)?

we can meet in chinatown one weekend and eat and chill out talk kung fu, so what do you say?

if not fu(k ya's hahahah just kidding, if not then all the best for the new year!;)

01-23-2002, 03:14 PM
I would be happy to meet a few more Sydney based martial artists, maybe we could all get together and argue over who has the better strait punch or something:D
Let me know if you do orgainise something i would definately be keen.

fiercest tiger
01-23-2002, 03:49 PM
i dont know about straight punches but i usually walk in circles after a big night out!:) its a lkesser linage of baqua then what you are learning but mixed with drunked step...:eek:

for sure ill see who ever else would be into this?


01-23-2002, 03:53 PM
after a really gruelling workout of this lesser bagua form, i've heard you do the 'Sifu prays to porcelain god' routine... is this true? ;)

01-23-2002, 04:02 PM
As long as I can make it, I am in. Some of my training brothers will probably be interested too. Let me know what you are organising :)

fiercest tiger
01-23-2002, 04:06 PM
long time no here? u opened up a school yet?

yeah all ozzies welcome, i dont want to make it a big thing just a get together as martial artist and have a eating challenge!!:)

fiercest tiger
01-23-2002, 04:10 PM
i havent driven the porceline bus for a while now, i may have to re-apply for my licience soon!:D

laughing at the ground, technicolour yawn hahahahawow what other names does spew come under??:D

01-23-2002, 04:19 PM
Solid burp
Calling lawn tigers
Calling God on the porcelain phone


Yum Cha
01-23-2002, 04:26 PM
Good Idea FT.

Hard for me to get the time though, I hope I can make an evening. Lets see how it pans out.

Yum Cha
01-23-2002, 04:29 PM
Selling Buicks to Ralf and Earl

Yum Cha
01-23-2002, 04:32 PM
Good Idea FT.

Hard for me to get the time though, I hope I can make an evening. Lets see how it pans out.

01-23-2002, 06:43 PM
I'd love to.

Pity I'm on the wrong side of the country.


01-23-2002, 09:34 PM
**** me for being in Melbourne!! Oh well, I guess I'll have to exercise the carrot gland with the old guard.


fiercest tiger
01-23-2002, 11:02 PM
well lets get this sh!t rolling then!

we (ykm) are booked out for lion and dragon dancing all febuary so thats out of the question....any idea's guys?

you guys doing mo si this year?

straight blast
01-24-2002, 07:49 AM
Mmm....Yum Cha.

Food of the Gods.

In the three weeks I've been here I've found a good Sushi place (there's nothing worse than bad Sushi!) but I'm yet to find a good Yum Cha place.

Anyone on the Gold Coast got any ideas?

01-24-2002, 10:16 PM

01-24-2002, 10:49 PM
What is the best and most popular Ausstralian martial art magazine?

PS. Its about time one of you guys invented kangaroo style.

straight blast
01-25-2002, 05:57 AM
Blitz isn't bad (as far as they go) but I find that it tends to be very repetitive, i.e. same sort of articles, etc, and there is always a large section based on which club of full contact Karate has just won the NAS. Which (strangely enough) seems to be on just about every week from following it for about 13 months. Those Karate dudes must do lots of travelling!

But what craps me off heaps is that I can't find KungFu Qigong anywhere up here. I could always get it in Rednecksville, but now that I'm 1 hour from a major city I can't find it! :(

I need my KF fix!

Yes, I know, subscribe. If I hadn't just become poor in order to train more I could afford to. I think I have a soloution. If anyone who runs/distributes/sells this magazine gives me a free year's subscription (I'll settle for six months!) I'll take it to every newsagent I can find & ram it down their throats until they stock it. Sounds like a pretty fair deal to me.

Just leave a message of acceptance on the Wing Chun forum.

Thanks in advance. :D

fiercest tiger
01-25-2002, 03:59 PM
yeah, blitz is so repeatitive they only target wingchun, ninja, karate,when will these guys do a decent interview.

i wonder if they charge to do interviews or they pick people/schools.:)

01-25-2002, 07:57 PM
Ah, Blitz.

Boring as bugsh1te.


fiercest tiger
01-25-2002, 10:09 PM

Tae Li
01-26-2002, 01:31 AM
HEY!!! the latest Blitz mag had Jet Li on the front cover!!!!!!!:D

I have now become a dedicated reader.....well not really, only of this particular issue.....hehehe

Tae Li;)

Yum Cha
01-28-2002, 07:35 PM
Ah, you've heard of the sacred and secret Australian fighting art of (translation) Kangaroo Battle. There are a few pictures of it circulating. The Original Master was this big Hairy dude, long tail, whimpy arms, but man could he fight! Travelled the outback with his students spreading the style...

You can learn the first form, but then we'll have to kill you....

In your next life, you can learn Koala Boxing...its rather slow though, and you have to be able to pi$$ on your opponent... Its a drunken animal style....

Better yet, we can trade lessons! Export some 42nd Street Arse Kickin and Tennasee Bar Wrastling and we'll call it even.

01-28-2002, 07:51 PM
What about possum style?

You climb all over your opponent's roof and **** all over his/her car.

01-28-2002, 07:52 PM
So what about Yum Cha, FT???

I'll be in if you pass on the details to joedoe.

See ya

Yum Cha
01-28-2002, 08:34 PM
Lets see how many starters we got, then make a date. I count 4?

It will take me a month to recover from a si di's wedding this weekend.

Man, what a feed. Sea Treasure in Crows Nest, Chinatown quality. Scallops and prawns on jelly fish, 2 lobster courses, steamed fish, quail, Abalone and sea cucumber, and thats only the half of it. (you might say, that's when the beers kicked in...<grin>)

01-28-2002, 08:50 PM
Chinatown quality isn't anything to write home about, really. What you have written isn't even "Yum Cha". That 's actually the evening menu after "Yum Cha" has finished. "Yum Cha" is a lunch meal.

There's a few good Yum Cha places out, both in the city and north shore and here in Cabra. The city is probably the most ideal place.

Yum Cha
01-28-2002, 09:02 PM
Perhaps you misunderstood...

I wasn't talking about yum cha. It was a wedding banquet, and a fine one at that.

I agree, there are several good areas for Chinese Food in Sydney as you are clearly aware (you forgot Ashfield).

I reckon, however, Chinatown is the benchmark. Not the tourist traps, but the good restaurants, my favourites being East Ocean, Kam Fook and New Marigold. If you prefer more "round eye" oriented food, perhaps add Old Marigold and the Regent as well...

What are the good places in Cabramatta? Chinese or Vietnamese?

01-29-2002, 06:56 AM
If you're ever faced with an exponent of Drop Bear Do, just RUN. It's your only chance. If you manage to escape -- which isn't likely -- you're best advised to pack up your family and fly out of town that very same day. It's the only way you'll survive.

There used to be this friendly rivalry between Drop Bear Do and Brown Emu school in Sydney, but somehow things got out of hand. One after another, a Brown Emu stylist would be found in a gutter in Darlinghurst or somewhere with the top of their skulls chewed off. After the Brown Emu Sifu met a particularly gruesome fate, the remaining students fled to New Zealand, cunningly renaming themselves Grey Kiwi.

For a while the Grey Kiwi students thought that they were safe, and started rebuilding their school in Dunedin. But somehow a couple of Drop Bear stylists found out, and in a single night of terror wiped every single Brown Emu/Grey Kiwi stylist from the face of the Earth.

Bit of a shame, really. I hear that Brown Emu was a pretty good style.

Yum Cha
01-29-2002, 05:31 PM
Yea, I heard about that...

Much the same happened to the Do Do and Tassie Tiger schools....

Why do people have to be so cruel...