View Full Version : The style of my animal.

Former castleva
01-26-2002, 10:34 AM
And my animal is ...a HAMSTER (I love rodents,gerbils and expecially hamsters,even though I love dogs)
and I would like to tell you how hamster fights,then you may tell what you think about it.

Biting:Because hamsters mostly fight at close range,they use furious biting techniques,if they face a human,they may bite his fingers hard,there are three different biting styles:
1.Quick grabbing-a hamster may come close to finger and see what it smells like,then quickly bite it,which makes humans usually pull their hands back fast
2.grab&bite:sometimes hamsters (both dwarf and syrian ones) grab the opponent with their paws and bite it with full power.
3."Iīll never let go of your hand":sounds romantic:) even though it is NOT,when someone suddenly touches hamsters back from rear,he may grab his fingers/hand with his jaws and even hang on it,which means that they have awesome power in their jaws (forget about big dogs and horses!:mad: ) Many dogs have escaped after hamsters bite.
Throwing/take downs:
This is what hamsters love to do,when the fight gets serious they stand on their supporting legs and brawl against each other,force meets force,hamsters donīt use aikidoīs principles that much even though they use intelligent tackles to take the opponent down.
Groundfighting:This is what happens when the weaker one has been taken to the ground.hamsters groundfighting is nearly as strong as a wrestlers,judokas or BJJ exponents.

01-26-2002, 10:47 AM
Fast, powerful claw swipes are the mainstay of its style.

Get too close though and it'll pull you in, claws gripping and teeth biting. Even worse are the back-leg kicks that can tear through the skin of the wrist.

They're hard to throw, as they ALWAYS land the right way up, and their small jaws and sharp teeth mean they're hard to choke.

You can knock 'em down easily as they sit on their haunhes, but they'll groundfight to the death.

All in all - the ULTIMATE killing machine. Will pounce on an opponant [my hand] and grip and bite. You can however, be faster, and jab for its head to make it leap up, then attack its fleshy middle and grapple it into a choke.

Former castleva
01-26-2002, 11:40 AM
Thatīs the spirit Delicate!
The cat is a relative of the tiger.