View Full Version : has your trainning put you on to the road to enlightment?

fiercest tiger
12-19-2000, 04:11 AM
i would like to know if anyone here has change there beliefs on god or there religon since starting kung fu.
back in 1992 i was ordained as a daoist monk and i try and follow the daoist way of life.

is you or was your sifu a religous person?

does your sifu teach any or talk about religon?

my teacher rubbed of on me, he was high in the daoist temple and taught me alot, i got interested in daoist pholosphy and principles and then got ordained 1 year after that. i was born church of england but never went to church, it never made sense to me.

are you guys similar? ;)



12-19-2000, 05:18 AM
you are so full of ****...yeah and i'm tha dali lama...no wait i'm da mo!...pleeeeaaaassssee...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!................................... .........what a wanna be loser!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!...what tha **** ever...firecest tiger...more like frightened kitten...a daoist monk....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEEEEAAAASSSEE!!!! what a moron...

12-19-2000, 06:35 AM
Not exactly. I was a certain way when I started. I have experienced changes because of Life, not of or by kung fu.

My kung fu has changed because of my life experiences. As I meld these together, All become..enhanced.

fiercest tiger
12-19-2000, 06:50 AM
moderators please see to getting this pr!ck removed. he is here only to cause trouble and you will find that no one will want to come on here.



12-19-2000, 07:00 AM
you wouldn't know daoism if it bit you in the ass...you are so full of ****...daoist priest pleeeaassee...all hail the new master...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHA!!!!...anyone buyin this load of **** cause if that's the case i'm the dali lama and i demand you send me all you're money!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! what a moron.....

12-19-2000, 07:03 AM
don't worry you seriously will never hear from me again...i don't want your insanity and diluted sense of grandure to rub off...a daoist priest...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ****ING FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! go meditate until ya pass out...moron...

fiercest tiger
12-19-2000, 01:11 PM
bakmae your nothing please come and pay a visit i will definitly teach you a less in respect and manners, because it sounds that your kung fu is sh!t.
go and toss your tiny **** else where you little boy! your barking at the wrong tree if you think im that easy, you will definitly know that you have been in a fight! f@cking chump...



12-19-2000, 03:25 PM
Bakmae, you are a fool and you seriously need help.If you have the balls you can email me and if you're local I'll give you the help you need, if not f**k off dirt bag.
torabisu46@hotmail.com≈ :mad:

Kung Lek
12-19-2000, 05:52 PM

my spirituality and belief system has not been affected by Kung Fu training. It has been enhanced as mr.spam says due to a growing awareness of connection between physicality and spirit, but my core beliefs are pretty much the same as they were at the onset of training.

My Si Fu is morally upright but he does not push his world view on his students, he gives them Kung Fu training and of course expects that each of us will be responsible with what he gives us.

If someone with not so good character/attitude enters the school, my Si fu will even give them the opportunity to learn. Generally though, they will leave and those folks have the most difficulty adhering to simple rules of etiquette in the school.


Kung Lek

Lucky Red
12-19-2000, 06:05 PM
I didnt care much About Philosophy Before i Found
some Pages of Tao of jeet Kune do on Internet
that was what Started Me i have not changed My religion But i have Discovered New Things about My own By reading texts from other Religions That maybe Opened My mind
More to see Things in a Different Perspectiv

The more I read The more similar Things seem

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-19-2000, 07:03 PM
big bad taoist priest master don't hurt me! HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! cum guzzling gutter ****!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Lucky Red
12-19-2000, 08:47 PM
go away Bakmae_ i thought u Where going to
take your crap somewhere Else

i was Right Wasnt I About that you just couldnt
Stay away from this Forum i dont think you have said a single Intelligent sentence since you came to this Forum

i dont Think Your so tough people who brag That
Much usually are just A Bag of Air Complete *****`s i have Scared My Share Of people Like you

and come on Make My day And Reply To this Message

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

Lucky Red
12-19-2000, 08:49 PM
wow Auto sensur thats Neat Now i know Why
People Write You are pu$ Bakmae instead of with
two ss

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-19-2000, 08:54 PM
Red is an illiterate dumb**** who needs to quit stealing foodstamps from his mom...man what the **** ever retard...anytime anywhere i would ****ing kill you...moron

Lucky Red
12-19-2000, 09:10 PM
so you Would ****ing Kill me do you really think you are that Tough you really got to do something with that Attitude maybe if you actually tried to be nice to people you might get some Friends

Food stamps yeah! There Hasnt Been a single Food stamp in Norway Since WW2 Maybe In usa Where the poverty is so Huge you need Food stamps But We do not need them in case You Didnt Know


okay i will Make you a Deal if you stop Your Bad attitude i will Stop Mine Towards you

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-19-2000, 09:35 PM
Bakmae, thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Lucky Red, Norway may be rich, but apparently it is not educated. Buy a spell checker. Or move here... that way you can live on welfare AND go to college.

"I was Ghengis Khan... no, not my screen name... I WAS Ghengis Khan."

Lucky Red
12-19-2000, 10:26 PM
i do not Think i have ever
Claimed to be Good in English or spelling or grammer

if people somehow understand What i am
trying to say that is enough

not well Eduacated i do hope that you do not
judge all of Norway Beacause of me because i do not feel that i Should in any way be an example
of the Eduacation level in Norway

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-19-2000, 11:48 PM
So Bakmae , I don't see any email from you. Don't have the balls to expose yourself do you , except to old women perhaps. You want to kill some-one, kill yourself , do us all a favor. Sooner or later who you are will be known and if you are not local to me some-one will be paying you a visit so just keep it up ********.ˇ

12-20-2000, 03:30 AM
listen ****face...i live in kansas city missouri and would love the opportunity to give you an extended hospital visit...sounds like you think you're the badass...anytime ****head...i would drop you and your worthless wing chun before you even knew what was comin...you think you're any different than anyone else who's tried and been dropped?....hahahahahahahahahahaha!! what a ****ing joke!!! i DARE ANYONE to pay me a ****ing visit...ANYONE who thinks they've got the balls to step up will be welcomed and destroyed instananeously...i hope you're the first one who shows...i hope you're the first one who comes lookin cause ****face you're gonna get the biggest lesson of your life...talk the ****ing talk...flowery arms and embroidery legs like all the rest who thought they stood a chance...ANYONE? ANYONE want to back this ****face up? biu if you come calling there better **** well be more than one of you and ya better **** well make sure to say goodbye to your friends...i don't post my email cause geek hackers like you would try and virus...i'm FAR from ****ing stupid...however if you want to put your life on the line i live in kansas city missouri...you can reply here and we will set it up...****nuts coward ass

12-20-2000, 07:14 AM
bakmae_- You really aren't THAT far from "f*cking stupid" and know precious little Bak Mei if you think Wing Chun is the only biu ji on the block.

You are getting tiresome to everyone right down the line so I figure you have a short count before it's time to say so-long...

I don't understand what it was you had to offer?

12-20-2000, 07:20 AM
how much money do you want to bet me that biu je studies wing chun? DUH there is a biu je in almost EVERY kungfu set somewhere...but it's obvious using that at his name that wing chun is his game and that is sad...as for you take up the challenge or shut the **** up...what a lame ass wuss with an even weaker opinion...step up or shut the **** up...

12-20-2000, 07:46 AM
It IS kind of sick how everyone wants to come by and poke a stick at the mutant, but I had to see for myself...

Seems to me that it's you with the delusions of grandeur, claiming to be "far from f*cking stupid" and all that Tall Talk.

Seriously, have you ever done any chi gung? I mean serious practice? I bet if you DID, you would really get a chance to come to grips with your anger and obvious deep denial. I'm not sure what you issues are, but I think some moving meditation would help alot.

I think it's great how wild and free your imagination runs(although the straightup psychotic sh*t makes me a trifle uncomfy). But you can't really want to bet any amount of money that BIU JI is because he's a Wing Chun student. I mean it's cool that you wanna quack louder than the other ducks and all that, but you can't be serious about wanting to bet that BIU JI is Wing Chun RIGHT???

[This message was edited by MoQ on 12-20-00 at 11:55 PM.]

12-20-2000, 03:06 PM
you are something else ballbreath, anyone else from Kansas? Do you breed them all like this , this guys a trip but he loves all this I'm sure he is used to it , I think he's actually been locked in a basement all his life, Bakmae, alias THE GIMP. :D

12-20-2000, 05:44 PM
Fierce Tiger,
While I recognize that Hung Gar has roots in Buddhism, my students are all young kids from different backgrounds, Buddhist, Moslem, Christian, Jewish, so I leave the religious aspects out of the teaching--touching on them only as they relate to historical context. As for me it was an interest in Chinese philosophy that eventually led me to study Martial Arts, not the other way around.

wisdom mind
12-20-2000, 08:42 PM
truth manifestaion meditation for today:

one member here needs some fire education ....

fiercest tiger
12-20-2000, 11:24 PM
have you had any students ask about buddhism at all, most of my students like to know about eastern pholosphies or religon. i know some monks that are going to come to the class for some dharma talk and we are going to go on retreats in the bush monastory.

have a safe xmas :)



Shaolin Master
12-21-2000, 02:10 AM
All those agitated by Bak Mae were off the road of enlightenment [FullStop].
All those proclaiming to be on the road do not realise that there is no road other than that beneath you, that you surely do not understand.
All those that allowed a religion to prefess out of admiration of anothers peace and attempting to seek peace by the same means thinking they can follow the same road will end in calamity as they did not find peace really as much as hide under a false reality.

Religion should not be the emphasis, Morality, ideals principles etc.. should be them.

Monk or Laymen... at times the monk himself can be deluded by a false sense of direction...etc...

Ah ...

Shi Chan Long

fiercest tiger
12-21-2000, 02:44 AM
hey, what are you talking about your buddhist! you dont have morals.


talk to you after the new year, it should be finished for you by then.



01-02-2001, 02:53 AM
You'd think people who practice things that require presence of thought, could manage better..

.. but on the other hand, maybe he doesn't..

I hope he does not.

But higher purposes are not as generous to all of us, I guess.. some are left with pitifully few tools.

I just wonder where the guy is, who's supposed to get rid of people like that?


01-04-2001, 06:35 AM
Training IS enlightenment.

Enlightenment IS training.

Student: What is enlightenment, master?
Master: Did you eat?
Student: Yes.
Master: Then go wash your bowl.