View Full Version : Gene, I want my meteor hammer!

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 07:39 PM
Criminy Gene

I can't find a copy of the mag to save my life. Does border's carry it? The international news stand on Geary has the issue with Jet Li on the cover for crying out loud. What stores carry it in SF?

What's a guy to do?

Don't say buy a subscription, I'm unemployed, and having my wife kill me won't increase your readership. :(

01-28-2002, 08:16 PM
Those contests are stupid. I'd rather just buy the cheap prizes than have to deal with the inevitable hordes of junk email.

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 09:42 PM
set up a temporary blind mail account?

Besides, I'm actually interested in finding out where I can buy the magazine. I do read it every now and again...

01-28-2002, 10:55 PM
check borders and barnes and noble. They carry the mag.

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 11:20 PM
Thanks. Must just be my local borders that never seems to have it.

01-28-2002, 11:24 PM
WTF is a "meteor hammer"?

I know I'm not the only one wonderin'....

Daniel Madar
01-28-2002, 11:25 PM
It's the latest NASA weapons tech. Better than the space shuttle. Way better.

01-28-2002, 11:27 PM
makes you go boom,thier like 30-40 pounds, UNO BOOM
lop the head,use two in a bar, LIKE A PARADE:D

01-28-2002, 11:37 PM
So if I subscribe, I get a watermelon on a stick? you sure know how to tempt a guy...

I saw a picture in a mag of two African guys in national costume, one fighting with a knife and something that looked like a meteor hammer, and the other guy had something that looked like a big spatula. Not knocking their MA, but they sort of looked like Moe and Curly dressed up as cooks about to have a custard pie fight.

01-28-2002, 11:39 PM
Seriously, I don't have use for such a weapon in the forms I know, but it sounds like a good tool for working the wrists, grip, and forearms.

01-28-2002, 11:49 PM
woopwoop, For Real.

01-29-2002, 03:47 AM
Meteor Hammer (http://store6.yimg.com/I/martialartsmart_1668_16961978)

Melons on a stick (http://store6.yimg.com/I/martialartsmart_1668_17169758)

01-29-2002, 03:51 AM
melons on a stick, apricots on a rope - same dog different leg action!

01-29-2002, 07:11 AM
Man, you can get better hammers at Home Depot for half that price that make even better weapons & are legal.
