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View Full Version : So You Think You Can Tell A Good Story?

Wu Lung
01-23-2002, 09:34 PM
Well, now's your chance to do just that - plus you might earn yourself free membership to the Cyberkwoon.com Members Section for a year, plus a crisp fresh cheque for US$50.00!

www.Cyberkwoon.com is the premier site on the net for Martial Arts training information and knowledge sharing. It's a voluntary community of like-minded Martial Artists.

Cyberkwoon.com's new Martial Arts Short Fiction section will soon be up and running and we're taking submissions now. You could get published on the web and there's even the possibility of a hard copy Anthology.

Check out the Submission Guidelines by following the link to Martial Fiction in the Articles box on the left hand column of the Cyberkwoon.com Home Page.

You never know till you try - so get writing!

Any queries, e-mail the Fiction Editor - fiction@cyberkwoon.com


01-24-2002, 09:43 PM
One time at band camp..........

Wu Lung
01-24-2002, 10:51 PM
Work on that! Add another couple of thousand words and have a relevance to martial arts, and you might get published! You never know till you try! ;)