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View Full Version : Guys this is getting rediculous... (see inside!)

01-23-2002, 07:44 PM
Here (http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1063309798)

"I have not included a picture because it is too easy to build."



01-23-2002, 08:09 PM
Now I want one. What is this suicide square? Is this a choy li fut dummy? Can someone post a pic of one of those. I think I want to make one of these dummies
Seems like you can use old chair legs. But will it hold up?

Ok he says its a square...hmmm. Can someone buy the plans and then post how its made on here? Would that be illegal? 20 bucks is a lot for plans.

Wait a minute, I have sparring partners, they are cheeper and more realistic..

still.....I want it I want it.

Wait I figured it out.. Its just a revolving door with focus mitts attatched. Its actually pretty predictible.

What I need it some mits that you hit and have to block at the same time. WHen I hold the mits, they hit at them, but when I swing back I am in danger of getting smacked.

01-23-2002, 08:25 PM
That sounds pretty easy to make really. Get a pole, attack more poles, like a Mook Jong, and each time you hit one pole/arm piece, the body rotates with the other arm to come at you and you gotta hit it back. Maybe I read it wrong, bad font and bad typing. He really should have posted a picture though. And those people with the "Build your own Mook Jong by my plans! Pay $14.95 for the plans!" I have the measurements on my PC to build one. Or you can go buy a book for $10 and it shows it in great detail, plus how to use it.

01-23-2002, 10:42 PM
PHILBERT, he raised the price of his plans to $19.99 for the wooden dummy. I will post something about this tomorrow :) It should be funny.
