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01-25-2002, 11:51 AM
How much do you get?

01-25-2002, 11:52 AM
between 7-9 hours a night and try for 10-12 on the weekends.
I enjoy getting my rest

01-25-2002, 11:53 AM
what's UP

THE sky

01-25-2002, 11:56 AM
has lineage with inosanto&willem dethours kali&silat respective

hows it going



don't slip



01-25-2002, 11:57 AM

01-25-2002, 12:34 PM
that was a figment of your imagination. :) Nah, I didn't think anyone saw it. It was meant to be a new topic, not a reply to this one.

01-25-2002, 12:40 PM
3-5 on weekdays

6-8 on weekends

i'm working towards getting 5 - 7 on weekdays as well.

01-25-2002, 12:53 PM
Man, I almost have GDA's sleep schedule.

I hope that's not the cause of his... uh, behavior. :eek:

I gotta get to sleep, fast! ;)

01-25-2002, 12:54 PM
maybe set this guy up as a poll instead. would be coo to see the stats laid out.

01-25-2002, 01:10 PM
1-2 hours on weekdays

30 minutes to an hour on weekends...

Then once a month I sleep 48 hours straight through. I have never felt more alive!

Ray Pina
01-25-2002, 01:57 PM
1-2, 3-5, you guys need to turn off the computer and get some sleep. ****!

I'm at 7-8. 6 on nights I train because I get home late and man do I feel it.

01-25-2002, 02:00 PM
I average 3-4 hrs a night. Every month or so I pull 6-8 hrs a night for a few days in a row.

I'd love to have Nexus' schedule. :)

How'd you make that work, Nex? How long you been running like that?

01-25-2002, 03:23 PM
Then once a month I sleep 48 hours straight through. I have never felt more alive!

Man, I bet you have to take a mad píss when you wake up!

On weekdays at Uni I sleep between 5-7. On weekends, 7-14 depending on what I do the night before :)

This semester I'm making a big effort to sleep more. Last semester I didn't sleep much ever and I got sick a lot.


01-25-2002, 03:32 PM
How much do you sleep?

01-25-2002, 04:11 PM
i usually get 2-4 hours of sleep during weekdays and if i'm not working on weekends i'll sleep late (wake up around 4pm).

HOWEVER! There is a reason for such little sleep during night, i LOVE sleeping during the day, i usually pack 3-4 hours over the day, it's the best sleep ever, it's the same kind as when you wake up 30 minutse before you gotta go to school, and sleep for those extra 20 minutes.

mmmm i love it.

Here's the best, go to sleep duringthe day, wakeup after a few hours and drink a can of icecold coke, it's the BEST cokesp you'll ever get.

01-25-2002, 08:30 PM
Okay, now for the reason of this post.... I just read a study that said people who only got 7.5 hours of sleep for a little a three nights show elevated levels of cortisol - a hormone that increases blood sugar interferes with memory slows muscle building and promotes obesity. The subjects' results returned to normal almost immediately after having a 9 hour sleep.

I knew lack of sleep could be detrimental, but I had no idea that the effects of missing that 1.5 hours of sleep were so dramatic.

Looking at the poll here, many of us aren't getting adequate sleep.

Justa Man
01-25-2002, 08:56 PM
was 9 what they suggested we sleep? i've heard that the body goes in and out of deep sleep every 3 hours. so 6 hours would be better than 7 or 8 cuz you awake at the end of one of the cycles.

01-25-2002, 09:42 PM
I probably sleep 9 hours once every three months, if that.

I'm generally comfortable with 7, though I can get by with 6 and still feel OK.

I'm a programmer, memory and reasoning are important, and I've not had a problem so far. I'm still pretty shredded physique-wise at 47, too.

My wife needs about 9 on weekends.

I had a boss once who boasted he only slept 5 a night. He didn't count the other 2 a day he got falling asleep in meetings.

I think that, like diet, there are large amounts of variation in what individuals can and cannot subsist (or thrive) on.

01-25-2002, 10:14 PM
yeah, there is variation among individuals. I'm really not a sleeper myself either.

The study was involving subjects with 7.5 hours of sleep and 9 hours of sleep. I think the gist of it is that the more sleep you get (to an extent) the better off you are.

01-26-2002, 05:00 AM
I sleep anywhere from 5-12 hours. Sometimes i stay up for a day at a time. I just cant get a good night of sleep. Even when i sleep 12 hours i wake up 3 to a dozen times a night. I'm actually tired right now after sleeping 11 hours........... well more like laying in bed for 11 hours, half the time I was bearly asleep, and i would wake up about every hour and steer at the clock for 20 minutes then doze off again. I think i need a Doctor. :confused:

01-26-2002, 05:49 AM
I used to get less than 3 hours a night. I just couldn't sleep. I thought that I was stressed or something, and tried EVERYTHING (runs at 4am!!!)

In the end - I bought a new bed yesterday. A lovely pocket-sprung £500 Comfilux. last night I got 13 hours sleep!!! :D

B e a u t i f u l .

Hopefully it's done the trick.

Yung Apprentice
01-26-2002, 05:54 AM
9-12 hours I sleep on average.

01-26-2002, 06:18 PM
anyone manage to get 9 hours of sleep a night on a regular

How many of you guys that claim 9 or more have regular jobs?
How much do you train?
Sifus...how many hours do you teach...and probably work
another job too????

sorry, I CRAVE a good nights sleep

Leonidas, i'm with you man, I can't sleep for s__t either a lot
of the time.

But.....I'm better off with 5 vs. 6 hours and if I don't have to set
and alarm then I usually wake at 4 hours and then 7.5

Yung Apprentice
01-26-2002, 07:20 PM
I have a job. But currently am not training. When I do start I'll prolly knock off a few hours and sleep about 7 hours a day. But working graveyard can be tough. So I sleep alot.:D

Qi dup
01-26-2002, 08:32 PM
I sleep a good nine hours a day. I have a regular job, I plow snow. On those days I'm up by 2:45. I get home a 6 pm sometimes. Then a sleep a few 9-10 hour nights when it's not snowing. In the summer I stayed up really late every night and worked a regular 8-4 painting house. I was tired all the time and it took me like a month of good sleep before I wasn't tired all the time. I get a lot more sleep now that i don't have a girlfriend.

Yung Apprentice
01-27-2002, 05:42 PM
AH yes! Girlfriends can keep someone up! Bow chcka wow wow!!!!!:D

Justa Man
01-27-2002, 08:19 PM
Bow chcka wow wow!!!!!


Wu Wei
01-27-2002, 10:25 PM
you liked that too eh justa?

Yung, when I read that, I almost spat nachos on my monitor.
I have a friend that used to always do that, and it cracked me up every time.
Bow chcka wow wow!!!!!
I'm just impressed that you managed to articulate it so well.

01-27-2002, 10:52 PM
My post was a bit of a joke. Seriously though about 1-2 hours previously spent on sleep is now spent on meditation. I probably get 3-5 on average in a day, but once a month or so I do usually sleep for 15-20 hours, your body tells you when it needs it.

Yung Apprentice
01-28-2002, 05:05 AM

02-18-2002, 12:55 AM
A new study just released (the largest sample ever taken apparently), says that 6-7 is ideal, and your risk of dying early increases for 8 or more. Apparently even 5 is better than 8.


02-18-2002, 12:58 AM
Grrr. Anerlich.

You beat to posting that one.

02-18-2002, 06:14 AM
should have read those last few posts first. oops

04-03-2002, 07:39 PM
I slept for 7 hours tonight. Why am I so **** tired? Why am I starting stupid threads?


04-03-2002, 08:55 PM
2 or less, eh? Are you lying?


04-03-2002, 09:07 PM
There is only one answer to that question considering im training seven days a week at the moment.

Q How much sleep do you get or how much do you need?
A Not enough and always more...

04-03-2002, 09:23 PM
I do 7, but i should do 8.

Thats why im tired and ****.

wushu chik
04-03-2002, 09:51 PM
I get 9+, sometimes less...but that's when i am a real bear! I need sleep......


04-03-2002, 10:05 PM
Hey, after you say how much sleep you get (need), say what body type you are: ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph.

I'm an ectomorph.


04-03-2002, 10:14 PM
Im fat, what body is that

04-03-2002, 11:52 PM
I get about 4 hours during week, 9 on weekends if I'm lucky. Past couple of days I've been zombieish because I worked 11pm - 7am went straight to school from work and then went to kung fu. Ugh. Do any of you dream kung fu? One night I was practicing some drills before I went to sleep and in one of my dreams someone threw a haymaker at me, I did a spear and woke up suddenly because I had actually thrown a spear and it flung my covers off the bed.

04-04-2002, 12:39 AM
I sleep 8-12 hours a day since I'm a lazy unemployed *******. I'm an ectomorph. When I was in college, I got around 4 hours/day on busy weeks where I was swamped with tests, projects, and stuff.

David Jamieson
04-04-2002, 12:54 AM
under 30 sleep 8 hours at least for best rejuvenation.

over 30 and 6 hours is plenty.

catnaps are ok but they are no substitute for a decent REM sleep.

No REM = No rest.

Get your sleep! you need it to live healthy.


p.s, to much sleep and you are likely depressed or ill.

04-04-2002, 04:19 AM
My sleep patterns are ****ed up. According to my sister who is a medical student i exhibit every sign of chronic depression. nice huh.

04-04-2002, 06:30 AM
lol @ Sharky

04-04-2002, 07:48 AM
i average about 5-6 hours per night. 8 hours seems like an eternity, i rarely sleep that long, it freaks me out to get that much sleep.

i often have really weird dreams, lots of action dreams which are often cool, sometimes get into chronic nightmares though.....

when i'm training alot, especially when getting ready for a tournament, i punch and kick in my sleep and thrash around alot, i guess i'm dreaming about training and fighting then. it drives my girlfriend crazy, sometimes i hit her in my sleep and she wakes up and yells at me :D

04-04-2002, 07:59 AM
i like hitting my girlfriend better when im awake.

04-04-2002, 08:06 AM
I get about 8 hours sleep amd im an ectomorph. On weekends though i can clock up to like 12 hours.

04-04-2002, 08:08 AM
I'm not joking?

04-04-2002, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Sharky
I'm not joking?

That's the funny part. What do medical students know any way ;)

Sean the Black
04-04-2002, 02:15 PM
well according to some of the latest med reserch 4-6 hrs is ideal 6-8hrs is ok but anything over 8 you are running serious risks to your health in the long run

04-04-2002, 02:20 PM
Sharky quit feeling sorry for yourself you pusssy :)

04-05-2002, 01:08 AM
I'm still here at work and its 3 am. Crazy deadlines, no other time to get it all done. Its not as hard to concentrate and get things accomplished late at night, the phones not ringing off the hook, no annoying people bothering me.

What sux is I missed training again tonight...not enough hours in the day, I'll have to catch up with kung fu training this wkend.

I just heard an ad on the radio, these Jordan's Furniture guys that pollute the radio waves around Boston peddling their mattresses...theyre trying to brainwash the public into a lathargic catatonia where we all go out and buy their expen$ive mattresses and sleep our lives away, just because they say we need to (contrary to recent scientific studies, but theyre 'experts')and that they sleep all the time...attempting to lull us all into a sleepy, buying trance....I'm pretty freakin tired and burnt, I can't deal with that right now...they have this ad claiming that we need like at least 10 hours of sleep a night or we will die tired & miserably. I want to kill them right now, they are monsters.

04-05-2002, 06:43 AM

12-09-2002, 09:53 PM
Another thread made me think of this.

Obviously it varies a little from person to person, but what do you all think is the optimum amount of sleep each night?

I do best on seven to eight hours, but I can get by on six as long as it's not too many nights in a row.

What about y'all?

Laughing Cow
12-09-2002, 09:58 PM
5~6 hrs on average.

12-09-2002, 10:37 PM
I feel the best when I can get 8 hours a night. When I start to neglect my bed, I start getting irratable and have trouble focusing. Of course, if I have the chace to pull a 12 hour, I most definatly will.

12-09-2002, 10:40 PM
Average 8 hours.
9 hours and I feel super.
Can survive on 6 hours (but not for an extended period of time).

12-09-2002, 10:45 PM
9 hours and I am refreshed. 8 hours has to be minimum for me or I am just out of it.

12-09-2002, 10:58 PM
This is interesting.

A recent study was done. They (the erstwhile 'they'!) always said that 8 hours a night was optimum. Now they're suggesting that 8 hours could be detrimental as it's too much and 7 hours a night is closer to ideal.

I wonder how much of our sleep pattern is dictated psychosomatically by what we expect or are told is good?

12-09-2002, 11:59 PM
i can survive with 3-4 hrs but if i want 24 hrs is less for me :)

Mr Punch
12-10-2002, 01:15 AM
I do fine on about 6.5.

If I'm training a lot, I try to schedule myself a couple of hours in the afternoon (I work for myself so this is sometimes possible). I always have to sleep considerably more in the winter (I'd like to double it!!!).

12-10-2002, 03:42 AM
As much as possible, I like sleep... Yawn:cool:

12-10-2002, 05:44 AM
Man I have sleep problems. :o
I go to bed like 2 hrs before I fall asleep. :(
I usually get about 7 hrs, 8-9 sometimes (holidays)

Grays Anatomy
12-10-2002, 06:23 AM
During the week I am lucky to break 5 - 5.5 a night.

Needless to say I sleep in on weekends.

12-10-2002, 06:47 AM
interesting topic...i usually get between 4 and 5 hours sleep a night...a lot of ppl have told me that this is bad .,....i think they are probably right but jyou know i grew up on a farm where its early mornings always but i live in the city where its late nights so what can you do...also i find that meditation and breathing excercises make a bigger diff than how much sleep i get

12-10-2002, 07:20 AM
I usually sleep 6-7 hours during the week and 11 hours on weekends (hehe). They reckon that people should get 10 hours of sleep, instead of the old 8 hours. I heard there was an investigation on life expectancy against the amount of sleep and people who slept 5 hours on average lived longer than people with 6 hours of sleep. Of course there are other major factors in these statistics, but actually quite many people from the past were tested and it was concluded that people with 5 hours of sleep can expect a longer life than ones who sleep 6 hours. However, it doesn't mean that they aren't tired! And above all, this doesn't mean really anything, but it's quite interesting. :D

12-10-2002, 07:23 AM
By the way, I think this thread belongs to the training and health board.

12-10-2002, 09:20 AM
I am much like you Serpent, I do better on 7-8 but I can get by on 6 for a few days.
My father however gets by on 3 hours a night.

I have read a couple of studies, I can't remember what it is my fathe rhas where he can do 3 hours a night just fine, but its a "disease" of sorts. Anyway, I read one interesting study that said the human body is designed to get 4-6 hours at night and about a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.

12-10-2002, 09:26 AM
Your REM/dream cycles are nearly 4 hours long, so it's good to get those 8 hours. As you get older, however, your need for sleep diminishes somewhat.

Souljah - I used to have insomnia, at least as bad as yours. Now I'm too exhausted for insomnia. Try Melatonin or Ginko before you go to bed. I might have some more advice for you, PM me if you feel like it.

12-10-2002, 09:58 AM
I usually get 5-6. I do fine on 3 though, which is what I usually get on the weekends. I go to sleep late, and out of habit, I always wake up early. Studies I've read say the 7-8 is optimal, but you can get too much sleep, which is bad. The more you sleep past the optimal period, the more your body wants sleep.

12-10-2002, 10:38 AM
On weeknights, I go to bed somewhere between midnight and 1am. My alarm goes off at 8am, and I usually slap the snooze (which goes off about every 9 minutes) till around 8:45-8:50).

On weekends, I go to bed sometime between 3am and 5am, and get up whenever I happen to wake up (which usually winds up somewhere between 11am and 3pm.)

I could probably stand to get more sleep, but honestly, I feel pretty rough in the morning no matter how much I get.

12-10-2002, 03:37 PM
thanks fa jing i'll try those out.

It may be the bed im sleepin in, its like rock, I like having a harder bed (the whole 'better fo the back' theory i guess) but i dont think I sleep well in them, when I used to stay at my aunts house she had one of those beds that are so soft they jus close in around you,
I never used to have any probs sleeping there.
i'll still look into the stuff u mentioned

12-10-2002, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
The more you sleep past the optimal period, the more your body wants sleep.

Geez, I would so agree with that. Sometimes on the weekends I sleep for like 10-12 hours, and then I'm exhausted all day. My body's like "no, don't do stuff! Sleep more!"

I heard recently that sleeping over 8 hours may be cause cancer or something.

Every study yields different results. I would say sleep the amount that makes you feel best.


12-10-2002, 05:44 PM
I heard that a REM cycle is 1.5 hours and you need at least three, therefore 4.5 hours is a minimum. Don't know the validity of that though, it was just in conversation.

04-24-2003, 02:32 AM

I need a lot of sleep. Like tonight, I slept 8 solid hours and I was still really tired when I got up. I feel that sleeping 9 hours is best for me. But since I normally don't sleep that much I am often tired.

Are there any ways to make your sleep more efficient? I would be extremely happy if i could wake up totally rested after 8 hours sleep or even less. I already don't drink coffee after the morning and I don't train before going to sleep.

Any suggestions?

Regards, Lau

04-24-2003, 07:35 AM
I am somewhat biased towards Eastern remedies... but

1. Have dinner a bit earlier and dont overeat.
2. Dont drink cold water , esp before bed
3. Reduce sour foods
4. Reduce idle activity in your day

hmmmm.... speaking of which, I should get some sleep...

04-24-2003, 08:27 AM
What time of night are you going to bed? Generally, try to hit the sack before 11 pm. I don't know if this is a myth or not, but I think there was a study or two done where they found that the sleep that occurs prior to midnight is a better quality sleep.

Does anyone else know about this? I'll try to look it up again.

04-24-2003, 08:40 AM
I took a psychology class some time ago (it was high school, so what). what makes you "feel tired" when you wake up depends on what part of sleep you are in when you wake. Specifcially the REM stage of sleep is the most vital. if you wake up during REM stage, you'll feel like crap even if you've slept for 10 hours.

Former castleva
04-24-2003, 09:48 AM

Some hints.
If you really have problems with sleeping,you might want to look for a sleep medicine specialist.

However,different people function seemingly differently under different amounts of sleep due to biological differences.

sticky fingers
04-27-2003, 09:33 AM
Have a good shag.

guaranteed better sleep!

Former castleva
04-27-2003, 09:41 AM
Actually sticky fingers´s advice is medically correct.

06-07-2003, 08:54 AM
Hey guys, it's about the min. 8hours of sleep a man needs to have. Well I'm about to have exams, and I'm getting a max. of 6 hours a sleep every night, is there a way to correct this a little bit ? I mean every minute sleeping is a minute lost studying you know ..


Ben Gash
06-07-2003, 03:08 PM
Try cat napping in the afternoon for 15-30 minutes.
Often it's not the quantity but the quality, and the number of completed sleep cycles. Have you ever noticed how if you're disturbed for 20 minutes in the night, you oversleep by 2 hours?
Anyway, from your other thread it seems you're no stranger to the age old cure for insomnia ;)

06-07-2003, 03:47 PM
lool, seriously ? That helps against insomnia ? :D

06-07-2003, 03:48 PM
Btw seriously, thanks man, I'll try it out instead of watching friends or something when I'm taking a break, I'll try to take a nap.

06-08-2003, 01:58 AM
Don't cram. The stress will follow you to bed. Learned that the hard way. :( If I kept reveiwing threw out the semester, I didn't need to do more than reveiw everything come exam time.

iron thread
06-08-2003, 08:41 PM
Don't cram. The stress will follow you to bed. Learned that the hard way. If I kept reveiwing threw out the semester, I didn't need to do more than reveiw everything come exam time.

Cramming means reviewing everything come exam time.

06-08-2003, 08:59 PM
No, cramming is staying up all night the last two weeks of the semester trying to relearn everything you covered because you never bothered to keep up with it once your homework was done.

Going over the material every week or two but not having to really look at it is call reveiwing. If you reveiw, you don't need to cram.

I tried it both ways. Cramming sucks.:mad:

iron thread
06-08-2003, 09:18 PM
No, cramming is staying up all night the last two weeks of the semester trying to relearn everything you covered because you never bothered to keep up with it once your homework was done.

You say "relearning". Is doing something over, not reviewing? You are talking about the depth of the review. You are trying to seperate the phrases "not good" and "hella bad" here.

Going over the material every week or two but not having to really look at it is call reveiwing. If you reveiw, you don't need to cram.

I tried it both ways. Cramming sucks.

Going over is a review, regardless of time spent. Cramming is reviewing.

Cramming sucks, but I blame studying all together for that matter. I sit back and overhear the "grade/book smart" groups test each other.

06-08-2003, 09:32 PM
You have your point of veiw, I have mine. I don't know what your colledge backround is. I do know that there is a diference in my experience. The two quarters I didn't keep up a running reveiw, I had to cram. I basiclly had to relearn everything. I would have had a 3.75 GPA if not for those two quarters. But the four "D"s I got ruined that and cost me one of my grants. Had I kept up my studies I would have had an almost free ride (total tuition was $25,000 and I only had to pay $3,500). Now I have $13,000 in student loans. That is were I'm comming from. How 'bout you?

iron thread
06-08-2003, 10:38 PM
Agree to disagree.

You were speaking about studying vs. cramming in general, you didn't say anything about college. But beside that, my college experience is concurrent enrollment. Soon to be high school junior, my GPA averages 3.33, and I have had a total of 3 Fs. My concurrent enrollment community college experiences (yes, i know this does not amount to much but you asked for college experience) entitles me a 4.0. This includes 3 pe courses, and 2 english courses.

06-09-2003, 12:32 AM
I'm going to Law School, turns out I've been cramming the wrong course ! HOLY **** ! Only one day left, and I have to study two entire books, well 'review', but still, that's a friggin sh!tload ! I found out yesterday night, that the schedule changed, and the course I was studying now is the second exam, grraaa :eek: :(

Laughing Cow
06-09-2003, 12:36 AM

Min. of 8 hours. I get by with max. of 6 a night, otherwise I couldn't find time for MA training in the mornings before work and the demands of Family life.

06-09-2003, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by TzuChan
I found out yesterday night, that the schedule changed, and the course I was studying now is the second exam, grraaa :eek: :(

Now that was just evil of them.:mad:

06-09-2003, 07:49 AM
You mean that I was supposed to study in college and highschool? Da mn man maybe that's why I only got a 2.9 GPA. I guess I could have benifited greatly by even cramming.

And what's this about sleep? I'm supposed to get more than 3-4 hours? Hmm, I wonder what that's doing to me physically and mentally. Well the little orange men are telling me that I need to get back to work. I better listen before they start biting my hands again.


06-09-2003, 08:20 AM
:D :D :D

06-10-2003, 09:55 AM
I crammed like a mo'fo all through college. Many courses I only really began to learn the material during the last two weeks. I got cramming down to an art form, and did decently on my exams, however what I found is that I didn't retain the information for more than a few days after the class was over, so in that sense it was a big waste.

01-23-2004, 01:41 PM
Never did any study on sleep, but I just think its weird how I can get 3-4 hours sleep and be fine. And also 9+ and be fine.... But if i sleep anywhere between 5-8 hours, I'm dead tired and need to take a 1-2 hour nap doing the day. I know a little about REM and stuff, but I just think its a bit odd how that works. Lately, i've been getting like 9-10 hours.

I think i've just been with these chinese too long. They can sleep like 14 hours a day easy.

01-23-2004, 01:54 PM
7-10 hours if you are in heavy training. Its good to space out a "power nap" during the day. Elevate your feet and you will crash out for only as long as you need to (15-20 minutes) and feel like you slept an hour. For myself, even if I barely slip into the dream-state and I am awoken I will feel as if I am rested. Something the transition there that "tricks" the body into thinking its fully rested. Anyways if 8 hours isnt enuff then you may not be eating properly. It could also be psychological or chemical. Otherwise if you are healthy, eat well, and have a positive outlook in general... you might want to see a doctor and get a physical. Could be a form of anemia or something. Anyways I'll leave it to the experts.

05-15-2004, 04:32 AM
The other day i was sick so i stayed home from school and had a nap at around 1 o' clock in the afternoon. And then i go to sleep again at around 10:30pm and i couldn't sleep at all! I had stayed awake all through the night right up until 6:00 in the morning when my mom's alarm rang. The whole time i was just laying around in my bed. And the day afterwards it wasn't so bad i slept from around 1 o' clock till 5 o' clock so about 4 hours. But that day i didn't nap at all, because i was scared i wouldn't be able to get any sleep at night. Third day my sleeping routine went back to normal.

That was the second time it had happened to me. And the first time i had taken a nap just before going into shower (6:45pm - 7:45pm). And its the exact same routine. 1st day no sleep at all, 2nd day barely any sleep but get around 4 hours, 3rd day routine goes back to normal.

I am guessing that its because of my naps, but it wasn't always like this, i use to be able to nap whenever i was sleepy but now even if i was missing sleep and i napped this kinda stuff happens to me. Can anyone explain how this happened? And any suggestions on how to deal with this?

05-15-2004, 05:07 AM
i think i have a similar problem. i don't think my body works on a 24hour clock. i like to get 8 hours sleep when i can but when i do, i don't get tired for like another 18 hours or so. doesn't bother me too much tho, i've kinda got used to it
Ipad guide (http://ipadguides.info)

05-15-2004, 08:32 AM
I used to suffer from insomnia when I was young. Don't worry, when you get older and you are REALLY exhausted, you won't have this problem anymore.

Man, I feel like the advice queen around here.:eek:

11-29-2004, 10:46 AM
Not sleeping enough is bad (http://women.msn.com/865136.armx).

11-29-2004, 11:06 AM
who's to say how much sleep is enough though? that article said 7-9 hours was optimal, and I've seen other studies that have said it can be as little as 5, and varies from person to person. I generally get 4-6.

11-29-2004, 11:09 AM
I need between 7 and 10 hours per night. If I sleep longer than 10, I feel sluggish all day; if I sleep less than 7, I have a ton of energy but I crash pretty early, usually around 5 or 6 PM. It almost like I'm running on a sugar high all day. It's really strange.

11-29-2004, 11:12 AM
A quiet time or meditation is in order.

No job related home work, no cell phone, no TV, no radio etc.

Just you and you alone with nature.

A sauna steam.

A Jacucci dip.

A stroll in the park.


Make time for yourself and nothing else in that time.

11-29-2004, 11:19 AM
I sleep about 7-8 hours a night. Usually I can't get more then 9 hours without feeling sluggish, and I can survive on 5-6 for a day or two but it sucks. From time to time on the weekend I will sleep for 10 hours and not feel too bad.

this past weekend I got an hour and a half of sleep on saturday night, felt great all day sunday and didn't go to be until 1 am sunday night and I feel pretty good now.

11-29-2004, 11:22 AM
I think it's relative to you. You know if you feel like you've had enough sleep or not.

Judge Pen
11-29-2004, 11:38 AM
I usually get 6 hours. 4 to 5 will do it for a couple of days, but then I have to crash for a longer period of time. I'm a fan of 15 minute power naps too. One of those can recharge me for the rest of the day.

11-29-2004, 11:45 AM
my wife is all over the board. She can go a while on 5-6 hours a of sleep a night. She can also sleep for 12 hours without batting an eye.

Ray Pina
11-29-2004, 12:06 PM
7 to 8 hours.

I can go less, but my body will want to make it up later. I try to get good sleep the night before training because I have to drive an hour in (NYC traffic can be draining) and class runs till 10:30.

11-29-2004, 12:06 PM
i started doin pranayama exercises to help me sleep. instant results. being an on and off again insomniac since u were 10 gets a bit 'tiring'. i catch myself thinking awfully too much when im trying to sleep. hard to turn my noggin off. it needs a switch im thinkin. meditation would help most people sleep well. everyone should check with a sleep doctor atleast once in their life. most problems like an apnea go unnoticed. bad sleepin habits shorten ur life by sum years. im totally short fused with no sleep, and dealing with stress is not even an option....... i dont think snoring is normal either. i think its a sign of a small airway problem but i could wrong on that one.

i dont snore myself of course. :D dont ask me how i know....so what if im sleeping? lol.... :p

11-29-2004, 12:10 PM
right now I get 2-4 a couple nights in a row and then will finally be so exhausted that I sleep for 6-8 fine...then back to 2-4...sucks ass as I need more but it just aint happening right now...been like this for a few months.

11-29-2004, 12:38 PM
My optimal is 8-9 h. Less than that affects my reaction time, more than that makes me sluggish.

Ming Yue
11-29-2004, 12:56 PM
since I cut out sugar I've been sleeping like clockwork 7-8 hours a night and waking up every day about 5 minutes before the alarm goes off.

edit: I cut out most sugar. not all. never all.

Meat Shake
11-29-2004, 01:01 PM
Needs are entirely individual.
Dependant upon-
Metabolic rate
Amount of daily physical activity
Physical health

Sleep is cumulative. Sleeping only 4 hours, but catching 8 15 minute cat naps is the same as sleeping a solid 6.
Sleeping 4 hours one night then sleeping 8 the next is like sleeping 6 each in totality, although the day after you slept 4 you wont feel quite so good.

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 01:04 PM
Sleep is cumulative.

no, 'cause I can pull an two dayer, then sleep 17 hours, and still feel like ish.

Ming Yue
11-29-2004, 01:08 PM
Oso, you want some more of that valerian root? The herb hippies owe me a favor, I can get you a vial of it.

works real good when you mix it with bourbon.

11-29-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
Oso, you want some more of that valerian root? The herb hippies owe me a favor, I can get you a vial of it.

works real good when you mix it with bourbon.

lol, I still have half the last bottle...works great for about 3 days but then I get tolerant to it....

I'm gonna :tooma: here but I don't think sleep is cumulative because you need to be able to get into the deeper sleep before your body really gets to start recuperating and healing.

15 minutes at a time wouldn't let you do that....i don't think.

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 01:54 PM
yeah, but it ****es off my bosses.

Ming Yue
11-29-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
yeah, but it ****es off my bosses.

and that is cumulative.


11-29-2004, 03:01 PM
*du-dunk dishhhh*

11-29-2004, 03:07 PM
Sleeping is a sign of weakness...

nowadays i get around 4-6 hours
and i regret every subconsious minute of it

11-29-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by FuXnDajenariht
i started doin pranayama exercises to help me sleep. instant results. being an on and off again insomniac since u were 10 gets a bit 'tiring'. i catch myself thinking awfully too much when im trying to sleep. hard to turn my noggin off. it needs a switch im thinkin. meditation would help most people sleep well. everyone should check with a sleep doctor atleast once in their life. most problems like an apnea go unnoticed. bad sleepin habits shorten ur life by sum years. im totally short fused with no sleep, and dealing with stress is not even an option....... i dont think snoring is normal either. i think its a sign of a small airway problem but i could wrong on that one.

Can you share these exercises?

11-29-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
and that is cumulative.


:D :D lol

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
and that is cumulative.


Yeah, until they get pats on the back for me bustin' arse...

11-29-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
yeah, but it ****es off my bosses.

learn to sleep in the restroom - they will just think you get constipated alot.

11-29-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Starchaser107
Sleeping is a sign of weakness...

nowadays i get around 4-6 hours
and i regret every subconsious minute of it

he11 yeah. that's my attitude toward it.

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
learn to sleep in the restroom - they will just think you get constipated alot.

no, they might think I'm pulling a red5 and poundin' one out too often...


11-29-2004, 03:52 PM
what do you mean "too often"

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 03:54 PM
Staring at the blond at the cubby hole next to you for five minutes then going to the bathroom for some "quiet time" four times a day is usually sexual harasment.

11-29-2004, 03:55 PM
going to the bathroom?

norther practitioner
11-29-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
what do you mean "too often"


pulling a red5 and poundin' one out too often

11-29-2004, 07:28 PM
wh@cking off for cripes sakes

11-29-2004, 07:33 PM
lol, he might have been inferring that you couldn't possible whack off 'too often'.

11-29-2004, 07:38 PM
I thought that we already established that Wan King Chuan depletes the Jing and is a bad thing to practice too often.

11-29-2004, 07:44 PM
depends, I was taught a special chi kung to reestablish the chi pool post wank.

Mr Punch
11-29-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Oso
depends, I was taught a special chi kung to reestablish the chi pool post wank. Now there's a thread killer right there! :D

Oso, you're that embarassing uncle who dribbles in the corner at parties right?!

Now you're in trouble...

what are these exercises!

11-29-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
Can you share these exercises?

sure thing bro. i actually got it from this website:


heres the actual technique.....

its free to download, but you can send in a donation if you see results. though theres no obligation. websites cost to maintain tho so i can understand perfectly.

i also do the lung capacity exercise. its pretty freakin good. ive had asthma all my life. im already breathing more correctly, meaning slower and more relaxed and the constant tension in my chest is almost gone.....

Meat Shake
11-30-2004, 01:10 PM
"get into the deeper sleep before your body really gets to start recuperating and healing."

Ahhh... Yes. I left that off my list.
There are really too many variables to make definate statements about how much anyone needs on a generalized basis.

"depends, I was taught a special chi kung to reestablish the chi pool post wank."

Sweet. Like a pron stra.

Judge Pen
11-30-2004, 01:35 PM
I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. :o

04-06-2016, 08:13 AM
Man, you come straight outta a Jackie Chan movie. :D

Extra points to whoever can name which one. ;)

There is a vid if you follow the link, but the scene from that Jackie Chan movie is better.

Snooze like a Kung Fu master: Formidable Chinese builder takes a comfortable nap on a SINGLE ROPE (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3526098/Snooze-like-Kung-Fu-master-Formidable-Chinese-builder-takes-comfortable-nap-SINGLE-ROPE.html?ITO=applenews)

Fu Hong, 45, from Bijie in south-west China keeps balance on rope strand
Called 'Mr Rope-Sleeper' by friends and known for sleeping around town
Says he doesn't want the fame and just wants simpler life of a farmer

PUBLISHED: 07:17 EST, 6 April 2016 | UPDATED: 07:41 EST, 6 April 2016

A Chinese man has attracted attention in his local area by performing a remarkable feat of balance - falling asleep on a single strand of rope used as a make-shift hammock.

Fu Hong, a 45-year-old builder from Bijie, Guizhou province, south-west China, is known locally for hanging up his rope horizontally around town and laying down on it with perfect balance.

He is even called 'Mr Rope-Sleeper' by his colleagues on the construction site and his impressive antics first started to go viral on the internet five years ago.

Talent: Fu Hong, a 45-year-old builder from Bijie, south-west China, is able to sleep on a rope held horizontally

Famous: He is even called 'Mr Rope-Sleeper' by his colleagues on the construction site and went viral in 2010

Showman: Fu is endowed with powerful muscles and says he has never been a fan of performing Kung Fu

Despite the fact that he is short in stature, Fu is endowed with powerful muscles gained from his work on the construction site and says he has never been a fan of performing Kung Fu.

However he is able to lie completely flat on the rope without any visible wobbles and remain there, rather like a martial arts master from a historical drama.

When Fu was spotted wowing tourists with his stunt at a train station in October 2010, People's Daily Online reported that he had once performed the feat for over an hour.

Fu's colleagues also told reporters how he is a hard-working, modest but undeniably talented person to work with when he isn't doing his party trick.

He has now returned to his hometown, which is being featured for redevelopment by the Chinese government, and is helping work on the construction there.

Amazing: Fu's colleagues also told reporters how he is a hard-working, modest but undeniably talented person

Slumber: Fu says there is a piece of rope hanging in his house and that he gets some much-needed rest on it

Suspended: Fu says he wanted to keep this talent of his quiet because he didn’t mean to become famous

The builder was challenged by members of the local media to see if he can still pull off his trademark stunt five years after he first shot to fame, and confirmed that it was simple for him to do.

Fu says there is a piece of rope hanging in his house the whole time and that he gets some much-needed rest on it whenever he’s free to do so.

However, he says he wanted to keep this quiet because he didn’t mean to become famous and confirmed that all he really wanted was the ordinary life of a farmer.

04-06-2016, 01:30 PM

Pre Jackie Chan greatness. Sleeping on rope was featured in the New One Armed Swordsman that starred David Chiang and Ti Lung.


04-06-2016, 08:38 PM
In the movie "Choi Lee Fut Kung Fu" (may be western title version) starring Cliff Lok & Yang Pan Pan, 'Monk Grass', one of Cliff Lok's teachers is first seen sleeping on a rope on the side of a mountain (the famous Choy Lay Fut mountain).

This movie had some of the same main supporting cast as Jackie Chan's "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" & the first "Drunken Master." I wondered if Cliff Lok weren't more in the spotlight, maybe he would've gotten Jackie's career? or maybe not? He certainly seemed to possess the skill and knack for it.

04-07-2016, 05:53 AM


Cliff Lok may have been one of the last of the actors of what I call the golden era, 1950's-1970's, who was a martial artist before going into the movies. His nickname, Golden Child, suggested high hopes for him and his presence in the business; then again, he looked like a big boy. He did not have the heroic look. If he had gone into choreography, he might have faired a whole lot better.


04-07-2016, 05:03 PM
IMO, Cliff Lok was good, but as a star/performer/choreographer, he could never have approached Jackie Chan's level of star power. I agree with mickey that he lacked a hero's looks (then again, so did Jackie until the cosmetic surgery on his eyelids just prior to Snake in the Eagle's Shadow). But more than that, he simply wasn't as charismatic, nor was he the onscreen genius that JC was. Although I personally preferred Sammo to JC.

If I recall correctly, Lau Kar-Leung's Mad Monkey Kung Fu also featured sleeping on a rope.