View Full Version : Book Recommendation: Kung Fu Elements

01-24-2002, 10:58 AM
I highly recommend Kung Fu Elements - just published by Liang Shouyu and Wen Chingwu. It's one of the best works in English that I've seen in recent years. A 'must have' reference book for every martial artists library. The authors cover Kungfu, Wushu, Sanshou, Qigong and more, complete with characters and pinyin, and very well translated. It's as close to a Kungfu encyclopedia in English so far. If you don't read Chinese, this book is an incredible resource.


As most of you know, I'll pitch items here a lot. It's my job to keep this forum running and it runs by the grace of our sponsors, so it's my job to toss you the occasional sales pitch. So I'll cop to being a martial salesman, but I'm earnest in my pitches because I want your return business. I will praise items, but I'll seldom give things my highest praise. Well, this earns my highest praise. Buy this book - you won't be sorry - and remember you heard it here. :cool:

01-24-2002, 11:08 AM
I have a few of his books, with jwing-ming, how is it for more advanced prationer's 5oo odd pages i would assume its thick in tactics, Is it a good book for teachers, defining chinese theorys to english?.
Right now im looking for info on kwan tak hing the famous hungga wfh actor, but i dont have to tell you that gene, do you guys have any bio books on him, im told he was a master of Lama, My Style. I'm thinking it would be really cool for me to have alot of footage from him not just for the enjoyment value but to peep a high master of my style, In-Action.. Do you guys have any Videos &such.

01-24-2002, 11:17 AM
Hmmm... we'll see. I've got Liang's book on Emei BaGua & Xing-yi with YJM. I'll post up what I think of it when I get it.

01-24-2002, 11:53 AM
no shame in pitching. 1. you're a businessman. 2. you're a martial artist like the rest of us, and recommending something to inform and educate us is never a bad thing. just don't try and sell us any cheap wooden dummies over e-bay unless they have superman stickers on them. :)

01-24-2002, 04:01 PM
d: I have a piece in the eZine queue about the Wong Fei Hung movies that has some info on Kwan Tak Hing. Watch for it, it should be up in the next few weeks.

s_s: I have found Master Liang's work with Wu far more satisfying than his previous work with YJM.

rtb: you want superman stickers?

01-24-2002, 04:27 PM
Sounds like something I'll need to look into. Thanks for the heads-up Gene!


The Once Upon a Time in China DVD's have some old time Kwan Tak-Hing footage on them including old black and white stuff. It's pretty cool to see how far production values and fight choreography have come since the 1940's and 50's! I had also heard that the Wong Fei-Hung movie series he starred in was available in video but I'm not sure who from. It may have been Tai Seng but I can't really say for sure. If you manage to find out, let me know....I like that stuff.

01-24-2002, 08:38 PM
The book is an excellent reference and source book for teachers and students.

There are a lot of basics, techniques, and ideas in it. It is hard cover and high quality printing.

There is also a list of a lot of styles, people, etc....

Not an inexpensive book...but one that you would keep for years.....

01-24-2002, 10:21 PM
I browsed through it when I had the chance and it is a very good book (a bit pricey tho, but a hard cover for 500 pages, I guess it's not unreasonable). It's got techniques and drills that I'd say is useful for anyone, and not necessarily specific to any particular style. I could be a little bit off there, since I didn't get a long time to look at it - but overall, it's got snashou combos, chin-na, shuai-jiao takedowns, etc, as well as (my favorite) exercise routines for developing the body. Anyone know if he has any plans for further books?

Speaking of which, has anyone seen his Xiaoyushuai (sp?) book that has has out? Again, only scanned it, but looked interesting. Seemed to mention a Xiaoyu-chinna book (or something like that) in the works, does anyone know/have any update on this?

01-25-2002, 08:13 AM
Thanks Gene,

Someone started another thread about it on one of the other boards. I am familiar with Liang's work through his fast wrestling and Tai Chi books, which I think are excellent.

I'm sorry to say that I ordered it through another source, the link on that thread, not looking to see if MAM had it. Sorry.

I'll give my two cents when I actually have a copy in my hand.

01-25-2002, 10:22 AM
slk: You know, I think my biggest "lost" picture was one I took years ago standing next to Kwan Tak Hing. It was a nice 'fanboy' type pose next to the master, but it didn't come out.

glw: I was bummed that I didn't make his list :mad: and after I was the one who authorized the distrubtion of his books and videos from MartialArtsMart.com. Oh well, maybe the second edition....

oct: We carry that book too. http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ww003.html
It's pretty good - Shuai Jiao forms are hard to decode for me so this book was pretty enlightening.

x: Sorry I wasn't fast enough to catch your business. Next time...;)

01-30-2002, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Octavius
I browsed through it when I had the chance and it is a very good book (a bit pricey tho, but a hard cover for 500 pages, I guess it's not unreasonable). It's got techniques and drills that I'd say is useful for anyone, and not necessarily specific to any particular style. I could be a little bit off there, since I didn't get a long time to look at it - but overall, it's got snashou combos, chin-na, shuai-jiao takedowns, etc, as well as (my favorite) exercise routines for developing the body. Anyone know if he has any plans for further books?

Speaking of which, has anyone seen his Xiaoyushuai (sp?) book that has has out? Again, only scanned it, but looked interesting. Seemed to mention a Xiaoyu-chinna book (or something like that) in the works, does anyone know/have any update on this?

Grandmaster Liang has already completed a companion book to Qigong Empowerment as well as another volume, though I'm still unsure as to what the other one is. It could very well be the Xiaoyao Qin Na book that you're talking about. He was waiting for Kung Fu Elements to be released before publishing these next two books - which should be sometime this year and next year. If you're interested, send me an email at our website and I'll check for you. Cheers!

Crimson Phoenix
01-31-2002, 03:22 AM
Man, gotta have that book...I ordered a copy, can't wait for it to be in Paris...so when is he gonna do a book on Da Peng Gong or some other Emei style he keeps silent?? :)

01-31-2002, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the heads up on his future works. Qigong Empowerment was pretty satisfying - it will be intersting to see what he adds to it. Didn't he cover Dapeng in that one? http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ww001.html
Anyway, Octavius's Xiaoyaoshuai book is the one on the link, I am sure.

02-01-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Thanks for the heads up on his future works. Qigong Empowerment was pretty satisfying - it will be intersting to see what he adds to it. Didn't he cover Dapeng in that one? http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ww001.html
Anyway, Octavius's Xiaoyaoshuai book is the one on the link, I am sure.

Hi Gene,

You're right, Qigong Empowerment does cover Dapeng Qigong, though I know it doesn't explain everything that Grandmaster Liang teaches in Iron Shirt class. I'm actually not privy to what the differences are because I haven't started Iron Shirt yet... We've got Wushu class tonight, so let me ask Shifu and get back to you and Octavius about his upcoming books...

I think the URL to Shifu's Xiaoyaoshuai book is:

Say "Hi" to Gigi for us!

02-05-2002, 01:42 PM
As promised...

For anyone that is interested, Grandmaster Liang does have to more books that will be released sometime this year. One is the companion book to Qigong Empowerment and the the other is Xiaoyao Na - the grappling techniques of Xiaoyaoshuai. Way of the Dragon (the publisher) has yet to decide which to release first, but I know that these books won't be available until at least mid-late spring, because of the recent release of Kung Fu Elements.
