View Full Version : Shaolin Brands/Tatoos--History

01-26-2002, 05:17 PM
I have found a man who teaches traditional shaolin kung-fu, claims to have trained at the temple for many years, and has the dragon & tiger brands on the inside of his forearms. He said he was one of the last generations to still do that practice. He is probably fifty or so, but it hard to tell. He appears to be very well trained. Can somebody help me determine if this man is legitamate or not. His name is Al Lam. He's in the Midwest. He says the monk name wasn't important because everybody had nearly the same name. He seems to be honest, but I used to train under John C. Kim in that Chung Moo nonsense (long time ago) and I don't want to get wrapped up in anything like that again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

01-27-2002, 08:54 AM
Sounds suspect to me. I don't think they did the branding thing since the 1920's. I would try to find out all you can about him like his styles(cma or other) and look at alot of other traditional shaolin arts like Bak Sil lum and also arts that descended from shaolin like hung gar and choy Li fut, if what he does looks more like Kempo than those styles he is probally not shaolin. There is alot of guys running around the midwest saying they studied from the shaolin temple and can't really say what they did there. We had a guy here who traind with my sifu of and on for about 6 months(this was like 10 years ago) then when my sifu's original school closed this guy started teaching claiming all these fantastic stories about him at shaolin and all the secret stuff he couldn't show anybody. I think he used to tell my sifu the same thing, wierd. Most of the guys base their stories off of shaw brothers flicks and the kungfu tv series. I'd say the brands this guy has are pretty unlikely to be from shaolin. If they are tatoos I'd say definatly not from shaolin. All I can say is compare his story to other stories and try to use your best judgment.

Still I would base my choice more on his skills than whatever histories and stories he tells you. If he is the best in your area learn from him. Unless he charges ridiculous prices.

01-27-2002, 02:44 PM

AFAIK. the "Brands" were an invention of Hollywood like so many other things we accept as a fact today.

Also makes sense to brand your Arms and than wander into the world where those Brands will get you killed by the Goverment as soon as observed.

Never mind that self-mutilation breaks the Buddhist rules.

Like I friend of mine went to the Temple and could find only 6 Chambers, hehe, I could have told him why. :p

On another Board there was recently a Thread about the sme Guy and the conclussion was that he is a phony.

But than only he can tell you Aye or Nay to that question.
Have a good one.

01-27-2002, 05:12 PM
Thank you to both of you for your responses. Red Fists: where did you find a thread about Al Lam? I couldn't find it.

01-27-2002, 05:16 PM
Hi Fredom76.

I think it was on E-Budo.

Let me check and get you the URL.

Speak to you soon.

02-07-2002, 05:51 AM
it sounds fake.. can he do a chi ball?

02-07-2002, 08:54 AM
What colour is his chi ball?