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01-29-2002, 09:56 AM
this is a post that was on MMA.com, comment!

"I know this is going to be a controversial thread, but let's try to keep it above the belt and not let it degenerate.

Who is more closeminded? Some traditionalists or some MMA'ists? Let's look at some examples.

Some traditionalists

1. Think biting and eyegouging are the solution to all grappling potentialites. In other words, if they ever face some college wrestler, they think they are going to be able to eyegouge them during a shoot. If they are on the ground, they think they will be able to bite their way out of a hold. This is in light of guys like Yuki Nakai fighting through a eyegouge that eventually blinded him.

2. Think that they will end up destroying four opponents that are trying to jump the traditionalist simulatanously with their flying kicks.

3. Think that an X block is the ultimate solution for all weapon defense problems. The X block will even beat a gun from 30 feet away, while the traditionalist runs straight into the crossfire. They will not be shot, stabbed, cut, or bludegoned while this happens.

4. Think that something in a sport martial art is automatically ineffective on the street. And they will never end up on the ground, never ever ever.

5. Think that lineage automatically makes them worthwhile- that is, if someone learned directly from the Chen family or whatever, that automatically makes them a better martial artist. Also think that the older the art, the better.

6. That learning their art makes them invincible and gives them a license to go out on the street and put themselves in stupid situations that have a high probablity of them getting into a fight that isn't required.

7. That only some traditional arts are worthwhile. The older the arts claims to be ( usually based on nebulous evidence ) and the more esoteric it is, the better it should be.

Some MMA'ists

1. Think biting and eyegouging is completely worthless, it will never happen to them, blah blah blah. In short, no one can eyegouge a MMA fighter on the street- it is impossible. If they are eyegouged, the effect will be minimal.

2. That there is no defense against multiple opponents. That is, there is no way to survive and evade multiple opponents when running the other direction is not an option.

3. That there are no solutions to the problem of weapons versus empty hands. You cannot disarm a club, stick, knife, or gun, despite abundant evidence in the real world that UNTRAINED people disarm guns, knives, etc. every day. They are often shot, stabbed, or have skull fractures, but they survive.

4. That MMA is not a sport, and that it contains within it all the solutions to beat anyone on the street. Nobody gets sucker punched, nobody gets ganged up on, nobody is on crank/meth and has freakish strength, nobody brings a knife or gun to a fist fight in MMA world. And going to the ground isn't such a bad thing on the street.

5. That learning BJJ from the Gracies, or Thai Boxing from a Lumpinee champ, or wrestling from Dan Gable, or whatever will make you invincible. In point of fact winning in MMA has has a lot more to do with your dedication and will, your inventiveness, and your fight intelligence. Shonie Carter ( who has trained with quite a few good people who don't have big names ) beat Matt Serra ( who had the big names in his corner ) because he was hungrier than Serra, had a deeper all around game, and had a tremendous strategy.

6. That MMA makes you invincible on the street, and gives you a license to do stupid ****, AND post a description of that stupid **** you did to the UG.

7. That only certain MMA arts are worthwhile. BJJ is always the best for groundfighting, all other arts are worthless for this purpose ( especially Shooto, Catch, Sambo/Sombo, and Kosen Judo, ) all other groundfighting arts are a rip-off of BJJ, and BJJ has never been influenced by other arts. Thai Boxing is completely the best for striking, all other arts are worthless for this purpose (especially boxing, San Shou/San Da, and Shootboxing), all other arts except boxing are a ripoff of Thai Boxing, and Thai Boxing has never been influenced by other arts ( especially kung fu and Western boxing- in fact, there were Western boxing matches held in Thailand before Thai Boxing matches were held in Thailand. )

norther practitioner
01-29-2002, 10:07 AM
Wow, well, I can say I am into traditional CMA, I however really don't think any of those things per say, I have heard them from uneducated individuals, but thats about it. Lineage can say something, however if you suck, but you have a good master, you still suck. 6 in traditional is just a dumb statement, some people martial artists or not, are dumb, and get into fights. I have heard them all, and all of them have been debunked on this forum, and others I hope as well. If ignorance is bliss, I would rather be in a constant staight of suffering.

01-29-2002, 10:13 AM
The key word is "SOME", not "ALL".

I am in complete agreement with everything stated thus far.

01-29-2002, 11:08 AM
And your point would be? (he says in dull confusion)

01-29-2002, 11:17 AM
That no approach has the copywrite on stupidity.

01-29-2002, 11:19 AM
I think the point is if you use either catagory to describe a person you are emplying these beliefs. MMA claim to be open minded yet they still have certain trappings if a person is placed into this small box. Same for traditional catagory if you place yourself in this box you are bound by certain restrictions. What I take away from that post is that to be completely free you have to ignore labels, cause once you have a label you fell into a trap.

My motto is every tool is useful if you know how to use it

01-29-2002, 11:25 AM
I guess that leaves only the JKD family of arts off of the hypocrits category!;)

01-29-2002, 11:51 AM
so you are saying that the points made against traditionalists are misconceptions? fu ck that. i refuse to let reality delude my delusions.

old jong
01-29-2002, 12:15 PM
Nobody's perfect! We can all show too much attachment to a system and having too much attachment to detachment is not good either!;)

We have to realise that any types of training or competing has it's own limitations. There are none in a ferocious street confrontation when you are fighting for your life.

How many tough "UFC" fighters would show up if there was no referee and if tapping out was not permitted?...If the octogon was a dark back alley filled with broken glass and potential weapons everywhere?...If they had to win or be crippled or even get killed?...

Would anybody feel confident and at ease in a situation like that?...I think nobody honest will say he would look forward to such an occasion.

Reality is not sport or way or art! Somebody could very well bite your troat off or knock you out with a "lucky" punch and feed you to his rootweiller!...

Nobody's perfect.

01-29-2002, 12:25 PM
dåmn you, rogue!