View Full Version : Anybody have reverse? fist's in thier system

01-28-2002, 01:54 PM
It's the exact oppositte of a vertical, in the video im watching, he does a lead vert fist to face in sidehorse stance...keeps his stance and fires a rear reverse fist to the ribs, then finishes with a right/hooking inverted backfist to temple...i know the last and first fist, but the second feels awkward, any1 have this in thier system?.

01-28-2002, 01:59 PM
99% of all martial arts has this fist/punch. It is called many things like twist , reverse, western, and middle, but it is pretty much a standard basic punch, unless of coarse I am reading your post wrong or I have not fully understood your question, but for the most part I think that is what you mean.

01-28-2002, 02:29 PM
twist a notch and its a reverse.
How do you make contact, is it just like a vertical with the index and middle finger knuckles?, could you please break down it's application= How differant is it from a vertical in straightline drive and on impact!?.
Does/can it loop in like a shorthook or fires straight in like a sunfist.

01-28-2002, 02:53 PM
Are you talking about a punch with you're pinky knuckle up and your thumb down? Your palm would have to be pointing away from you too.

I’ve seen some people throw hooks like that to catch the first and middle knuckles in someone’s temple. I think I saw it in a hung gar book actually but I’m not sure. It feels better that turning your wrist in like in western style hooks, probably safer to. You can get more of a whip like motion that way too. You can use a tighter angle that with western hooks. The mechanics of the punch are a lot like a hook kick, shot out straight, a little off center of your target, then when close enough hooks into your target, fold and return.

But I really have no idea what you or I are talking about.

01-28-2002, 03:02 PM
Diego are you watching a Hop Gar video? Sure its not the churn why kern form - I explained this to ya, and I'll do it again if necessary. Unless you are refering to something else completely (like part of the Dan Ji form)

Peace y'all

01-28-2002, 03:24 PM
sanhe" what your talking about is the third punch i described, wich he does right after a reverse, what your talking about is a inverted backfist.....TRADEMARK OF CHOY LI FUT....SOW/CHWAY??? CHOI I ALWAYS FORGET THE FRIGGEN NAME, As it bieng a inverted backfist its exactly like the kick you describe and the purpose of the fist i was told is to TRY TO KNOCK YOUR OPPONENT'S HEAD OFF.

HOP: ITS from kajukenbo the three punches in horse i described, its a finishing technique, however the technique started hopgar, and you stomped his knee"cant remember the initial attack-as the video has 28 techs---not near a vcr" step back with your right spin around so your in a left horse-hes on his knee with his right side facing you.....u spring in and left vert to face-right reverse to front of right ribs, then left invert backfist knock his ****ing head off, step back and cover. The book i sent this fist is not in thier at all.


01-28-2002, 03:28 PM
But im sure we havent talked about this, i think its not a longrange fist, more inclose, at least it sure seems awkward doing from a longstance..

01-28-2002, 06:15 PM
If I understand your description correctly this movement is in one of the tekki katas. But I can't really tell because your description isn't all that clear. Sorry.

01-28-2002, 07:45 PM
I'm not quite sure what you mean by reverse fist but heres my $0.02:

A sow chui is not a backfist. I'd say if anything its the opposite.
In terms of "upside-down fists" (thumb down, pinky up) it's quite common to use charp chuis this way - cant remember the name of this particular fist (yeurng charp?????).

hope thats helpful :)

01-28-2002, 09:00 PM
do a vertical fist "straight motion"with your right, turn counterclock and do a straight horizontal fist, turn counterclockwise agian and you have a reverse fist, punch striaght, is what i think i have seen also in karate?, im wondering how that connects on impact, also if it can be done with a hooking action.

anton- i have to look up the name, but in my style its described as a inverted backfist, as your pinikiy points to sky"on impact!!" and that you are making contact with the backside of your knuckles....You may also use the back of your wrist or forearm"topside",however that was the third fist i mentioned, im pretty good with the fist i just described on my plastic dummy.
It's the reverse that is ****ing me up.i'll check the name for the third its it starts with a S