View Full Version : overcomming fear

01-24-2002, 11:42 AM
Peyton Quinn has techniques to overcome the adreneline dump which can paralyse you. His books can be ordered through Paladin press, Also I highly reccomend saam jien kuen, or sanchin kata. This form will train you to absorb strikes to the body and take a step foward, rather than fold. Some people say that tenacity cannot be taught. I found that this type of training can and will develop tenacity. Of course there will always be those few individuals who have absolutely no will to survive at all. For them, if they survive an attack, then it's a life of therapy. Sad, but true. Evo's ideas about sparring with gear is also good, I must add, that sparring bare knuckle without gear should be added into the equation as well. Again, saam jien kuen is one answer.When we do this type of sparring we fight contact to the body, pulled attacks to the head (which will occaisionally slip in-goes with the territory)take-downs. Pulling hair, groin strikes(with control), all good. We also use gear. We try to use many different types of training to accomplish our goals.

01-24-2002, 07:37 PM
umm...the reason this thread appears here is...um...I pressed the wrong buttons. I was supposed to be answering Evolution's post on another thread. oops.