View Full Version : Interested in learning more about Crane-Fist

06-01-2001, 04:26 AM
Although I am a simple, unskilled man of little learning, knowledge and talent, I am dedicated to passing learning as much as I can (given limited resources, money and often time) about Fujian Crane-Fist in all it's forms and it's connection and influence upon Okinawan Karate.

In doing so, I make no claim to be teaching the "original" Crane-Fist(God forbid!). We do, however aim to impart the essence of same.

I have noticed a sometimes negative view emerging regarding the whole Crane-Fist phenomenon and it's connection (or lack of) to Okinawan Karate.

In surfing the net via the "Google" seach engine and typing in "Crane-Fist", I was amazed at the number of sites one the world wide web on this subject (and quite a few which had to do with other pursuits!). My friends in the USA inform me that the subject has been a "hot one" in recent times and generally looked upon in a bad light.

My main pursuit is Tsuruken (Crane-Fist). No secret in this. Crane-Fist research is our aim. For the record i wish to state I am not an 'authority' on anything! I'm no "expert" ("X" being an unknown factor & and a "spurt" being a drip under pressure!). Our aim is to look seriously at the Crane-Fist phenomenon and to research same in an open, honest manner, trying to put it into some form of a serious perspective. Much in the same manner in which Mr. Patrick McCarthy looks at his research of Ryukyu Karate although we are not of his standard of knowledge or research (thank you for your advice McCarthy Kyoshi!).

We are not trying to create some "new crane style" ..... far from it. What we are aiming to do is to bring as much knowledge of the various Crane Arts (Chinese, Taiwanese, Okinawan) together looking at each for its own merits and essence.

I view this whole "Hakutsuru" thing with some humour. It seems to have gotten out of hand. You can now go to certian groups (mainly in North Carolina) and buy "Hakutsuru Mouse mats" for god's sake! If trying to bring some balance to this subject is wrong, then call me wrong!

I wish to research Crane-fist in all of it's forms.... not as anything "mystical", magical but as a codified system of study based upon on-going research. No fancy claims, no bulldust.

Can anyone please offer their views, knowledge, and or open sharing of resources on same? If so, please let me hear from you!


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-01-2001, 05:11 AM
Hi Ron,

Sorry I haven't been in touch recently but life has been a little hectic :)

How are things up your way?

P.S. I still don't know if I can make it up your way with my sifu for a seminar anytime in the near future.

What we do in life echoes in Eternity

06-01-2001, 05:18 AM
Please get in touch with me via my new e-mail at: tsuruken@austarnet.com.au. Would love to catch up on all the news!

I hope that I can encourage you and your Sifu to visit us! It would be great!


Ron Goninan - Chairman
Okinawa Butoryu Gohokan

06-02-2001, 02:48 PM
Zong He Quan -
Zhang Wei Zhen in Fujian and Wang Mu Shui in Taiwan.

[This message was edited by WenJin on 06-03-01 at 06:00 AM.]