View Full Version : Did we get a new moderator??

01-25-2002, 08:52 PM
I noticed a few threads closed by JOHNNY@MARTIALARTSMART.COM Did we get a new mod, or is this someone else's alias? RM, is that you?

Yung Apprentice
01-26-2002, 05:59 AM
He's the moderater for the Street fighting/reality forum. I dunno if he moved in. I haven't heard from Kung Lek or Raging Monk for a while. Maybe he is. He sent me PM telling me I cuss to much. I guess. I hope he sent PMs to some trolls too, telling them not to be so annoying, or the other 50 % of ppl who cuss on here about twice as much as I do. But who knows.

01-26-2002, 06:19 AM
Is a bit nuts imho, he edits posts all over the street reality forum and usualy for little or no reason.
He compleatly deleated JF Springers post regarding his challenge with Ralek and gave no reason at all. He also decided my telling someone they insult like a girl was horribly offensive and edited out my whole paragraph, i fear he may have missed my humour, many do:(
So yeah watch what you say in the reality forum and even then your not safe:rolleyes:

P.S he is not however above exploding at other people himself. Apparently the caps lock key gets stuck:eek:

01-26-2002, 06:38 AM
With Kung-Lek's recent episodes, RM's beligerant editing and now Johnny's random post-deleting, the Mods are turning into an evil version of the A-team.

Wonder if KungLek can do a Mr.T impression, or if Renegade Monk can make stuff out of chewing gum?

01-26-2002, 09:44 AM
Hey Seven*,

No thats not me..... my alias has not changed, nor do I Have more than one. If I edit a post I rather the poster know it was me:)

DelicateSound what do you mean by beligerant editing? LOL if anything I'm more lenient than I should be.

By the way, No I can't make stuff out of chewing gum, But I can make a bugar stick to a wall:D

01-26-2002, 09:49 AM
Man, that's just nasty :D

01-26-2002, 10:01 AM
RM - I know, the mods here are nice and leniant.

I'm sure we'd all like to see Ralek get taken down some more though - that jock-strap edit had me in stitches. :D

I sneezed about 6 months ago and the entire contents of my nasal cavity propelled itself across the room, hitting a guy in the chest.

The problem was that the "room" was my place of work. And the "guy" was a customer.

Ah well. Hated that job anyway :D

01-26-2002, 10:04 AM
One more post like that and I will edit it!!!


Now that was nasty

01-26-2002, 10:08 AM
The water I was drinking shot out of my oral cavity and across the room when I read that! :D

01-26-2002, 10:31 AM
It almost cost me my job, not cause of the actual incident, but because I stood and laughed for about 5 minutes afterwards.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but it was more than snot. It was a strange dark gunk - like something out of Alien. :p

I'm not sure whether I'm disgusted or proud of it :D

LOL at both you guys!

01-26-2002, 11:30 AM
I'd be proud!

old jong
01-26-2002, 04:26 PM
Hey, I wonder what would have happen with my (insert something here)/reality fighting posts serie if that guy would have been there then?...
It's time for you relatively recent members to make a small research.
I remember the quiet pond/reality fighting, the quiet field/reality fighting, spy satellite/reality fighting, jungle/reality fighting, there are others...

;)this (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2555) is an example!

01-26-2002, 04:48 PM
So yeah watch what you say in the reality forum and even then your not safe "To the TWILIGHT ZONE Theme":D

old jong
01-26-2002, 04:49 PM
Spy satellite (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2592)

VCR (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2551)
Showers (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2532)
Junk food (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2525)
Pond (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2520)
Field (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2619)
Jungle (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=2509)
All classic reality/fighting stuff! ;)

01-26-2002, 04:54 PM
SPECIALLY WHEN YOU **** AND LET THE MONKEY **** YOU....:confused: :)

01-27-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
I'd be proud!

Indeed. Remember you're talking to the man who has, over the years:

*Painted a dog.
*Stolen [thru force] 7 illuminous, uni-directional roundabout bollards.
*Urinated deliberately thru the letterboxes of several commercial establishments.
*Stolen milk at least 20 times.
*Once created a large figure, circa 4ft high, out of of rotting garbage, and placed him on top of a friend's car.
*Pioneered the recently publicised "Urethra-Shocker", that involves attaching several 9V batteries to the underneath of steel urinals, creating an electric current designed to shock and humiliate.

Taking pride in disgustingly comical situations is my expertise!!

01-27-2002, 09:31 AM
Renegade Monk, you're BACK?

Or was it Kung Lek that closed Ralek's thread?

Whoever did that - it's not important.

What's important is that it was the RIGHT thing to do.

01-27-2002, 10:45 AM
My comments about his mother had scared him off WAY before then..... :D

01-30-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by jon
Is a bit nuts imho, he edits posts all over the street reality forum and usualy for little or no reason.
He compleatly deleated JF Springers post regarding his challenge with Ralek and gave no reason at all. He also decided my telling someone they insult like a girl was horribly offensive and edited out my whole paragraph, i fear he may have missed my humour, many do:(
So yeah watch what you say in the reality forum and even then your not safe:rolleyes:

P.S he is not however above exploding at other people himself. Apparently the caps lock key gets stuck:eek:
I thought you and me resolved this but apparently not. Well I appologized for using my caps once and I do not see your reason for bringing old things up:mad: I guess some people never grow up especially with your name calling. I closed that thread because there was another started on the main Kung FU forum. I am the new moderator and will probably moderate some other parts of the forum soon. I deleted parts of peoples posts due to many people complaining and Kung Fu QIgong new effort to keep the language down. For those who do not know me my name is Johnny and I work with Gene that is why he asked me to start moderating. I can edit those but not the trolls as they have the freedom to speak. I edited that part due to many complaints Jon. So Jon if you want to express your problems or concerns on things you can email me at the same address specified on above before instead of airing them publicly!!!. :mad: For everyone else you are also welcome to email me if you have any problems or concerns.
Semper FIdelis:cool:

David Jamieson
01-30-2002, 07:13 PM
hey thanks johnny :)


01-30-2002, 07:55 PM
I dont think these are the appropriate words to use in relation to deleting/editing concerns. It is not a dispute of a personal nature and as moderator of this forum it is desirable that people's opinions of you are formed by the way you moderate this forum. Personally I thank Jon for giving me this opportunity to better develop my own opinions.

As this is an online community of sorts any probs someone may have about editing/deleting are likely to affect the rest of us. This is similar to the way citizens of any free country 'publicly air' their concerns about government policies (eg censorship policies), which affect the rest of the state. IMHO it is highly appropriate that any debate regarding the means by which this or any community is regulated, be open to all members of the community, I don't see why someone doing this would upset you..... Unless ofcourse you feel you have something to be ashamed of :confused:

David Jamieson
01-30-2002, 08:09 PM
I'm all for getting rid of the "cussing". It is demonstrative of an immature thought formation and isn't worth reading without proper context anyway, like in a narrative descriptive story.

But cussing for the sake of cussing can go as far as I'm concerned.

As for the continuous and ridiculous "challenge o'the day" threads courtesy of those who cannot hold themselves back from responding to them persistently, I'm all for getting rid of those too.

OT is one thing, but OT+repetitive and dull subject matter+cussing = blah, gotta go.

dull subject matter isn't so much a pain, but language and it's usage is important to the relativity and enjoyment of the forum by the majority of the people who use it.

freedom of speech is fine, but to take it outside the boundries of the communal understanding is to walk on thin ice in any venue. especially an anonymous one and moderators are recommended.

I sympathize with your ideal Anton, but I do not agree on the point of action you suggest, which is inaction at the expense of everyone else.

Nothing personal Jon, I've enjoyed many of your posts and I don't know anything about any grievance you may hold against johhny. Still, opportunities for positive interchanges increase with new understandings of perceived adversaries?


01-31-2002, 01:08 AM
OK I had a hunch this might happen...
Firstly to Kung Lek i have no problem with the job you and RM do, your both excerelent moderators and i have no issues with you guys removing swear words or flame based topics.
You are both cautious about doing it and explain fully when its been done.
My problem with Johhny is due to him removing whole paragraphs out of my posts due mainly to what i can only discribe as personal dislike. He never explains untill asked as then tries to imply ive said things i havent.

i would like to invite anyone who wants to understand what has gone on to read the 'gun restrictions' thread in the 'street\reality forum'
The comment which apperently people 'complained' about and that was edited out of my post ill repeat quite happily hear and you can all see its evil and vicous nature.
I told someone... wait for it.... they "insult like a girl":eek: :eek: :eek: Appenrently this is sexist? Personaly i view it as a silly jest, girls are actualy very good at insults and its only if you take it to mean that men are somehow automaticaly supperiour it becomes an insult. It was meant in fun and it was a silly joke. Nothing exactly horrible or anything that may have effect an impressionable mind. For that one comment he removed my whole paragraph...

we do not need you parading all over the forum that the moderatores did you wrong. If you do not want to post here that is your choice but do not sit here telling everyone that you do not have freedom of speech and that we are being unfair to you. If there was no complaints on you then there would of been no problem to begin with."
* This is what Johhny posted to me after reading the message i had written on this thread.

I have never insulted you personaly Johhny ive only claimed you do a poor job of moderating the Street\Reality forum. Thats my opinion and im afraid there is little you can do about it, calling me a child will not help. You edited my comments out of malice and i made a big deal out of it, then you decided to try and play the higher ground by accusing me of somehow trying to undermine you.

I stand by my opinion [and its only that an opinion] that by removing posts and parts of posts for little reason you discourage people from posting. Removing swear words or flame posts is fine. You dont just go removing every little detail you dont agree with. Thats what they do in Communist China and they call that 'free press' to.

"I guess some people never grow up especially with your name calling."
* I have not called you any names? I have hinted that i dont think much of your abilitys granted but ive never called you anything other than Johhny. You seem to enjoy comparing me with a child dispite never having any valid arguement.
You are also the one who orginaly attacked me, then not only myself but several others picked up on the fact you were proberly not in full control when you posted and went to town on you. You didnt handle this particualy well and obviously held a grudge.

To Kung Lek and RM im sorry to go though this here, i just really dont appreciate being called a child and made out to look like im trying to insigate trouble when my intension has only been to bring to light a very valid arguement.
Appologies to all for dragging this though the mud, i will be happy to agree to disagree and simply avoid the S\R forum i just wished to state my defence.

Yung Apprentice
01-31-2002, 03:33 PM
So is Kung Lek and Raging Monk still moderaters? Or is it just Jonny? I thought Kung Lek and Raging Monk are pretty good moderaters. Jonny isn't so bad, but I think he goes a little crazy with the whole editing/deleting thing. He's edit happy!:D I think sometimes it goes to his head. It's kinda like dealing with two opposites. One is reluctant to delete/edit, the other it eager to. No disrespect to anyone though. Just stating my opinion.

01-31-2002, 05:30 PM
Okay maybe I did go a little delete happy but hey I'm only human and learn from my mistakes.:D I guess I will defend myself again publicly. I did edit his post and for valid reason. I got two complaints so I did what I had to do.:rolleyes:
If he is mad about it there is nothing I can do. As for as me deleting something based on my personal dislikes is something I will not do and have never done. I have only erased the vulgar language and have emailed the people privately. You are welcome to express anything you want as long as the language does not become vulgar If that is what you are speaking of Jon then I am sorry but I will continue to do it. And to Anton I will air these little disputs publicly if you wish but I do not see the reason for it. Airing that I did a poor job is an insult to me and I beleive anyone would take it personally. And discouraging people to go to the sr forum based on your experience is not needed but you do have the right to your opinion. So hey maybe I am a little bit touchy at times and yes I do have an attitude but hey I am a Marine I was trained to be that way:D I will try to lighten up on the editing and to Kung LEk my name is Johnny and I edit the sr forum if you do not know. I will probably start moderating some of the other forums to. Thanks for the help. I will be around all these forums from now on unless I am deployed:eek:. So I look forward to getting to know everyone. And to Jon I am a man of peace so I am not continuing this anymore.:cool: Peace
Semper FI

01-31-2002, 05:51 PM
Question for mods:

1. In case someone (lets say hmm... ME) have a question on certain religion (lets say hmm... buddha style), should he:
a) post on the General Kung Fu Forum
b) post on the Qigong and Meditation Forum
c) post on the Other Arts Forum
e) get your sorry ass to some temple instead of asking questions

2. Do you like Death Metal?
a) Yeah
b) No
d) I dont like any of GDA's post anyway
e) I like Gospel Metal

01-31-2002, 07:37 PM
Lets try this ONE more time then im giving up for good...
You edited my post becouse i accused someone else [after they had insulted me, yet you didnt touch there post] that they "Insult like a girl" there is no swearing in that and IMHO anyone who takes that seriously is a bit insecure.
You then removed my whole paragraph dispite the above being the only thing that could be construde as remotely offensive.

"I have only erased the vulgar language and have emailed the people privately."
* There was no swearing im my edited post and you failed to email or PM me! Infact you left the my first post where i did swear [and later appologised with no issue] and edited the one where i used no swear words:confused:

"You are welcome to express anything you want as long as the language does not become vulgar If that is what you are speaking of Jon then I am sorry but I will continue to do it."
* Dude, go to town on vulgar language you have my full support. Remove parts of post becouse you dont like the terms or way there written and ill call it misuse of power. Sorry that is the way I feel.

"Airing that I did a poor job is an insult to me and I beleive anyone would take it personally."
* I can understand your being annoyed but you have to realise you started this by hurling abuse at me, i responed and then as stated i believe you held a grudge. I wont publicly denouce you or anything thats not my goal but i did want to bring to light your moderation of the S\R forum. I realise your job is not easy and its very easy to make mistakes but when you do just admit them, dont try and use rank to cover your tracks. In this case we both believe we are in the right so agreeing to disagree is the only option.
I wont keep this up but it could have all been avoided if you had simply appologised\spoken to me privately, instead you carried on the argument in public and tried to defend yourself by putting me down. If you publicly question my reason dont be surprised when i respond publicly. I post under my real name with my real teachers listed in my profile, hence i have more to lose in terms of face than many here.

"And to Jon I am a man of peace so I am not continuing this anymore. Peace "
* Ive stated to you before i have no wish to continue this either, all the best and no hard feelings. [ I hope:) ]
Respects and good luck in your training

01-31-2002, 11:18 PM
Kung Lek

Originally posted by Kung Lek
I'm all for getting rid of the "cussing". It is demonstrative of an immature thought formation and isn't worth reading without proper context anyway, like in a narrative descriptive story.

But cussing for the sake of cussing can go as far as I'm concerned.

As for the continuous and ridiculous "challenge o'the day" threads courtesy of those who cannot hold themselves back from responding to them persistently, I'm all for getting rid of those too.

OT is one thing, but OT+repetitive and dull subject matter+cussing = blah, gotta go.

dull subject matter isn't so much a pain, but language and it's usage is important to the relativity and enjoyment of the forum by the majority of the people who use it.

freedom of speech is fine, but to take it outside the boundries of the communal understanding is to walk on thin ice in any venue. especially an anonymous one and moderators are recommended.

Couldn't agree with you more. :)

I sympathize with your ideal Anton, but I do not agree on the point of action you suggest, which is inaction at the expense of everyone else.

I'm afraid you have misread my post Kung Lek. I do not suggest inaction, in fact I fully support the concept of moderators and commend the job you and RenegadeMonk have been doing. I was simply saying that moderators should take responsibility for their actions and not get upset or take things personally when the people subject to their rules complain.
I didn't notice any expletives or personal attacks in jon's post hence I found it surprising that Johnny became so upset/embarrassed at it. This gave me the impression that Johnny considered himself and the way he performs his duty as moderator above criticism and question.


Originally posted by Johnny
And to Anton I will air these little disputs publicly if you wish but I do not see the reason for it.

I didn't suggest that you air all complaints publicly, I just said that when someone else publicly posts their concerns regarding the way you moderate a forum, you shouldn't get upset, but take responsibility for your actions.

Airing that I did a poor job is an insult to me and I beleive anyone would take it personally.

If I took complaints personally and became upset at any of the jobs I've had, I would have been fired in a second. I was always taught by both my parents and employers that a man must always be in control of his emotions; and that when someone criticises the way you do your job, you should not take it as an insult but suspect that there is some truth to the criticism and try to improve the way you do it.

And discouraging people to go to the sr forum based on your experience is not needed but you do have the right to your opinion.

As for discouraging people from going to the sr forum: I never suggested anything of the sort, I believe you are referring to jon's post where he suggested that your behaviour may discourage people from frequenting the forum.

02-01-2002, 12:29 AM
once again, it's all confusing and it doesn't seem worth it to keep yappin. i recommend the two of you (jon and johnny), instead of saying what happened and why and why you're upset and such, both of you state what you would like to see from now on, meet each other halfway, then join the rest of us ...

... we're all going to get shnookered and see if, in one evening, we can outdo delicatesound's lifetime of intentional mishaps. my money is on kung lek being the drunken one who runs up to ring someone's doorbell, but forgot the flaming bag of poo back in the car.

okay, that was WAY ot, but i'm good at that. besides, you guys needed that and i think it's pointless to argue now. just tell each other what you need, agree and go out and get some margaritas. it's the chill pill in liquid (blended) form that most of us need to take.


02-01-2002, 11:50 AM
I can control my emotions not when I have my weapon though j/p. I will try to take some of those chill pills or see a shrink.:D I have to be agressive and keep that mindset though but I will try to calm it on the forum.:D
Semper FI

Ps. Jon
All my information is on my profile and it is all real. It includes everthing that I can give. I can give you my address if you ever want to visit Cali!:D

02-01-2002, 12:24 PM
and again ..