View Full Version : Deadly Technique

Water Dragon
01-28-2002, 03:38 PM
So, I'm at a point where they are building the Shuai Chiao throws into my body. Basically, mindless reps and falls until I get it.

I'm driving home from class and get this idea in my head. What if I get in a fight and use the throw I'm working on? I mean, we'll be on concrete, the other guy probably wont be able to fall. Hell, that throw might literally kill the guy. Then there's the flip, what if I don't pull my best tech and the guy IS a trained fighter and hurts me real bad?

Now, this is in no way an excuse for the "I'm too deadly" crowd, I still insist hard, contact training and pain are necesary. But what if...

What would you do?

MonkeySlap Too
01-28-2002, 03:43 PM
That's life.

There are no guarentees in anything.

Train hard so you heal faster after you get beat up.

If your life is really threatened, go for it.

If your opponent is better trained, maybe luck will be on your side.

It's best just to train.

01-28-2002, 03:47 PM
The potential to use deadly force is a logical consequence of the fact that you are studying a martial art. Don't know if that answers the question.

01-28-2002, 04:29 PM
As you cultivate martial skill, also cultivate whatever personal philosophy you need to stay out of real martial confrontations whenever possible.

MonkeySlap Too
01-28-2002, 04:40 PM
I think I must be tired beyond lucidity. I sound like a fortune cookie up there!

01-28-2002, 05:43 PM
yeah, but you've never been complimentary. ;)

01-28-2002, 06:53 PM
A review of Federal Law has revealed that you must now register your kua as a deadly weapon.

-your lawyer

Water Dragon
01-28-2002, 06:54 PM

01-28-2002, 11:32 PM
legaly, you just say i thought he was falling down so i grabbed him then he slipped...:) heehee)

01-29-2002, 01:05 AM
If someones coming at you with the intention in their mind to either kill or be killed what other choice do you have but to defend yourself? If you don't defend yourself you will end up getting hurt. Regardless it usually leaves you feeling upset afterwards, due to the fact that we are connected to people, even those who oppress us.

Enjoy your training and try not to think about fighting too much, as thinking doesn't make a great fighter, that of course being if that's your goal.

Now enjoy life while you've got it!

- Nexus

01-29-2002, 03:37 AM
I hip-throwed a guy that punched me once.. It was on a hard concrete floor. he didn't get up for a while. :D I was lucky that the ***** din't die or something. But I couldnt care less at the moment.

01-29-2002, 07:25 AM
Best thing to do is keep practicing, everything will fall in place.;)

01-29-2002, 07:35 AM
I'll say this, whether it makes me a bad guy or not, if I, for whatever reason cannot gain control of the situation, and my life is threatened or I feel it is threatened, I will do whatever it is I have to do. I would even go so far as to advocate running like hel after you drop the guy. Seriously, who gives a flyin rip if the guy bit it when he hit the ground, shouldnt have been trying to do something to harm me or the ones I love. Too bad fo rhim he messed with the wrong guy.
This isnt to say I wouldn't try to gain control of the situation first, just that if all options have been used to no avail and the last thing I have is to go all out, then so be it. I dont train martial arts so that when the time comes I can stand there like an idiot while some thug gets away with murder. Sorry, it may not be politically correct to say it but if it is him or me, it will always be me.

01-29-2002, 09:52 AM
In most shuai chiao throws there is a joint lock involved either to set up the throw or execute it. I have found that in most cases that even if you cant actually throw the person you can still do severe damage by ripping pulling and tearing joints an ligaments even if you cant physically throw the person. Also remember that every throw is designed to work in different situations. I have tried to throw people that weigh more than me or that where taller and had way to hard of a time and would not suggest trying it on the street. I would stick to 2 or 3 throws that work well for you.. my favorite throw is (bungtiao) or (so bei) I can always execute them with ease and can cause some breaking if I feel like being nasty without having to actually throw...

01-29-2002, 09:54 AM
Well, I thought about this myself many times. The only conclusion I can come up with is to do as much damage in the most minimal effective level as possible ( or is that the other way around ? )

Here are a few suggestions

(1) You (should) have an element of surprise if that is a complete stranger you are up against. He does not know your skills.

(2) if you are confident with your speed, RUN LIKE HELL

(3) Look for something which might be able to scare him off. If he is holding a pocket knife. find a lead pipe or something sticking out of the nearest trash can

(4) Here is the part I don't like thinking about. When you are forced to employ your element of surprise. Do it fast. Hopfully in one or two moves tops. Dislocate an arm, wrist, shoulder, knee, break a kneecap. I have always wondered if going for the cherries and banana would be wise. Afterall, they can lethal. He will be able to find a doctor to get it fixed up. You won't be doing anything permanent ( hopefully ) yet he will be effectively disabled.

01-29-2002, 01:00 PM
I thought the same about Judo. Most can't breakfall, they just break.

Spinal injuries = BIG lawsuit. But if its self-defence, you'll be OK.

After all, better to be tried by 6 than carried by 12..........

If some Mofo wants to take me, I ain't going to be nice to him, am I?!

01-29-2002, 01:05 PM
"(3) Look for something which might be able to scare him off. If he is holding a pocket knife. find a lead pipe or something sticking out of the nearest trash can "

can i just say... wtf?!

Water Dragon
01-29-2002, 01:14 PM
Yeah, if he's holding a pocket knife, I'll probably be holding a gun.

01-29-2002, 01:34 PM
hey delicate sound:

Juries are 12, funeral bearers usually number 6, so the saying is "Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6." Unless you're really really big, that is.