View Full Version : Gas Station Kung Fu

01-23-2002, 10:51 PM
Recently I've been looking for a job to earn some money for college. I want 12 hour shifts and to work graveyard shifts. So I went to the local gas station and filled out an application. I think they are going to send me to some random Shell station if I get the job. This led me to think about disarming a gun. I haven't really practiced many drills dealing with gun disarming. I know that alot of it depends on the situation, if a robber is pointing the gun at me with the gun near his hip and not in my face then I know not to try anything because he has a safe distance. Luckily my instructors put huge emphasis on reality training and Tony Blauer type stuff. I will talk to them about how/when to attempt a disarm. What do you all think? I wouldnt risk my life to protect a few hundred dollars of someone else's money or to become a hero. I would only consider attempting a disarm if that would be the safest option to take. But its probably one of those things that you don't know exactly what you're going to do until it happens. But I figure that asking good martial artists such as yourselves would benefit me. So please tell me your thoughts I'd appreciate it greatly.

01-23-2002, 10:57 PM
even the most proficient martial artists won't try to disarm someone with a gun unless their intent is clearly to kill you... if they wanna rob the place, let them. it's dangerous in the extreme to attempt to disarm someone with a firearm. if they want to kill you, well... what do you have to lose at that point? :confused:

01-23-2002, 10:59 PM
i think i'll always honor my sifu's words on this subject. not an exact quote but close enough .. .

if someone picks a fight with you that you can't avoid beat them down. hurt them bad enough to think twice about coming at you again.

if someone comes at you with a weapon put them in the hospital or kill them. never give someone the chance to come at you with a weapon a second time.

if someone comes at you with a gun... .

cooperate. it's a fu cking gun.

01-23-2002, 11:06 PM

Even before you consider disarming a Guy, listen to this story:
One Gas Station attendant was held up with a Gun, he somehow took the Gun of the Guy and managed to control him until the police arrived.

Next Day his Boss arrived and fired him for NOT observing company Policy, that states he must hand over the Money in the Cash Register in case of a holdup.

His Lawsuit against the Company for unfair dismissal was thrown out of court.

Strange but true.


Sam Wiley
01-23-2002, 11:31 PM
I've worked at a gas station before, and I took my gun to work with me. I never got a chance to shoot a robber, but I thought about shooting that stupid lotto machine many a time.

Anyway, if you start working at a gas station, it would be better for you to just give the guy what he wants than to try to be a hero. Are you willing to die for money that belongs to a company willing to give it up to a robber?

Think about it.

01-23-2002, 11:40 PM
Would you seriously value at most a couple hundred dollars, thats not even yours over the very possible chance of death?!?!. Dude just give up the $$$

01-23-2002, 11:46 PM
That post has seriously scared me!
How typical is that, you go to the trouble of stopping an armed robber and your work turns around and fires you:mad:
This should be a lesson in why NOT to work for a service station more than anything else:rolleyes:
Although ill freely admit, if someone had tried to rob me at my old work i would have given them the cash if they had a bread and butter knife, thats becouse i never liked the place but thats another story;)
GDA's was pretty funny to:D

01-24-2002, 12:30 AM
Hi Jon.

The Companies point of view was as follows:

"We value our Empoyees safety more than a few hundred Dollars."

I guess they were just trying to cover their backsides in case an Employee gets injured while trying to prevent a holdup.

BTW, I read that story in an US Newspaper about 2 yrs back.


01-24-2002, 02:54 AM
I wouldn't even think about trying to disarm someone with a gun unless I thought they were going to kill me with it very soon.

01-24-2002, 04:23 AM
In five years of the Army I was never trained once to disarm a gun from someone, I guess they figured that the only way I would get that close to a gun wielding bad guy is when they step over my corpse. There is only one idea I can think of on how to defend against a gun and that is to quickly sh#t in your hand and threaten to throw it at him if he shoots you, that should get him out of there. And listen to GDA's sifu's advice sounds like one smart man.

01-24-2002, 04:32 AM
'Money', is only paper. Your wallet is only cow-skin, your new sneakers or your expensive jacket is only materialistic. What is your life made of?

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 04:57 AM
If you read his post he already stated that he wouldn't risk his life for someone else's money.

01-24-2002, 05:26 AM
You keep on saying only try to disarm if they are going to kill you, but how would you know. Even if you give the loot up someone still holds your life in their hands. I know of many cases where robbers shot people just for kicks. I'd say dont make a habit of it, but if the robber is stupid enough and the opportunity arises go for it. Just make sure you time it or your dead. People may flame me for this but there are certain positions..... that would be in your favor. Anyways if you have something to lose, give em the money and hope he doesn't shoot you as an afterthought.

01-24-2002, 05:35 AM
Hmmm listen to a person named 'Leonidas' didn't he lead 300 Spartans agains 100 000 persians or something at the battle of Thermopalye. He died right? ;)

01-24-2002, 05:37 AM
Yep. But he helped save Greece so it was worth it. A true hero.

01-24-2002, 05:41 AM
Will it be worth it for the Gas Station?

Maybe they'll put a plague there

'Stranger passing by, here BiNKy lies, true to his word protecting the frozen hamburgers':D

01-24-2002, 06:23 AM
No not for a gas station. My life is important. I guess you just gotta over the fear of death thing, since your taking a chance and trying to take your life back from said robbers hands. Its a gamble either way. Thats just the gamble i would (possibly) make. I advise you just give the money up since i wouldn't want to give someone advice that might get them killed and ridiculed as an idiot.

01-24-2002, 07:34 AM
heroes are always dead ;)

well, if someone tried to rob me with a gun what would i do?:

1) cack my pants
2) try not to squirm too much otherwise i would make a mess......

seriously: if someone tries to rob me with a weapon (it's happened before - not a gun thankfully) then what do i do? give the guy what he wants. getting stabbed or shot isn't worth it! It's not your money, so be safe. Maybe you have a gf or a family to think of - i'd rather be with them...But if it's obvious that i'm going to die then i would sure as hell try something!

mainly i would just **** my pants though!


01-24-2002, 08:14 AM
I've had a P38 with the hammer back pressed to my temple. I smiled, gave up my stuff and asked if that were all.
I've also trained the fairburn technique of evading a pistol to the chest. It works rather well. I've been able to do two man practice with a .22 loaded with blanks and haven't been "shot" yet. Would I use it on the street? If I thought my assailant was more interested in my money I would give it to them. If I thought they were more interested in pulling the trigger, I would go for it.

Yung Apprentice
01-24-2002, 08:53 AM
I got pistol whipped this one time while being held up. At least thats all they did. I got dropped by this huge guy once before while being held up by a knife, because I didn't have any money. I also had a really polite robber hold me up once. Now that was weird. He asked for my wallet, I gave it to him. Asked if he could just take the money and leave the wallet, he agreed, he even said" Thank You" before he ran off!

01-25-2002, 10:01 AM
Sometimes I think that armed robbery should be an executable offense.

I always hear the phrase "your money/property/car isn't worth losing your life over." Too some extent, I will agree with it. But when is it too far?

Many people will say to co-operate if they want to tie you up. Many people will say to co-operate if they want to throw you in the car and take you somewhere.
Some will even say that you shouldn't fight a rapist.

Not too long ago, a few unlucky souls working at a Burger King (don't quote me on this) were robbed. They complied with the attackers, gave em cash, etc. They alllowed themselves to be tied and bound and taken into a back room, where they were shot in the head execution style.

In an armed robbery, the c o c k sucker (I think we can all agree than an armed robber is a c o c k sucker, and there's no need to bleep it out) commiting the crime isn't just taking your material possesion, they are taking a bit of you. They are saying "your life and everything you've worked for to gain what you have is petty and inconsequential to my desire for profit. I am strong, you are weak, and I can have my way with you."

**** that. If this happens to me, and I get a microsecond of an advantage, I will exploit it and hurt them. I will settle for losing cash, but anything past that will result in lethal force.

Some would call that vigilante-ism, but I call it "bringing the laws of nature full circle."

If you don't like it, I hope you have someone like me to stand behind when it happens to you.

01-25-2002, 10:24 AM

01-25-2002, 10:46 AM
I totally agree wu_de36. Take a chance and if you succeed make 'em sorry they were born. :p

Ray Pina
01-25-2002, 11:08 AM
Leonids has a good point. I know people who have handed over jackets and sneakers at gun point, and were shot anyway -- maybe for gang initiation, maybe because of drugs or maybe they were just evil. Same thing, in Newark, maybe in the early 90's, a few guys got shot after they were car jacked, already out of the cars. Sad.

God **** guns: they make otherwise spineless, worthless, weaklings, both mentally and physically, superior -- just doesn't seem natural unless they had the brains at least to design and build it themself.

01-25-2002, 02:07 PM
[QUOTE]I wouldnt risk my life to protect a few hundred dollars of someone else's money or to become a hero. I would only consider attempting a disarm if that would be the safest option to take.[QUOTE]

For some of you dumb fukks that don't read so well.

So in the words of the lord all mighty, "Just answer the Fukking question."

I know **** all about disarming guns and the like but since everyone else is dancing around the question like a bunch of pansy a$$ fairies I guess I’ll have to do.

If the assailant were close with arm extended I would wait for a distraction, for him to look away. Then with my out side hand I would palm the barrel and force it up (elbow pointed out, arm turned in, palm up) , while bringing my other palm to the bottom of the grip. Barring any firing of the gun I would grasp the barrel and pull down and out, and push up and over with my other hand. That should brake his grip. I know that there are many variables that I did not address. This is only one solution to one scenario.

Flame me if you wish but at least I had the BALLS to actually try and answer the REAL question.

Buy one of those fake guns or better yet one of those almost real BB guns and play around with a friend, just be smart about it.
I think allot of techniques from Aikido would be good, you just have to make sure that the gun wouldn’t point at you while your twisting them around.

01-25-2002, 02:52 PM
you would be better off to get one of the heavy rubber guns they make for martial arts practice as the trigger guard is already cut. if you do get a bb gun or something be careful, there is a reason they slit the guard.

01-25-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
God **** guns: they make otherwise spineless, worthless, weaklings, both mentally and physically, superior -- just doesn't seem natural unless they had the brains at least to design and build it themself.

Guns also give a smaller women the advantage over a physically stronger man who would rape her, strangle her and leave her dead in the bushes.

God bless guns.

01-26-2002, 01:35 AM
Thanks for the responses. The sheer magnitude of "give the money up" has me convinced. I really appreciate your response San its cleared up my question on how I could possibly disarm an opponent. I was just wondering if there are any indicators that suggest a robber may want more than the money and if he does what to do about it. My sifu once told me that if you are being mugged and you drop your wallet on the ground while backing away, if the assailant walks past the wallet then he is after more than your wallet. I wonder how that could apply to a gas station counter. I'll ask him. But if I get mugged then I am going to cooperate, I was just wondering when or if there is a time to fend for your life in a robbery. Thanks for the input guys I found it helpful.

old jong
01-26-2002, 04:39 AM
Hey come on! All you have to do is: Jump over the counter with a spinning back kick "A la Van Damme" and...Le tour est joué!;) Easy!:rolleyes: