View Full Version : Zhang Zhiyi freaks

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 12:36 AM
rejoice (http://www.visa-asia.com/visa_apac/offers/images/tvc.wmv)

01-28-2002, 12:52 AM
That girl is sooooooooo fly, she has that whole sweet innocent spankable thing going on:cool:
Plus she used to be a dancer and i can now say from experience they are the best sort:D

01-28-2002, 02:04 AM
Link..........won't.............work.............. .....


01-28-2002, 02:06 AM
i agree with Scotty!

AAAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHH the link doesn't work :(
maybe it's because i'm on a mac not a pc???


01-28-2002, 02:09 AM
****! Why is it when Western see a Asian face now a days, the automatically say oh she sooo pretty? Some you guys act like you never seen a Asian girl before.

This girl is cute. She is above average, but common. I see girls like her all of the time, and its not because of the fact that I live in Asia. When I was a student at Rutgers, there were a lot Asian girls at her level of cuteness. Some looked a whole lot better.

PS Maybe its just me, but I tink a lot of wire stunt are tired.

01-28-2002, 02:19 AM
Dude i live in Sydney Australia, we have LOTS of asians here of every nationality.
Ive dated them before, i dont simply think any asian chick is good looking, though they do have nice skin:p
Your assumption is based on your own preferences, i actualy really like the 'commen' look you discribe. Maybe my tastes are flawed but there just that 'my tastes'.
Ive also seen pleanty of better looking asian girls lurking around but i thought they were pretty darn hot as well.
Sure she is not supermodel material but that doesnt mean i cant enjoy looking at her.
I would take Zhang Zi Yi anyday over an overly made up, silicon based, blonde bombshell.
I guess i just have 'plain' tastes:)

P.S was there wires? I was to busy looking at her perfect body and coy smile:p

01-28-2002, 02:22 AM

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 02:41 AM

I live in San Francisco, which is 60% asian. And I lived in japan, which was 100% asian. I kind of agree with Richie, but I think that applies to areas where they see an asian girl once every year or so.

I also agree with Jon though. Too many people jump up and down because someone says "Dude, Zhang Zhiyi is hot". You can't make the assumption that someone's saying it only because she's asian and in the movies. You wind up selling way too many people short. Or simply trying to set yourself up as a bit superior. I'm not sure which and I don't care.

I know people who think Callista Flockhart is hot too, but I don't go hyperactive because I think he looks like a stick with a blond wig. People are into what they are into.

One thing I learned living in Japan is that Japanese and Asians have completely different standards for beauty than we do here. Lucy Liu is butt ugly by Japanese standards, or so I'm told, but plenty of people here think she's hot. ((I'm not into the cross eyed freckle thing myself))

I just posted the link because I knew it would be apreciated by some people here.

Link works fine for me, btw

01-28-2002, 03:03 AM
Zhang Ziyi, is cute... but I wouldn't say hot although she can have her moments (she had some pix in a recent Maxim or FHM that has some sizzle). She's kind of got that nice pleasantly studious girl style that you find out has a touch of nasty/naughty in her and that always works for me.

Loved the commercial... downloaded it immediately.:D

01-28-2002, 03:03 AM
No Jon I didnt mean you. I meant in general. For guys, it's seems Asian girls are in style now.

01-28-2002, 05:38 AM
asian chicas ruulez! :cool:
hehe.. I've seen alot of asian girls that look better than zhang ZiYi in Stockholm, but it's still nice to see her in cool movies you know?

Lucy Liu is ugly too a japanese?? That's strange as hell :D :confused: :D

01-28-2002, 06:35 AM
"For guys, it's seems Asian girls are in style now."

LOL! Wow, what a revelation.

You mean like white girls and black guys?

Human nature. Like food man, people want to taste something a little different, maybe a little bit exotic (to them).

And others can just appreciate someone's good looks, regardless of race.

straight blast
01-28-2002, 07:03 AM

Zhang Ziyi, Lucy Liu, Me & a desert island.
:D :D :D

Mind you, I'm so butt ugly they'd probably go each other first :(

I didn't much like the look of ZZ in Crouching Tiger, but in Rush Hour 2 I completely revised my opinion of her. **** is she sweet. There's just something about a psychopathic chick all in black who knows (movie) martial Arts (hey, it's a start!) and on top of it all looks stunning in a black tight outfit.

And I've always had a thing for LL. She was about the only reason I watched Ally McBeal for so long. And she was great in "Shanghai Noon"

I know my wife understands 'cos she's got the same ideas about her, a desert island & Brendan Fraser.